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Descrizione Lyne Bessette, wearing the number 1 emblematic of being the defending race champion, powers her way up the hill towards Galena Pass during the Stanley to Ketchum stage of the 2002 Women's Challenge.
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Autore © James F. Perry
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The above image is copyright © 2002 by James F. Perry and is hereby made available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike 3.0 license. Please note, however, that the license under which this material is made available concerns only my own rights as Original Author and copyright holder in the above material. The subject(s) of the above photograph may enjoy, and in fact should be presumed to enjoy, certain rights to privacy and publicity associated with their name and image and that these rights are rooted in public law. Users of this material bear the sole responsibility of determining whether or not such privacy/publicity rights are implicated and of conforming to whatever public policy regulations exist regarding same as well as conforming to any and all other matters of public policy related to the use of such images.

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attuale14:25, 15 set 2005Miniatura della versione delle 14:25, 15 set 20051 211 × 1 513 (426 KB)JFPerry~commonswikiLyne Bessette

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