Discussioni Wikipedia:Ambasciata/Archivio 1/Please help me

Hello, My name's Hendry Allen, and i am user at indonesian wikipedia <id.wiki.x.io>. I live in Padang city, a small city in west sumatra province, Indonesia and in my city there is no one who can speak Italian language or translator into Italian language.

In a few months later (maybe on Desember, 2006) i will come to study Italian language in University of Siena, Italy.I am in progress into scholarships from Italian embassy in Jakarta to learn and study Italian language in Italy.

Right now my Italian language ability is so bad...i cant speak Italian even one word!.My Italian language scholarship need me to translate my biodata and other information form (my aplications) into Italian language before i send it to the embassy of Italy in Jakarta, the deadline is on 5 April 2006.

So i hope there is somebody there on italy wikipedia to help me to translate my english aplication form into Italian language.I already try machine translations but when i checked the translation is not good (wrong in italian grammar, etc).Here in Padang city, I cannot find any help to solve my problem and im stuck.

So please somebody there, anyone who can speak Italian...please help me! If there is somebody there want to help me to translate the aplication, i would like to say thank you very much!!!...i cant give you anything right now except "thank you!"... but when i am already arriving to Italy i hope we can meet, because you help me soo much for my life! once again thank you very much to anyone who help me!.

Heres my sentences need to translate into Italian language:

English sentences need to translate to Italian (FROM NUMBER 1 UNTIL 12)

  1. Right now i am writing a tourism book of Minangkabau culture (in progress)
  2. Indonesian-Government Duty, As Indonesian Youth Culture Tourism Ambasador.
  3. Indonesian-Government Duty, To study Culture Indonesian-Malay Culture
  4. News paper Freelancer Journalist to many local newspaper,(Padang Ekspres Newspaper), and Work as Indonesian Youth Cultural Ambasador for 2 years, The Government Tourism Culture Department.
  5. The owner and building an active Blog/website about West Sumatra Culture and tourism, writing a book about Minangkabau culture.
  6. Standar Italian Language Course at University of Roma Tre, Italy December 2006
  7. Standar Italian Language Course at University of Siena, Italy, December, 2006
  8. Standar Italian Language Course at University of Perugia, Italy December 2006
  9. Writer, Cultural Journalist,
  10. Teaching Italian Language (basic level),
  11. Because I am a former of Indonesian Youth Cultural and Tourism Ambasador, after this course I want to building a friendship between Minangkabau West Sumatra Province, Indonesia's people and government to Italian cultural Institute or Italian people or government and becoming pacemaker or pioneer to build Italian Cultural Ofice in West Sumatra, Indonesia.
  12. Internet Surfing

Thank you very much for your help to translate my english into Italian! 11:42, 2 apr 2006 (CEST)Rispondi

I really don't get how your CV may relate to an enciclopedia. Wikipedia is NOT a place where to call for translators (for that you can check [www.proz.com] and other similar sites).
Anyhow here are the translation you required:

  1. Attualmente sto scrivendo un libro turistico sulla cultura Minangkabau.
  2. Lavoro per il governo indonesiano come amabsciatore della cultura turistica giovanile.
  3. Lavoro per il governo indonesiano: studio sulla cultura indonesiana-malayana.
  4. Giornalista frelanceer per molti giornali locali (Padang Ekspres Newspaper) e due anni di lavoro come amabsciatore della cultura turistica giovanile al dipartimento governativo per la cultura turistica.
  5. Proprietario di un blog sulla cultura ed il turismo della Sumatra occidentale. Sto scrivendo un libro sulla cultura Minangkabau.
  6. Corso di base di italiano all'università di Roma, Italia, dicembre 2006.
  7. Corso di base di italiano all'università di Siena, Italia, dicembre 2006.
  8. Corso di base di italiano all'università di Perugia, Italia, dicembre 2006.
  9. Scrittore e giornalista.
  10. Insegnamento della lingua italiana (livello elementare).
  11. Essendo un ex amabsciatore della cultura turistica giovanile indonesiana, dopo questo corso intendo costruire un legame fra la provincia Minangkabau della Sumatra occidentale, la popolazione indonesiana ed il governo con l'istituto per la cultura italiana o il popolo italiano o il governo e divenire un portatore di pace o un pioniere per la fondazione di un istituto per la cultura italiana nella Sumatra occidentale.
  12. Navigazione su internet.

(there are a lot of repetition in the sentence you wrote and they seems extrapolated from the context).- J B 14:59, 6 apr 2006 (CEST)Rispondi

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