File:Staatstheater Wiesbaden.jpg

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Deutsch: Parkseite des Hessisches Staatstheater Wiesbaden
Fonte Opera propria
Autore Martin Kraft
(Riusare questo file)

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Image: Martin Kraft (
License: CC BY-SA 3.0
via Wikimedia Commons

This image was published by Martin Kraft under the free license CC BY-SA 3.0, which also allows the usage outside of Wikipedia under the following conditions:

  • If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.

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  • or similar graphics and photographs

Only the terms and conditions mentioned above authorize the free use of this image. Any infringement causes a copyright violation, that may result in a penalty fee of five times the fee suggested by the MFM, inter alia.


Martin Kraft //, detentore del copyright su quest'opera, dichiara di pubblicarla con la seguente licenza:
w:it:Creative Commons
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Questo file è disponibile in base alla licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione-Condividi allo stesso modo 3.0 Unported
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  • condividi allo stesso modo – Se remixi, trasformi o sviluppi il materiale, devi distribuire i tuoi contributi in base alla stessa licenza o compatibile all'originale.


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attuale11:04, 24 ott 2011Miniatura della versione delle 11:04, 24 ott 20111 280 × 401 (298 KB)Martin Kraft

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