Text Appearing Before Image: rs in the lucidus ignis. Sincethese spheres were moved by the winds, their contained planetswould be subject to the same influences. In the Liber DivinorumOperum, however, she has come to realize how independent themovements of the planets really are, and she invokes a special causefor their vagaries. I looked and behold in the outer fire (lucidusignis) there appeared a circle which girt about the whole firmamentfrom the east westward. From it a blast produced a movementfrom west to east in the opposite direction to the movement of thefirmament. But this blast did not give forth his breath earthwardas did the other winds, but instead thereof it governed the courseof the planets. ^ The source of the blast is represented in the LuccaMS. as the head of a supernatural being with a human face(Plate viii). These curious passages were written at some date after 1163,when Hildegard was at least 65 years old. They reveal our pro- Migne, col. 751. 2 Migne, col. 791. J From the LUCCA MS. fo. 27V Text Appearing After Image: Plate VIII. THE MACROCOSM THE MICROCOSMAND THE WINDS 28 Plate IX. From THE LUCCA MS. fo. 371
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