Female ballplayer figurine in the Xochipala style. Guerrero. According to the Snite Museum of Art has dated this figurine to 1000 - 800 BCE. Parson et al. have dated this to 1500 - 1000 BCE (?). Height: 8.75 in (22 cm).
Unlike the Snite Museum, Parson et al. do not describe her as a ballplayer.
"Body paint, in red, streaks over her shoulders and continues down her arms to the fingetips. A wide, horizontal red band encircles her upper thighs. Red patches also cover half of each foot. The most lavish attention has been paid to the striated coiffure. A central lock of hair surmounts the head, with bow-shaped openings over the forehead and also at the back of the head. A pair of tresses falls over the shoulders, and a long, tapering queue trails down her back to the base of her spine." Parsons et al., p. 176.
Parsons, Lee A., John B. Carlson, Peter David Joralemon (1989) The Face of Ancient America: The Wally and Brenda Zollman Collection of Precolumbia Art, Indiana University Press, ISBN978-0936260242.
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