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Text Appearing Before Image:of Greenwich- JoiW Bivrt3u>lniB«w IK CovEoit^
Text Appearing After Image:B A CoOJi.; Introd. HEALTH—SPORT XXV well to be always provided with such a basket of potted meats, soupsor bovril, biscuits, jam, tea and sugar, some spirit, and soda-water,which is good and cheap in India, as this renders one immuneagainst the accident of detention, or of failure to obtain an eatablemeal at a railway refreshment room. Added lo the above, an Etnawill be found a great convenience. Health It is of great importance to avoid chills in the East, and under-clothing should always be changed after the body has been overheated.The necessity of using warm clothing until the morning has ceasedto be cold, and after the sun has set, or even slightly before the sunsets, has been insisted on above. Excessive bodily exertion andconsequent fatigue should be avoided by all who are no longer young,and such persons, if unacquainted with the conditions of sub-tropicallife, will do well to consult some medical man experienced in thembefore undertaking a tour in India. S
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24 aprile 2015
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