DescrizioneD.Adm.66 Der Kanal Ost Blatt by
Deutsch: Deutsche Admiralitätskarte 66, Blatt Ost
Italiano: Carta nautica D.66, foglio est, edita dall'Oberkommando della Kriegsmarine tedesca nel gennaio del 1943. Collezione privata
This content comes from historical documents as service regulations ("Dienstvorschrift", "H.Dv.", "L.Dv", "M.Dv." etc.) or maps of the German Armed Forces (Wehrmacht) and its offices. Since these documents are considered official works, the content is in the public domain. Nevertheless, there may be restrictions on use due to other legal provisions (prohibited symbols of the Nazi era). Not all sources correctly state the rights to authorship of the Wehrmacht, sometimes it comes to the intellectual property rights fame (Copyfraud), if the authorship of the Wehrmacht and its legal successors is clearly recognizable and not indicated accordingly.
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