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English: Edward Dickinson Baker

Identifier: abrahamlincol1479coff (find matches)
Title: Abraham Lincoln
Year: 1897 (1890s)
Authors: Coffin, Charles Carleton, 1823-1896 Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Sovereign Grand Lodge
Subjects: Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865 Presidents
Publisher: New York : Harper & Brothers
Contributing Library: Lincoln Financial Foundation Collection
Digitizing Sponsor: The Institute of Museum and Library Services through an Indiana State Library LSTA Grant

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athered to hearhim were Democrats. They were rough men ; they chewed tobacco,drank whiskey, and became angry at what Baker was saying. The office of Stuart lV: Lincoln was over the court-room. A tra)>door for ventilation, above the platform of the court-room, opened intotheir office. Lincoln, desiring to hear what Baker was saying, lifted thedoor, stretched himself upcjii the floor, and looked d<nvn upon the sway-ing crowd. Baker was talking aljout the stealings of the Democraticofficials in the land-offices. Wherever there is a land-office there you will And a Democraticnewspaper defending its corruptions, said Baker. Pull him down I Put him out I It is a lie! the cry from a fellowin the crowd, whose brother was editor of a Democratic paper. Therewas a rush for the platform. Great the astonishment of the crowd atseeinc a pair of lout! leijs danHe from the scuttle, and then the bodv,shoulders, and head of x\braham Lincoln, who let himself down to the 100 LIFE OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN.
Text Appearing After Image:
EDWARD DICKINSON BAKER platform. He lifted bis hand, but tbe fellows did not beed bis gesture.Tbey saw bim grasp a stone-ware water-pitcber and beard bim say, Illbreak it over tbe bead of tlie first man wbo lays a band on Baker!Hold on, gentlemen ! Tbis is a free country—a land for free speecb.Mr. Baker bas a rigbt to speak; let bim be beard. I am bere to protectbim, and no man sball take bim from tbis platform if I can preventit.() It was as if be bad said—as was said once before— Peace, be still.Tbe people knew bow cbampion wrestlers bad gone down before bim;but it was not tbat wbicb bushed the crowd to silence a,nd stilled tbestorm. Tbey knew bis goodness—bow kind-hearted, just, honest, and IX PURLTC LIFE. 101 true lie was; that lie stands ever foi what is right. Raker goes on, noone ihirinfj: to distni-I) him so lonir as Abraham Lincoln is thei-e. NOTES TO flIArTER VI. Joslma F. Spood, Loctiirc on Abraliaiii Lincoln, p. \7.■■) Ibid., p. 18. ) Sangamon .T<nirnal. .Tu

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12 settembre 2015


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