20th-century portrait paintings of men, with Not identified, Not provided, Unspecified, Unmentioned or SconosciutoUnknown location
label QS:Len,"Not identified, Not provided, Unspecified, Unmentioned or SconosciutoUnknown location"
Толстой Лев Николаевич. Собрание сочинений / Электронное издание. - ИДДК, 2001
Questa è una fedele riproduzione fotografica di un'opera d'arte bidimensionale originale. L'opera d'arte fotografata è nel pubblico dominio per la seguente ragione:
Public domainPublic domainfalsefalse
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This usually means that one of the following conditions is fulfilled.
This work was originally published before January 1, 1930 and the known author of this work died:[1]
(a) before January 1, 1951 or
(b) between January 1, 1951 and January 1, 1955, did not work during the Great Patriotic War and did not participate in it.
This work was originally published anonymously or under a pseudonym before January 1, 1930 and the name of the author did not become known during 50 years after publication, counted from January 1 of the year following the year of publication.
This work is a film (a video fragment or a single shot from it):
(a) which was first shown before January 1, 1930[2] or
(b) which was created by legal entity between January 1, 1929 and January 1, 1930, provided that it was first shown in the stated period or was not shown until August 3, 1993.
This work is an information report (including photo report), which was created by an employee of TASS, ROSTA, or KarelfinTAG as part of that person’s official duties between July 10, 1925[3] and January 1, 1930, provided that it was first released in the stated period.
Quest'opera è nel pubblico dominio negli Stati Uniti in quanto pubblicata (o registrata all'U.S. Copyright Office) prima del 1º gennaio 1930. [1] If the author of this work was subjected to repression and rehabilitated posthumously, replace the death date by the later rehabilitation date. [2] Amateur films which were first shown on January 1, 1930 or later are subjects of points 1-2 of this template. [3]ROSTA reports created before July 10, 1925 are subjects of points 1-2 of this template.
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{{Information |Description=М. В. Нестеров. Л. Н. Толстой на берегу пруда в Ясной Поляне. Холст, масло. 1907 |Source= |Date= |Author= |Permission=Author died more than 70 years ago - public domain |othe
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