Poisson Spot showing in the shadow of a 2-mm-diameter disc at a distance of 1 m from the disc. The point source has a wavelength of 633 nm (e.g. He-Ne Laser) and is located 1 m from the disc.
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2011-06-18 13:11 Treisinger 800×800× (100794 bytes) Author: Thomas Reisinger. Poisson Spot showing in the shadow of a 2-mm-diameter disc at a distance of 1 m from the disc. The point source has a wavelength of 633 nm (e.g. He-Ne Laser) and is located 1 m from the disc. Plot generated using GNU Plot and a
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{{Information |Description={{en|Author: Thomas Reisinger. Poisson Spot showing in the shadow of a 2-mm-diameter disc at a distance of 1 m from the disc. The point source has a wavelength of 633 nm (e.g. He-Ne Laser) and is located 1 m from the disc. ...
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