"Utahite" came from only a small find in Utah, and this is a very old specimen from the type locality, featuring minute blue microcrystals on matrix with malachite, barite, and gods know what else - probably a whole schmear of microcrystallized rare copper minerals here! To confuse matters more, the name was discredited and this material was then shown to be jarosite/natrojarosite; and a NEW species named Utahite was then christened afterwards. This old "utahite" was a combination of jarosite or natrojarosite (this is way too old to be the newer species utahite). I don't know what the hell all this copper-rich stuff is, but it is really interesting as a historic specimen and from a great locality, and worth further study to somebody with the resources to pursue analysis.
Attribuzione: Rob Lavinsky, iRocks.com – CC-BY-SA-3.0
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