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Identifier: evolutionoffranc00coub (find matches)
Title: The evolution of France under the third republic
Year: 1897 (1890s)
Authors: Coubertin, Pierre de, 1863-1937 Hapgood, Isabel Florence, 1850-1928. tr
Publisher: New York (etc.) T. Y. Crowell and company
Contributing Library: Robarts - University of Toronto
Digitizing Sponsor: University of Toronto

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is it was tochoose his battle-ground, to fortify his positions, toregulate the attack for the grand battle of the autumn.M. Constans was looked upon as an energetic and skil-ful man; he showed himself equal to his reputation.His first measures immediately conveyed an idea of theconception which he had of his part. He hesitated notto prosecute the League of Patriots,^ nor to discourage 1 The President of the Republic had had M. Tirard summoned afterthe failure of a combination of Meline, Ribot, and Casimir-Perier. Theministry comprised MM. Spuller (Foreign Affairs), Constans, Rouvier,de Freycinet, Fallieres, Thevenet, Yves Guyot, and Admiral Krantz, whodied shortly after, and was replaced by Admiral Jaures. - Atchinoff, a Cossack adventurer, disclaimed by Russia, had installedhimself at Sagallo. The neighborhood of Abyssinia rendered possibleintervention on the part of Italy. So Atchinoff was ordered to withdraw,and refused. Our cruisers, with a little too much precipitation, then bom-
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JEAN CASIMIR-PERIER, FIFTH PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC. THE CRISIS. 235 the labor agitation organized by the syndicates andindependent collective groups of the Seine, nor to openthe doors of France to the Due dAumale, nor to sus-pend the secularization of the asylums which had alreadybeen ordered, nor, above all, to demand the passage ofa law to regulate the procedure of the Senate sitting asa Supreme Court of Justice. He caused some surpriseat first. Among those who were most disquieted at thespectacle of the progress of Boulangism, many werestill ignorant of the share of responsibility which Gen-eral Boulanger had therein, his corruption, his far-reaching calculations, his manoeuvres; they wondered,while the)^ felt conscious of his guilt, how the Senatewould succeed in proving a criminality of intentionsalone. The unexpected retirement of the attorney-general, who refused to prosecute the accused, trans-formed this doubt into excitement. With that profoundsense of justice which is inn

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