DescrizioneBaptism Bizkaia Gatika 20070818 121018.JPG
Baptism ceremony in a small town in the Basque Country. This photograph was taken on 2007-08-18 on the Gatika village of the Biscay (Bizkaia) province of the Basque Country (Europe), using a Canon PowerShot S50 camera. The original size was 2592x1944 pixels, it was reduced to the present size (648x486 pixels) using the IrfanView freeware program. It is the fifth print of a series of 8 prints to show the ceremony on small towns of Biscay at the beginning of the XXI century.
Bataioko elizkizuna Euskal Herriko herri txiki batean.Argazki hau 2007-08-18an hartu zen Bizkaiko Gatika herrian. Bataioaren zeremonia XXI. mendeko lehenengo urteetan Bizkaiko herri txikietan nolakoa den erakusteko jarritako 8 argazkiren serieko 5. da
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{{Information |Description='''Baptism ceremony in a small town in the Basque Country.''' This photograph was taken on 2007-08-18 on the Gatika village of the Biscay (Bizkaia) province of the Basque Country (Europe), using a Canon PowerShot S50 camera. The
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