File:PikiWiki Israel 12490 the death march from dachau.jpg

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English: the death march from dachau
עברית: הפסל "מסע המוות מדכאו" ביד ושם, Original Image Name:מסע המוות מדכאו, Notes:הפסל הוא יצירתו של הפסל הגרמני הוברטוס פון פילגרים (1980) ב-26/4/1945 הצעידו הגרמנים 7000 אסירים יהודים ממחנה דכאו דרומה. מעטים נצלו. , Location:יד ושםyad vashem jerusalem
Fonte Avishai Teicher via the PikiWiki - Israel free image collection project
Autore ד"ר אבישי טייכר
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Posizione del soggetto31° 46′ 25,87″ N, 35° 10′ 26,28″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.Posizione di questa e altre immagini su: OpenStreetMapinfo


La riproduzione di quest'opera architettonica, scultorea o d'arte applicata è da considerarsi coperta dall' Israeli copyright statute del 2007, il quale afferma «La diffusione o copia a mezzo fotografia, disegno, schizzo o altra forma di descrizione visuale di opere architettoniche, scultoree o d'arte applicata sono permesse quando detta opera è esposta permanentemente in un luogo pubblico.» (cfr. paragrafo 23). Vedi COM:CRT/Israel#Freedom of panorama e COM:CRT/Israel#De minimis per maggiori informazioni.

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This file has been submitted through the Israeli Pikiwiki project and uploaded here automatically. The project is cooperation between the Israel Internet Association and Wikimedia Israel in an effort to promote the concept of free content on the Web, by creating an image collection of digital-format, good quality photographs, documenting events relating to the history of Israel, or depicting places of distinction in Israel and the Middle East. The Pikiwiki Project is managed from 2021 by the "Heritage Stones" group.

Please consider notifying the project before renaming or deleting this file. Further information about the project can be found on the commons-l mailing list.


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31°46'25.874"N, 35°10'26.285"E

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attuale13:03, 17 apr 2011Miniatura della versione delle 13:03, 17 apr 20112 048 × 1 536 (679 KB)Pikiwikisrael{{Information |Description={{en|the death march from dachau}} {{he|הפסל "מסע המוות מדכאו" ביד ושם, Original Image Name:מסע המוות מדכאו, Notes:הפסל הוא יצירתו של הפסל הגרמני הוברט�

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