File:Italy- a handbook for travellers. First Part (Nothern Italy) (1883) (14580713048).jpg

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Title: Italy: a handbook for travellers. First Part (Nothern Italy)
Year: 1883 (1880s)
Authors: Karl Baedeker (Firm)
Publisher: Leipsic : K. Baedeker London : Dulau and Co.
Contributing Library: Emory University, Manuscript, Archives and Rare Book Library
Digitizing Sponsor: Emory University, Manuscript, Archives and Rare Book Library

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About This Book: Catalog Entry
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procuring timber andsuppressing piracy. The rivalry that sprang up with Genoa during theCrusade led the Venetians to effect a footing in the Levant, and toestablish extensive colonies. At the same time the constitution of thestate developed into a rigorous oligarchy, which with terrible impartial-ity contrived to keep both the nobility and people in check, and effectu-ally to curb the national desire for liberty. In the neighbouring townsthe supreme power rested on a foundation altogether different. The re-publics had been overthrown by the despots, who, supported by merce-nary troops and the favour of the lower classes, had founded principali-ties in the modern sense of the word. Such were the Visconti in Milan,the Scala in Verona, the Carrara in Padua, the Gonzaga in Mantua, andthe Este in Ferrara. The danger of collision with warlike princes, andthe support they afforded to every attempt to overthrow the Venetianconstitution, led to their own downfall. Venice, having made conquests
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Wagner iDebes.T.oipziii. vicenza.- *• VERONA. 34. Route. 201 on the mainland (terra ferma) for the sake of her own safety, soon be-came one of the chief Italian powers, and was thus involved in all theinterminable wars caused by the rivalry of the different states. She ob-tained permanent possession of Treviso in 1339, Vicenza in 1404, Paduaand Verona in 1405, Udine in 1420, Brescia in 1426, Bergamo in 1428,Crema in 1454, and Rovigo in 1484. In the market-places of these townsthe lion of St. Mark was erected as a token of their subjugation, and Ve-netian nobles were appointed their governors. The district thus conquer-ed extended to about 13,200 sq. M., besides the Dalmatian possessions(4250 sq. M.) and the settlements in the Levant. Napoleon at length over-threw the Republic, which had long been in a tottering condition. On15th and 16th May, 1797, Venice was occupied by French troops underBaraguay dHilliers, this being the first occasion on which it had everbeen captured by an enem

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Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.

Autore Karl Baedeker (Firm)
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  • bookyear:1883
  • bookdecade:1880
  • bookcentury:1800
  • bookauthor:Karl_Baedeker__Firm_
  • bookpublisher:Leipsic___K__Baedeker_
  • bookpublisher:_London___Dulau_and_Co_
  • bookcontributor:Emory_University__Manuscript__Archives_and_Rare_Book_Library
  • booksponsor:Emory_University__Manuscript__Archives_and_Rare_Book_Library
  • bookleafnumber:322
  • bookcollection:emory
  • bookcollection:baedeckers
  • bookcollection:americana
Flickr posted date
28 luglio 2014


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