PressoAlla.JPG (354 × 112 pixel, dimensione del file: 19 KB, tipo MIME: image/jpeg)

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  • photo by author
  • picture made in Venice in shop window 2005
— yes, but what is it? a manuscript? of what? dating to when? "a Venice shop window" is hardly a verifiable source. 07:41, 16 September 2006 (UTC)
— honestly, who gives a damn what it is? it just to show what the letter(s) look like!
— actually, I do! It would be really helpful to know, how old this is, if it's printed or handwritten. I love the script, but without additional info I'd have to remove the picture from various articles and replace it with something else. Unfortunately, I don't have a good replacement, so I hope for you to provide some background. -- On a closer look, this image appears to be a fake. :-( The letters are way to even for handwriting, the transition from r to e looks more like a computer font. --plauz 10:15, 16 April 2008 (UTC)
  • Thanks for the wider view! From the horizontal line on the paper I deduct that this is a Lithography, so it's a) not handwriting and b) made after 1800. The style of the object in the image reminds me of 19th century furniture. "III. Re della Gran Bretagna" could be George III. (1738-1820), "Ferdinand IV" is likely to refer to w:en:Ferdinand IV of Naples (1751-1825), which also points to the 19th century. The writing is very even, so I'd guess they took printing letters to print it on the stone. It looks like a beautiful formal script typeface. --plauz 01:05, 24 April 2008 (UTC)
  • I'm sure that the writing in the wider view "Eccellenza il Sig. Cav. Hamilton Ministro Plenipotenzio" is referring to en:William Richard Hamilton who "... from 1822 to 1825 [...] was Minister and Envoy Plenipotentiary at the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies.". "Mtà" means maestà, Majesty Ferdinand I of the Two Sicilies who was "Ferdinand IV of the Kingdom of Naples".--Chianti (discussione) 14:30, 28 June 2019 (UTC)

Questo file deriva da: Venice2005ß.JPG


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attuale21:28, 21 ott 2005Miniatura della versione delle 21:28, 21 ott 2005354 × 112 (19 KB)Alex1011*photo by author *picture made in Venice in shop window 2005

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