DescrizioneTrebonianus Gallus bronze front cropped.jpg
Trebonianus Gallus from the time of his reign as Roman Emperor (251-253 AD), the only nearly-complete large-scale Roman bronze to survive from the 3rd century. The statue is 2.413 meters in height. Surfaced in the early 19th century, said to have been found at Basilica of St. John Lateran in Rome. There is a contrast between the style of the body, which recalls the Alexander the Great of Lysippos, and the more realistic head. The original is thought to have held a parazonium in the left arm, and a spear in the right hand. At least ¾ of the work is original. Reconstructed parts include the base, the right foot, the mantle (based on evidence), the left upper arm, part of the upper surface around the right shoulder and bicep, the groin, and parts of the right torso. It appears that the left foot may originally be from another ancient statue. Photographed at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City. Contextual information derived from museum placard and their website.
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2007-05-02T20:08:05Z Pharos 1536x2048 (702435 Bytes) {{Information |Description=[[Trebonianus Gallus]] from the time of his reign as Roman Emperor (251-253 AD), the only nearly-complete large-scale Roman bronze to survive from the 3rd century. The statue is 2.413 meters in hei
{{Information |Description=Trebonianus Gallus from the time of his reign as Roman Emperor (251-253 AD), the only nearly-complete large-scale Roman bronze to survive from the 3rd century. The statue is 2.413 meters in height. Surfaced in the early 1
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