Geoffrey Kirk

filologo classico britannico

Geoffrey Stephen Kirk (Nottingham, 3 dicembre 1921Cambridge, 10 marzo 2003) è stato un filologo classico e studioso della cultura classica britannico.

  • Heraclitus, The Cosmic Fragments (1954)
  • The Presocratic Philosophers: A Critical History with a Selection of Texts (1957) with J. E. Raven; a revised 2nd edition was published in 1983 with the help of Malcolm Schofield.
  • The Songs of Homer (1962) later edited as Homer and the Epic (1965)
  • The Language and Background of Homer: Some Recent Studies and Controversies (1964) editor
  • Myth: Its Meaning and Functions in Ancient and Other Cultures (1970)
  • The Nature of Greek Myths (1974)
  • Homer and the Oral Tradition (1976)
  • Archilochos (1977) with Michael Ayrton
  • The Iliad: A Commentary (1985–93) six volumes, editor.

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Controllo di autoritàVIAF (EN41859368 · ISNI (EN0000 0001 1058 9339 · SBN CFIV039975 · LCCN (ENn50048566 · GND (DE110442210 · BNE (ESXX921344 (data) · BNF (FRcb12053077s (data) · J9U (ENHE987007276415405171 · NSK (HR000058443 · NDL (ENJA00445760 · CONOR.SI (SL16074851
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