moral rights of a work are protected forever and the economic rights of a work are protected during the whole author’s life and 70 years after his/her death.
Anonymous or pseudonymous work
protected for 70 years from the first day of the first legal publication of the work.
Photographic and Audiovisual Works of Joint Authorship
protected for 70 years from the day this work is legally offered to the public or in a contrary case, for 70 years from the day of the production of the work, i.e. 70 years after its creation.
Protection of Works of Applied Art
protected for 25 years from the day of its production.
The term provided lasts to the end of a calendar year.
Nota che in alcuni Paesi i termini del copyright durano più di 70 anni: in Messico 100, in Giamaica 95, in Colombia 80, in Guatemala e Samoa 75 anni. Questa immagine potrebbe non essere nel pubblico dominio in questi Paesi, che inoltre non applicano la regola della durata più breve. L'Honduras ha un termine generale di 75 anni, ma questo paese applica la regola della durata più breve.
== Summary ==
|Description={{en|1=Hilë Mosi, Albanian politician and poet}}
|Source=Drejtorët e Policisë Shqiptare nga viti 1913 e në vijim, 2009