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Jules Bastien-Lepage: Joan of Arc  wikidata:Q16651190 reasonator:Q16651190
Jules Bastien-Lepage  (1848–1884)  wikidata:Q541859
Jules Bastien-Lepage
Descrizione pittore e incisore francese
Data di nascita/morte 1º novembre 1848 Modifica su Wikidata 10 dicembre 1884 Modifica su Wikidata
Luogo di nascita/morte Damvillers (Meuse) XVII arrondissement di Parigi Modifica su Wikidata
Luogo di attività
Authority file
artist QS:P170,Q541859
image of artwork listed in title parameter on this page
Jeanne d'Arc

Joan of Arc
title QS:P1476,fr:"Jeanne d'Arc"
label QS:Lfr,"Jeanne d'Arc"
label QS:Len,"Joan of Arc"
Tipo di oggetto dipinto Modifica su Wikidata
Genere pittura storica Modifica su Wikidata
English: When after the Franco-Prussian War of 1871, Joan of Arc's homeland of Lorraine was once again held captive by invaders, the people of Lorraine rallied around the symbol of Joan of Arc who four hundred years earlier had rallied the French army against the English invaders. As one of the Lorraine natives inspired by the sudden relevance of Joan of Arc's image, Jules Bastien-Lepage in 1875 started sketches for this life-sized portrait of Joan of Arc showing her at the moment that she received her first call to arms against the English invaders of 1424. Bastien-Lepage captures the suddenness of the call by showing the overturned chair from which she has just sprung at her spinning wheel behind her together with the wet edge of her dress that has just brushed through the dew from the weeds in the garden at the back of her parents' house. The 2.5 meter (8 feet) high painting hangs in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. The enormous painting was achieved by joining two vertical canvas panels and frames along the vertical line through the right edge of the house in the background. The almost transparent Saints Michael, Margaret, and Catherine can be seen hovering in the background against the house awaiting her decision.
Persone ritratte Giovanna d'Arco Modifica su Wikidata
Data 1879
date QS:P571,+1879-00-00T00:00:00Z/9
Tecnica/materiale olio su tela
medium QS:P186,Q296955;P186,Q12321255,P518,Q861259
Dimensioni 100 × 110 pollici (254 × 279,4 cm)
institution QS:P195,Q160236
Ubicazione attuale
sala 800
Numero d'inventario
Esposizioni Salon, 1880

Firma, luogo e data in basso a destra:

Riferimenti Metropolitan Museum of Art
Marie-Claude Coudert, « Fin de siècle », dans Jeanne d'Arc : les tableaux de l'histoire, 1820-1920, Paris, Réunion des musées nationaux, 2003, (ISBN 2-7118-4682-2), p. 129-132.
Fonte/Fotografo Metropolitan Museum of Art, online collection (Identificativo Metropolitan Museum of Art 435621)
Altre versioni
Jules Bastien-Lepage Johanna von Orleans anagoria.JPG
Joan of Arc (1879) (1253783751).jpg


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(Delete all revisions of this file) (cur) 22:02, 25 July 2003 . . Rednblu (Talk | contribs | block) . . 250×225 (27,459 bytes)
(del) (rev) 21:52, 25 July 2003 . . Rednblu (Talk | contribs | block) . . 0×0 (0 bytes) ( Bastien-Lepage, 1880. Joan of Arc in her parents' garden at the moment she thought she got the call.)


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attuale11:00, 28 mar 2018Miniatura della versione delle 11:00, 28 mar 20183 612 × 3 250 (3,4 MB)Alonso de Mendozabetter, museum version
04:59, 10 feb 2017Miniatura della versione delle 04:59, 10 feb 20171 690 × 1 522 (794 KB)Guillaumelandry2017 high definition version with true colors by the MET.
16:12, 28 nov 2008Miniatura della versione delle 16:12, 28 nov 20081 000 × 864 (364 KB)Paris 16
10:22, 11 nov 2008Miniatura della versione delle 10:22, 11 nov 20081 000 × 917 (329 KB)Paris 16
03:24, 2 apr 2005Miniatura della versione delle 03:24, 2 apr 2005500 × 450 (101 KB)RexJeanne d'Arc (Joan of Arc); Oil on canvas by Jules Bastien-Lepage, 1879. Image from the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York [] When after the [[Franco-Pr

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