English: These images show a very young lunar crater on the side of the moon that faces away from Earth, as viewed by NASA's Moon Mineralogy Mapper on the Indian Space Research Organization's Chandrayaan-1 spacecraft. On the left is an image showing brightness at shorter infrared wavelengths. On the right, the distribution of water-rich minerals (light blue) is shown around a small crater. Both water- and hydroxyl-rich materials were found to be associated with material ejected from the crater.
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(These images show a very young lunar crater on the side of the moon that faces away from Earth, as viewed by NASA's Moon Mineralogy Mapper on the Indian Space Research Organization's Chandrayaan-1 spacecraft. On the left is an image showing brightness at )
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Struttura dei pixel
Risoluzione orizzontale
72 punti per pollice (dpi)
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72 punti per pollice (dpi)
Adobe Photoshop CS Windows
Data e ora di modifica del file
11:31, 23 set 2009
Spazio dei colori
Larghezza immagine
630 px
Altezza immagine
390 px
Data e ora di digitalizzazione
03:31, 23 set 2009
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