James Peter Allen

egittologo statunitense
(Reindirizzamento da James Allen)

James Peter Allen (1945) è un egittologo statunitense.

James Peter Allen

È specializzato in linguistica e storia della religione. Dal 2007 è professore di egittologia presso l'Università Brown (Rhode Island). Nel 2008 è stato eletto Presidente dell'Associazione Internazionale degli egittologi.

Principali pubblicazioni

  • The Inflection of the Verb in the Pyramid Texts, Undena, Malibu, 1984
  • Genesis in Egypt: The Philosophy of Ancient Egyptian Creation Accounts, Yale University Press, New Haven, 1988
  • Middle Egyptian: An Introduction to the Language and Culture of Hieroglyphs, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2000-2010-2014
  • The Art of Medicine in Ancient Egypt, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 2006
  • The Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts, Society of Biblical Literature, 2005
  • The Egyptian Coffin Texts: Vol. 8, Middle Kingdom Copies of Pyramid Texts, Chicago University Press, Chicago, 2006
  • "The Amarna Succession" in Causing His Name to Live: Studies in Egyptian Epigraphy and History in Memory of William J. Murnane, University of Memphis, 2007
  • Middle Egyptian: An Introduction to the Language and Culture of Hieroglyphs, Cambridge University Press, 2010-2013
  • The Debate between a Man and His Soul, a Masterpiece of Ancient Egyptian Literature, Culture and History of the Ancient Near East 44, Brill, 2011
  • The Ancient Egyptian Language: An Historical Study, Cambridge University Press, 2013
  • Middle Egyptian Literature: Eight Literary Works, Cambridge University Press, 2015
  • A Grammar of the Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts, Vol. I: Unis, Eisenbrauns, 2017
  • Ancient Egyptian Phonology, Cambridge University Press, 2020
  • Coptic: A Grammar of Its Six Major Dialects, Eisenbrauns, 2020

Collegamenti esterni

Controllo di autoritàVIAF (EN9863140 · ISNI (EN0000 0001 2120 1491 · ORCID (EN0000-0002-7147-9157 · LCCN (ENn85105425 · GND (DE141765100 · BNF (FRcb12034270r (data) · J9U (ENHE987007306438605171
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