File:A* Search Example on North American Freight Train Network.gif

A*_Search_Example_on_North_American_Freight_Train_Network.gif (554 × 306 pixel, dimensione del file: 382 KB, tipo MIME: image/gif, ciclico, 71 frame, 1 min 11 s)

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English: An animation of the A* algorithm as it explores the North American freight train network (source: to find the optimum path between Washington, D.C. and Los Angeles. The tracks are drawn as great circles and the great circle distance is used to compute both edge lengths and the heuristic function in A*.
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Autore Srossd
Media of the day This file was selected as the media of the day for 29 March 2016. It was captioned as follows:
English: An animation of the A* algorithm as it explores the North American freight train network to find the optimum path between Washington, D.C. and Los Angeles. The tracks are drawn as great circles and the great circle distance is used to compute both edge lengths and the heuristic function in A*.
Other languages
Čeština: Animace algoritmu A*, který hledá optimální cestu v severoamerické železniční síti mezi městy Washington, D.C. a Los Angeles
English: An animation of the A* algorithm as it explores the North American freight train network to find the optimum path between Washington, D.C. and Los Angeles. The tracks are drawn as great circles and the great circle distance is used to compute both edge lengths and the heuristic function in A*.
Македонски: Анимација на алгоритамот A* за изнаоѓање на опималната патека по товарната железница меѓу Вашингтон и Лос Анџелес.


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attuale09:47, 18 mar 2020Miniatura della versione delle 09:47, 18 mar 2020554 × 306 (382 KB)Bürgerentscheididentical frames removed to fit 100 MP limit, white borders cropped
15:44, 4 ott 2014Miniatura della versione delle 15:44, 4 ott 2014598 × 448 (1,66 MB)Srossd{{subst:Upload marker added by en.wp UW}} {{Information |Description = {{en|An animation of the A* algorithm as it explores the North American freight train network (source: to find the optimum path between Washington, D....

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