
Melolonthinae MacLeay, 1819 [1]

  • Tribù Ablaberini Burmeister, 1855 [=Camentini Machatschtke, 1959]
    • Ablabera Erichson, 1848 [Dejean 1833?] [=Parablabera Peringuey, 1904] [new?]
      • Ablabera splendida (Fabricius, 1781) [present designation; BMNH] [=Melolontha splendida Fabricius, 1781]
      • Ablabera transvaalica Peringuey, 1904 [present designation; SAMC]
    • Ablaberoides Blanchard, 1850
      • Ablaberoides aeneus Blanchard, 1850 [by monotypy; MNHN]
    • Achelyna Erichson, 1847
      • Achelyna clypeata Burmeister, 1855 [by subsequent monotypy; Burmeister 1855; MLUH] [=Arraphytarsa Peringuey, 1904] [Arrow 1925]
      • Allokotarsa damarina (Peringuey, 1904) [by monotypy; SAMC] [=Arraphytarsa damarina Peringuey, 1904]
      • Allokotarsa rotundicollis Peringuey, 1904 [present designation; SAMC]
      • Allokotarsa straminea (Peringuey, 1904) [present designation; SAMC] [=Alogistotarsa straminea Peringuey, 1904]
    • Apocamenta Brenske, 1903
      • Apocamenta variolosa (Brenske, 1897) [present designation; ZMHB] [=Camenta variolosa Brenske, 1897]
    • Archocamenta Brenske, 1895
      • Archocamenta flava Brenske, 1895 [by monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Brachymys Thomson, 1858 [=Apocamenta Brenske, 1903] [Burgeon 1945]
      • Brachymys cameruna (Brenske, 1903) [present designation; ZMHB] [=Apocamenta cameruna Brenske, 1903]
      • Brachymys pubens Thomson, 1858 [by monotypy; ??]
    • Camenta Erichson, 1848
      • Camenta obesa Burmeister, 1855 [present designation; MLUH]
    • Cyrtocamenta Brenske, 1897
      • Cyrtocamenta flavescens Brenske, 1897 [present designation; ZMHB]
    • Diplotropis Boheman, 1857
      • Diplotropis nigrina Fahraeus, 1857 [present designation; NHRS]
    • Empecamenta Brenske, 1895 [?; as subgenus of Camenta Peringuey 1904; Machatschke 1959]
      • Empecamenta pilifera Brenske, 1895 [by monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Eucamenta Peringuey, 1904 [as subgenus of Camenta Peringuey 1904; Machatschke 1959]
      • Eucamenta castanea (Boheman, 1857) [present designation; SAMC] [=Ablabera castanea Boheman, 1857]
    • Gamka Peringuey, 1904
      • Gamka minuta Peringuey, 1904 [by monotypy; SAMC]
    • Gryphonycha Peringuey, 1904
      • Gryphonycha puberula (Fahraeus, 1857) [by monotypy; NHRS] [=Serica puberula Fahraeus, 1857]
    • Hybocamenta Brenske, 1898 [as subgenus of Camenta Peringuey 1904; Machatschke 1959] [=Liocamenta Kolbe, 1914] [Moser 1919]
      • Hybocamenta benitoana Brenske, 1898 [present designation; ZMHB]
      • Hybocamenta consentanea (Kolbe, 1914) [by monotypy; ZMHB] [=Liocamenta consentanea Kolbe, 1914]
    • Idaecamenta Peringuey, 1904
      • Idaecamenta jucunda Peringuey, 1904 [by monotypy; SAMC]
    • Idaeserica Peringuey, 1904
      • Idaeserica gratula Peringuey, 1904 [by monotypy; SAMC]
    • Isocamenta Kolbe, 1914
      • Isocamenta schubotzi Kolbe, 1914 [by subsequent designation; Zool. Rec.1968; ZMHB]
    • Kadlecia Frey, 1965b
      • Kadlecia heptaphylla Frey, 1965 [by monotypy; ZSMC]
    • Leribe Peringuey, 1904
      • Leribe vesca Peringuey, 1904 [by monotypy; SAMC]
    • Makalaka Peringuey, 1908
      • Makalaka rhodesiana Peringuey, 1908 [by monotypy; SAMC]
    • Melanocamenta Brenske, 1899
      • Melanocamenta bomuana Brenske, 1899 [by monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Microcamenta Brenske, 1898
      • Microcamenta transvaalensis Brenske, 1898 [by monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Mitracamenta Brenske, 1903
      • Mitracamenta lineella Brenske, 1903 [by monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Neocamenta Burgeon, 1945
      • Neocamenta flaviceps Burgeon, 1945 [by monotypy; MRAC]
    • Oocamenta Peringuey, 1904

SUBGENUS Oocamenta Peringuey, 1904

      • Oocamenta rufiventris (Burmeister, 1855) [by monotypy; SAMC] [=Camenta rufiventris Burmeister, 1855]

SUBGENUS Pseudocamenta Peringuey, 1904

      • Oocamenta transvaalica Peringuey, 1904 [by monotypy; SAMC]
    • Pachycamenta Brenske, 1895
      • Pachycamenta gestro Brenske, 1895 [by monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Pachychilecamenta Brenske, 1903
      • Pachychilecamenta rufa Brenske, 1903 [by monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Paracamenta Peringuey, 1904
      • Paracamenta bohemani (Brenske, 1897) [present designation; ZMHB][=Camenta bohemani Brenske, 1897]
    • Pentecamenta Brenske, 1897
      • Pentecamenta salaama Brenske, 1897 [present designation; ZMHB]
    • Pericamenta Peringuey, 1904
      • Pericamenta paupercula Peringuey, 1904 [by monotypy; SAMC]
    • Phyllocamenta Moser, 1918a
      • Phyllocamenta pilosa (Quedenfeldt, 1884) [by monotypy; ZMHB] [=Camenta pilosa Quedenfeldt, 1884]
    • Synacta Fairmaire, 1899
      • Synacta corrugata Fairmaire, 1899 [by monotypy; MNHN]
    • Tarsocamenta Moser, 1924
      • Tarsocamenta kapiriana Moser, 1924 [by monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Tulbaghia Peringuey, 1904
      • Tulbaghia lighfooti Peringuey, 1904 [present designation; SAMC]
  • Tribù Alvarengiini Frey, 1975a
    • Alvarengius Frey, 1975a
      • Alvarengius silphodes Frey, 1975a [by monotypy; ZSMC?]
  • Tribù Automoliini Britton, 1978 [key to genera Britton 1957]
    • Aplopsis Blanchard, 1850 [LR Britton 1957] [=Atermonocheila Blackburn, 1907] [Britton 1987][=Colpocrania Burmeister, 1855] [Britton 1987] [=Haplopsis Blanchard, 1850] [unjustified emendation Gemminger & Harold 1869] [=Ocnodus Burmeister, 1855] [Britton 1987]
      • Aplopsis decipiens (Burmeister, 1855) [by monotypy; MLUH?] [=Ocnodus decipiens Burmeister, 1855]
      • Aplopsis lineoligera (Blanchard, 1850) [by monotypy; MNHN] [=Haplopsis lineoligera Blanchard, 1850]
      • Aplopsis longipes (Blackburn, 1907) [by monotypy; SAMA] [=Atermonocheila longipes Blackburn, 1907]
      • Aplopsis pilosa (Burmeister, 1855) [here designated; MLUH] [=Colpocrania pilosa Burmeister, 1855]
    • Automolius Britton, 1978 [LR Britton 1957; n.n. pro Automolus] [=Automolus Burmeister, 1855] [not Reichenbach 1853; Britton 1978]
      • Automolius angustulus (Burmeister, 1855) [by monotypy; MAMU] [=Automolus angustulus Burmeister, 1855]
    • Bryantella Britton, 1957
      • Bryantella castanea Britton, 1957 [by monotypy; BMNH]
    • Maechidinus Lea, 1919 [LR Britton 1957]
      • Maechidinus latericollis Lea, 1919 [by subsequent designation; Britton 1957; SAMA]
    • Phyllochlaenia Blanchard, 1846 [Britton 1957; LR Britton 1957] [=Caulobius Le Guillou, 1844] [not Duponchel 1838] [=Deuterocaulobius Dalle Torre, 1912] [unnecessary n.n. pro Caulobius] [=Junkia Dalle Torre, 1913] [new name for Trichoderma; with Philochlaenia Moser 1913b] [=Philochlaenia Blanchard, 1845] [emend.] [=Trichoderma Nonfried, 1894] [not Stephens; Dalle Torre 1913]
      • Phyllochlaenia ceylanica (Nonfried, 1894) [by monotypy; ??] [=Trichoderma ceylanica Nonfried, 1894]
      • Phyllochlaenia rufescens Blanchard, 1846 [by monotypy; MNHP]
      • Phyllochlaenia villosus (Le Guillou, 1844) [by monotypy; MNHP] [=Caulobius villosus Le Guillou, 1844]
  • Tribù Chasmatopterini Lacordaire, 1856
    • Chasmatopterus Latreille, 1825 [LR Baraud 1965; type sp. ?]
    • Chnaunanthus Burmeister, 1844 [LR Saylor 1937] [=Acratus Horn, 1867] [not Lacordaire 1867; Dalle Torre 1912] [=Pseudacratus Dalle Torre, 1912] [Saylor 1937b]
      • Chnaunanthus discolor Burmeister, 1844 [by monotypy; MLUH]
      • Chnaunanthus flavipennis (Horn, 1867) [by monotypy; MCZC]
                                       [=Acratus flavipennis Horn, 1867]
  • Tribù Comophorini Britton, 1957 [=Comophini Britton, 1978]
    • Comophorina Strand, 1928 [n. n. pro Comophorus]
                                  [=Comophorus Blanchard, 1851] [not Agassiz 1846; Strand 1928]
                                  [=Comophus Britton, 1978] [n.n. pro Comophorus in error Britton 1987]
      • Comophorina testaceipennis (Blanchard, 1851) [by monotypy; MNHN]
                                       [=Comophorus testaceipennis Blanchard, 1851]
  • Tribù Diphucephalini Britton, 1957
    • Cunderdinia Lea, 1916
      • Cunderdinia variabilis Lea, 1916 [by monotypy; WAMP]
    • Diphucephala Lepeletier & Serville, 1825 [LR Blackburn 1906]
      • Diphucephala sericea Kirby, 1818 [by monotypy; Silfverberg 1984; BMNH]
  • Tribù Heteronycini Britton, 1957 [key to genera Britton 1988]
    • Acheilo Britton, 1988
      • Acheilo capitalis (Blackburn, 1910) [by original designation; BMNH]
                                       [=Heteronyx capitalis Blackburn, 1910]
    • Callabonica Blackburn, 1895
      • Callabonica propria Blackburn, 1895 [by monotypy; BMNH]
    • Cubidens Britton, 1992 [n.n. pro Paraheteronyx]
                                  [=Paraheteronyx Britton, 1988] [preoccupied]
      • Cubidens unguiculata (Burmeister, 1855) [by original designation; MLUH]
                                       [=Heteronyx unguiculata Burmeister, 1855]
    • Eurychelus Blanchard, 1850
      • Eurychelus marmoratus Blanchard, 1850 [by monotypy; MNHN]
    • Heteronyx Guerin-Meneville, 1831 [LR Blackburn 1911]
                                  [=Anacheirotus Blackburn, 1900]
                                  [=Cotidia Boisduval, 1835] [??]
                                  [=Hostilina Blanchard, 1851] [??]
                                  [=Silopa Erichson, 1842] [??]
      • Heteronyx australis Guerin-Meneville, 1831 [by monotypy; ?MNHN]
      • Heteronyx australis (Boisduval, 1835) [by monotypy; MNHN]
                                       [=Cotidia australis Boisduval, 1835]
      • Heteronyx glabrata (Erichson, 1842) [present designation; ZMHB]
                                       [=Silopa glabrata Erichson, 1842]
      • Heteronyx inornatus (Blackburn, 1900) [by monotypy; SAMA]
                                       [=Anacheirotus inornatus Blackburn, 1900]
      • Heteronyx praecox (Erichson, 1842) [by monotypy; ZMHB]
                                       [=Silopa praecox Erichson, 1842]
    • Menigionyx Arrow, 1941a
      • Menigionyx laeviscutum Arrow, 1941a [by original designation; BMNH]
    • Neoheteronyx Blackburn, 1890
      • Neoheteronyx lividus Blackburn, 1892 [by monotypy; SAMA]
    • Nepytis Erichson, 1842
      • Nepytis russula Erichson, 1842 [by monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Odontotonyx Macleay, 1871
      • Odontotonyx brunneipennis (Macleay, 1871) [by monotypy; MAMU]
                                       [=Odontolonyx brunneipennis Macleay, 1871]
    • Paraheteronyx Moser, 1924a
      • Paraheteronyx quadriflabellatus Moser, 1924a [by monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Proborhinus Britton, 1988
      • Proborhinus cornutus (Blackburn, 1910) [by monotypy; BMNH]
                                       [=Heteronyx cornutus Blackburn, 1910]
    • Pseudoheteronyx Blackburn, 1892 [LR Britton 1988]
      • Pseudoheteronyx baldiensis (Blackburn, 1892) [by original designation; BMNH]
                                       [=Heteronyx baldiensis Blackburn, 1892]
    • Webbella Britton, 1988
      • Webbella firmus (Blackburn, 1909) [by original designation; BMNH]
                                       [=Heteronyx firmus Blackburn, 1909]
  • Tribù Hopliini [?; where is Hoplia Illiger 1803 ?]
  • Tribù IncertaeSedis
    • Anonetus Erichson, 1847 [Dalle Torre 1912; nomen nudum]
    • Holophylla Erichson, 1847 [Britton 1978; nomen inquirendum]
    • Hoplorida Moser, 1918 [nomen inquirendum]
      • Webbella congoana (Moser, 1918) [by monotypy; ZMHB; nomen inquirendum] [=Hoplorida congoana Moser, 1918]
    • Tryssus Erichson, 1847 [Dalle Torre 1912; nomen nudum]
    • Acoma Casey, 1889
      • Acoma brunnea Casey, 1889 [by monotypy; USNM]
    • Alosimus [see Muche 1962]
    • Conebius Fuavel, 1903
      • Conebius carinipennis Fauvel, 1903 [by monotypy; ??]
    • Lacris Fairmaire & Germaine, 1860
      • Lacris dilutipes Fairmaire & Germaine, 1860 [by monotypy; ??]
    • Metascelis Westwood, 1842 [see Allsopp 1989] TYPE SPECIES Metascelis flexilis Westwood, 1842 [by monotypyost]
    • Podolasia Harold, 1869 [LR Howden 1954] [=Lasiopus Leconte, 1856] [not Schoenherr ??; Harold 1869]
      • Podolasia ferruginea (LeConte, 1856) [by monotypy; MCZC] [=Lasiopus ferruginea LeConte, 1856]
  • Tribù Liparetrini Burmeister, 1855 [=Allarini Britton, 1955b] [Britton 1980] [=Colpochilini Britton, 1957] [Britton 1980; key to the genera Britton 1990; ???]
    • Allara Britton, 1955b
      • Allara insularis Britton, 1955b [by monotypy; WAMP]
    • Allophyllus Fauvel, 1903
      • Allophyllus tetraphyllus Fauvel, 1903 [by monotypy; ??]
    • Anacanthodes Britton, 1990 [n.n. pro Anacanthopus] [=Anacanthopus Blackburn, 1898] [preocc. ]
      • Anacanthodes inermis (Blackburn, 1898) [by monotypy; SAMA][=Anacanthopus inermis Blackburn, 1898]
    • Aneucomides Blackburn, 1898
      • Aneucomides coloratus Blackburn, 1898 [by monotypy; BMNH]
    • Aphanesia Britton, 1990
      • Aphanesia greyi Britton, 1990 [by monotypy; BMNH]
    • Astibicola Britton, 1990
      • Astibicola bicolor Britton, 1990 [by monotypy; SAMA]
    • Biphyllocera White, 1841
      • Biphyllocera kirbyana White, 1841 [by monotypy; BMNH]
    • Cheilo Britton, 1990
      • Cheilo liparetroides Britton, 1990 [by monotypy; ANIC]
    • Colobostoma Blanchard, 1850 [=Platydesmus Macleay, 1887] [not Lucas 1843; Britton 1990][=Pteroplatydesmus Dalle Torre, 1912] [n.n. pro Platydesmus; Britton 1990]
      • Colobostoma rufipennis (Boisduval, 1835) [by monotypy; MNHP] [=Sericesthis rufipennis Boisduval, 1835]
      • Colobostoma sulcipennis (Macleay, 1887) [by subsequent designation; Blackburn 1907; SAMA] [=Platydesmus sulcipennis Macleay, 1887]
    • Colpochila Erichson, 1843 [LR Britton 1986] [=Haplonycha Blanchard, 1851] [Britton 1986]
      • Colpochila gouldii (Hope, 1842) [by monotypy; OXUM] [=Sericesthis gouldii Hope, 1842]
      • Colpochila obesa (Boisduval, 1835) [by subsequent designation; Blanchard 1853] [=Melolontha obesa Boisduval, 1835]
    • Costelytra Given, 1952 [LR Given 1966]
      • Costelytra zealandica (White, 1844) [by original designation; BMNH] [=Rhisotrogus zealandica White, 1844]
    • Costleya Broun, 1893
      • Costleya discoidea Broun, 1893 [by monotypy; ??]
    • Dikellites Britton, 1990
      • Dikellites abditus Britton, 1990 [by monotypy; ANIC]
    • Dysphanochila Blackburn, 1898
      • Dysphanochila pilosipennis Blackburn, 1898 [by monotypy; BMNH]
    • Engyopsina Britton, 1990 [n.n. pro Engyops] [=Engyops Blackburn, 1898] [preoccupied]
      • Engyopsina spectans (Blackburn, 1898) [by monotypy; SAMA] [=Engyops spectans Blackburn, 1898]
    • Frenchella Blackburn, 1892
      • Frenchella lubrica Blackburn, 1892 [by monotypy; SAMC]
    • Glossocheilifer Blackburn, 1898
      • Glossocheilifer labialis Blackburn, 1898 [by monotypy; SAMC]
    • Hadropechys Britton, 1990
      • Hadropechys victoriae (Blackburn, 1897) [by monotypy; BMNH][=Pachygastra victoriae Blackburn, 1897]
    • Ictigaster Britton, 1986
      • Ictigaster ruficollis (Lea, 1917) [by monotypy; SAMA] [=Haplonycha ruficollis Lea, 1917]
    • Leonotus Britton, 1986
      • Leonotus pilosicollis (Lea, 1930) [by monotypy; SAMA] [=Haplonycha pilosicollis Lea, 1930]
    • Liparetrus Guerin-Meneville, 1831 [LR Britton 1980] [=Liparetra Hope, 1837]
      • Liparetrus discipennis Guerin-Meneville, 1831 [by monotypy; ?MNHP; see Sherborne & Woodward 1906 on the publication date 1831 = 1838]
      • Liparetrus sylvicola (Fabricius, 1775) [by original designation; BMNH] [=Melolontha sylvicola Fabricius, 1775]
    • Macleayella Britton, 1990 [n.n. pro Macleayia] [=Macleayia Blackburn, 1888] [preoccupied; Blackburn 1905]
      • Macleayella singularis (Blackburn, 1888) [by subsequent designation; Britton 1990; BMNH] [=Macleayia singularis Blackburn, 1888]
    • Neso Blackburn, 1898
      • Neso usta Blackburn, 1898 [by subsequent designation; Britton 1990; SAMA]
    • Nosphisthis Blackburn, 1898
      • Nosphisthis parvicornis Blackburn, 1898 [by monotypy; SAMA]
    • Odontria White, 1846 [LR Given 1952]
      • Odontria striata White, 1846 [by ??; BMNH]
    • Pachygastra Germar, 1848
      • Pachygastra tasmanica Germar, 1848 [by monotypy; MLUH]
    • Parasciton Britton, 1990
      • Parasciton inermis Britton, 1990 [by monotypy; ANIC]
    • Paronyx Britton, 1990
      • Paronyx setifera Britton, 1990 [by monotypy; ANIC]
    • Petinopus Blackburn, 1898
      • Petinopus aegrotus Blackburn, 1898 [by monotypy; BMNH]
    • Photyna Brenske, 1897b
      • Photyna rugicollis Brenske, 1897b [by present designation; ??]
    • Poecilodiscus Broun, 1895 [LR Given 1952]
      • Poecilodiscus pulcher Broun, 1895 [by monotypy; BMNH]
    • Prodontria Broun, 1904 [LR Given 1960] [=Lewisiella Broun, 1909] [Given 1952]
      • Prodontria lewissi Broun, 1904 [by montypy; BMNH]
      • Prodontria modesta (Broun, 1909) [by subsequent designation; Given 1952; BMNH] [=Lewisiella modesta Broun, 1909]
    • Scitaloides Britton, 1990
      • Scitaloides malanda Britton, 1990 [by monotypy; ANIC]
    • Sciton Blackburn, 1892
      • Sciton ruber (Blackburn, 1892) [by monotypy; SAMA][=Scition ruber Blackburn, 1892]
    • Scythrodes Broun, 1886 [LR Given 1952]
      • Scythrodes squalidus Broun, 1881
    • Sericospilus Sharp, 1882 [LR Given 1952] [=Eusoma White, 1846] [preoccupied; Sharp 1882]
      • Sericospilus rossii (White, 1846) [by original designation; ??] [=Eusoma rossii White, 1846]
    • Stenochelyne Britton, 1990
      • Stenochelyne noctis Britton, 1990 [by monotypy; ANIC]
    • Teluroides Britton, 1990
      • Teluroides suturalis (Lea, 1920) [by original designation; SAMA] [=Telura suturalis Lea, 1920]
    • Xyridea Britton, 1990
      • Xyridea hirticollis (Blackburn, 1912) [by monotypy; BMNH] [=Aneucomides hirticollis Blackburn, 1912]
  • Tribù Macrodactylini Burmeister, 1855 [subfamily?] [=Dichelonyciini Ritcher, 1966] [???]
    • Acanthosternum Philippi, 1861
      • Acanthosternum splendens Philippi, 1861 [by monotypy; ??]
    • Agaocnemis Moser, 1918
      • Agaocnemis pruina Moser, 1918 [by monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Alvarinus Blanchard, 1851
      • Alvarinus hilarii Blanchard, 1851 [present designation; MNHN]
    • Ancistroma Curtis, 1835 [LR Arrow 1913]
      • Ancistroma klugi Curtis, 1835 [by monotypy; BMNH]
    • Anomalochilus Blanchard, 1850
      • Anomalochilus singularis Blanchard, 185 [by monotypy; MNHN]
    • Anomonyx Saylor, 1940a [=Anomalonyx Moser, 1922] [not Weise 1903; Saylor 1940]
      • Anomonyx uruguayensis (Moser, 1922) [by monotypy; ZMHB] [=Anomalonyx uruguayensis Moser, 1922]
    • Anoplosiagum Blanchard, 1850
      • Anoplosiagum sulcatum Blanchard, 1850 [by present designation; MNHN]
    • Apterodemidea Gutierrez Alonso, 1952
      • Apterodemidea paraguayensis (Arrow, 1903) [by monotypy; BMNH] [=Apterodema paraguayensis Arrow, 1903]
    • Astaenoplia Martinez, 1957
      • Astaenoplia miserabilis Martinez, 1957 [by monotypy; AMIC]
    • Astaenosiagum Martinez, 1957
      • Astaenosiagum longipes (Philippi, 1861) [by monotypy; MNNC] [=Schizochelus longipes Philippi, 1861]
    • Aulanota Moser, 1924a
      • Aulanota sulcipennis Moser, 1924a [by monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Barybas Burmeister, 1855 [=Microcrania Burmeister, 1855] [fide Dalla Torre 1912]
      • Barybas compacta (Erichson, 1847) [present designation; MLUH] [=Philochlaenia compacta Erichson, 1847]
      • Barybas volvulus Burmeister, 1855 [by monotypy; MLUH]
    • Byrasba Harold, 1869
      • Byrasba volvulus (Burmeister, 1855) [by monotypy; MLUH] [=Barybas volvulus Burmeister, 1855]
    • Calodactylus Blanchard, 1851 [=Doplia Burmeister, 1855] [fide Dalla Torre 1912]
      • Calodactylus sulphurea (Burmeister, 1855) [present designation; MLUH] [=Doplia sulphurea Burmeister, 1855]
      • Calodactylus tibialis (Blanchard, 1851) [by monotypy; MNHN] [=Calodactylys tibialis Blanchard, 1851]
    • Canestera Saylor, 1938a
      • Canestera marshalli Saylor, 1938a [by monotypy; ??]
    • Ceraspis Lepeletier & Serville, 1825 [LR Frey 1962]

SUBGENUS Ceraspis Lepeletier & Serville, 1825

      • Ceraspis pruinosa Lepeletier & Serville, 1825 [by subsequent designation; ??; ??]

SUBGENUS Isoceraspis Kolbe, 1911 [=Faula Blanchard, 1950] [Burmeister 1855]

      • Ceraspis cornuta (Blanchard, 1850) [present designation; MNHN] [=Faula cornuta Blanchard, 1850]
      • Ceraspis duckei Kolbe, 1911 [by ??; ??]
    • Ceratolontha Arrow, 1948a
      • Ceratolontha venezuelae Arrow, 1948a [by monotypy; BMNH]
    • Chariodactylus Moser, 1919
      • Chariodactylus chacoensis Moser, 1919 [present designation; ZMHB]
    • Chariodema Blanchard, 1850
      • Chariodema virescens (Blanchard, 1850) [present designation; MNHN] [=Philochlaenia virescens Blanchard, 1850]
    • Clavipalpus Laporte, 1832 [=Amphicrania Burmeister, 1855] [fide Dalla Torre 1912]
      • Clavipalpus dejeani Laporte, 1832 [by monotypy; ??]
      • Clavipalpus ursina (Burmeister, 1855) [present designation; MLUH] [=Amphicrania ursina Burmeister, 1855]
    • Clitocephala Burmeister, 1855
      • Clitocephala pellucens Burmeister, 1855 [by monotypy; MLUH]
    • Coenonycha Horn, 1876 [LR Cazier & McClay 1943; Evans & Smith 1986]
      • Coenonycha rotundata (LeConte, 1856) [by subsequent designation; ??; MCZC] [=Dichelonyx rotundata LeConte, 1856]
    • Corminus Burmeister, 1855
      • Corminus canescens Burmeister, 1855 [present designation; MLUH]
    • Cremastodus Solier, 1851
      • Cremastodus pubescens Solier [present designation]
    • Ctenotis Burmeister, 1855
      • Ctenotis obesa Burmeister, 1855 [by monotypy; MLUH]
    • Dasyus Lepeletier & Serville, 1825
      • Dasyus collaris Lepeletier & Serville, 1825 [by monotypy; ??]
    • Demodema Blanchard, 1850
      • Demodema fallax Blanchard, 1850 [present designation; MNHN]
    • Diaphylla Erichson, 1847
      • Diaphylla hispida Erichson, 1847 [by monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Dichelonyx Harris, 1827 [LR Saylor 1945] [=Dichelonycha Kirby, 1837] [Pate 1946; type sp.?]
      • Dichelonyx linearis (Gyllenhal, 1817) [junior synonym of M. elongata Fabricius 1792; by original designation; ??][=Melolontha linearis Gyllenhal, 1817]
    • Dicrania Lepeletier & Serville, 1825 [LR Frey 1972]
      • Dicrania nigra Serville, 1825 [by monotypy; ??]
    • Diphycerus Deyrolle & Fairmaire, 1878
      • Diphycerus davidis Deyrolle & Fairmaire, 1878 [by monotypy; MNHN]
    • Diphydactylus Thomson, 1858
      • Diphydactylus singularis, 1858 [by monotypy; ??]
    • Eubarybas Gutierrez Alonso, 1952
      • Eubarybas asper Gutierrez Alonso, 1952 [by monotypy; ??]
    • Gama Blanchard, 1850[=Harpodactyla Burmeister, 1855]
      • Gama grandicornis (Burmeister, 1855) [present designation; MLUH] [=Harpodactyla grandicornis Burmeister, 1855]
      • Gama relucens Blanchard, 1850 [present designation; MNHN]
    • Gastrohoplus Moser, 1921b
      • Gastrohoplus mirabilis Moser, 1921b [by monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Gymnopyge Linell, 1895
      • Gymnopyge hopliaeformis Linell, 1895 [by original designation; USNM]
    • Hadrocerus Guerin-Meneville, 1830
      • Hadrocerus castaneipennis Guerin-Meneville, 1830 [by monotypy; ??]
    • Hamatoplectris Frey, 1967
      • Hamatoplectris rosettae Frey, 1967 [by original designation; ZSMC]
    • Hercites Burmeister, 1855
      • Hercites pygmaea Burmeister, 1855 [by monotypy; MLUH]
    • Hieritis Burmeister, 1855
      • Hieritis macrocera Burmeister, 1855 [by monotypy; MLUH]
    • Homalochilus Blanchard, 1851
      • Homalochilus niger Blanchard, 1851 [present designation; MNHN]
    • Homioliogenys Gutierrez Alonso, 1952
      • Homioliogenys tarsalis (Moser) [by monotypy; ZMHB; ??] [=Liogenys tarsalis Moser]
    • Hyperius Deyrolle & Fairmaire, 1878
      • Hyperius davidis Deyrolle & Fairmaire, 1878 [present designation; MNHN]
    • Isonychus Mannerheim, 1829 [LR South American spp. Frey 1970]
      • Isonychus sulphureus Mannerheim, 1829 [present designation; ??]
    • Issacaris Fairmaire, 1889 [LR Gutierrez Alonso 1952]
      • Issacaris petalophora Fairmaire, 1889 [by monotypy; MNHN]
    • Liogenys Guerin-Meneville, 1830
      • Liogenys castaneus Guerin -Meneville, 1830 [senior ?homonym of Liogenys castaneus Curtis 1845; junior synonym of Melolontha palpalis castanea Escscholtz 1822; by monotypy; ??]
    • Macrodactylus Latreille, 1825 [LR of Mexican spp. Carrillo & Gibson 1960; type sp.?]
    • Mallotarsus Blanchard, 1850
      • Mallotarsus spadiceus Blanchard, 1850 [by monotypy; MNHN]
    • Manodactylus Moser, 1919a
      • Manodactylus gaujoni Moser, 1919a [by monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Manonychus Moser, 1919b
      • Manonychus unguicularis Moser, 1919b [by monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Manopus Laporte, 1840
      • Manopus biguttatus Laporte, 1840 [by monotypy; ??]
    • Metaceraspis Frey, 1962
      • Metaceraspis fukiensis Frey, 1962 [by monotypy; ZSMC]
    • Oedichira Burmeister, 1855
      • Oedichira pachydactyla Burmeister, 1855 [present designation; MLUH]
    • Pachylotoma Blanchard, 1850
      • Pachylotoma viridis Blanchard, 1850 [by monotypy; MNHN]
    • Pacuvia Curtis, 1845
      • Pacuvia castanea Curtis, 1845 [by monotypy; ??]
    • Pectinosoma Arrow, 1913
      • Pectinosoma elongata Arrow, 1913 [by monotypy; BMNH]
    • Plectris Lepeletier & Serville, 1825

SUBGENUS Philochlaenia Blanchard, 1851 [see Deuterocaulobius; LR Frey 1967; type sp.?] SUBGENUS Plectris Lepeletier & Serville, 1825 [=Euryaspis Blanchard, 1851] [fide Dalla Torre 1912] [=Pseudoserica Guerin-Menenville, 1830] [Dalle Torre 1912; not syn. Arrow 1948a; type sp.?]

      • Plectris gaudaudii (Blanchard, 1851) [by monotypy; MNHN] [=Euryaspis gaudaudii Blanchard, 1851]
      • Plectris tomentosa Lepeletier & Serville, 1825 [by monotypy; ??]
    • Pristerophora Harold, 1869 [=Prionophora Solier, 1851] [not Westwood 1848; Harold 1869]
      • Pristerophora picipennis (Solier, 1851) [by monotypy; ??] [=Prionophora picipennis Solier, 1851]
    • Pseudodicrania Gutierrez Alonso, 1950a
      • Pseudodicrania aeneobrunnea (Philippi, 1861) [by monotypy; MNNC][=Dicrania aeneobrunnea Philippi, 1861]
    • Pseudohercitis Moser, 1921b
      • Pseudohercitis viridiaenea Moser, 1921b [by original designation; ??]
    • Pseudoisonychus Frey, 1971a
      • Pseudoisonychus vietnamensis Frey, 1971a
    • Rhinaspis Perty, 1833
      • Rhinaspis schranki Perty, 1833 [junior synonym of Melolontha aenea Billberg 1820; fide Burmeister 1855; by monotypy; ??]
    • Rhinaspoides Moser, 1919b
      • Rhinaspoides aeneofusca (Moser, 1919b) [by monotypy; ZMHB] [=Rhinapoides aeneofusca Moser, 1919b]
    • Schizochelus Blanchard, 1850
      • Schizochelus bicoloripes Blanchard, 1850 [by monotypy; MNHN]
    • Ulomenes Blanchard, 1851
      • Ulomenes hypocrita Mannerheim, 1829 [by monotypy; MNHN]
    • Xenoceraspis Arrow, 1920
      • Xenoceraspis dispar Arrow, 1920 [by monotypy; BMNH]
    • Zabacana Saylor, 1946
      • Zabacana brevinigrans Saylor, 1946 [by monotypy; CASC]
  • Tribù Maechidini Burmeister, 1855 [key to the genera Britton 1957]
    • Epholcis Waterhouse, 1875a [LR Britton 1957]
      • Epholcis divergens Waterhouse, 1875a [by monotypy; BMNH]
    • Harpechys Britton, 1957
      • Harpechys chilo Britton, 1957 [by monotypy; SAMA]
    • Maechidius Macleay, 1819 [LR Britton 1957]
      • Maechidius spurius (Kirby, 1818) [by monotypy; ?BMNH] [=Trox spurius Kirby, 1818]
    • Microcoenus Britton, 1957
      • Microcoenus nanus Britton, 1957 [by monotypy; ANIC]
    • Microthopus Burmeister, 1855
      • Microthopus castanopterus Burmeister, 1855 [by monotypy; MLUH]
    • Paramaechidius Frey, 1969b
      • Paramaechidius pauxillus (Heller) [by original designation; ??] [=Maechidius pauxillus Heller]
    • Termitophilus Britton, 1957
      • Termitophilus spadix Britton, 1957 [by monotypy; WAMP]
  • Tribù Melolonthini Burmeister, 1855 [North America-Hardy 1974; Australia-Britton 1978; MacLeay 1819??]
    • Achranoxia Kraatz, 1888
      • Achranoxia koenigi (Brenske, 1888) [by monotypy; ??] [=Polyphylla koenigi Brenske, 1888]
    • Adoretops Kraatz, 1883
      • Adoretops plexus (Zoubkoff, 1833) [by monotypy; ??] [=Melolontha plexus Zoubkoff, 1833]
    • Aethiartrogus Decelle, 1982
      • Aethiartrogus clypeatus (Blanchard, 1851) [by original designation; MNHN] [=Rhizotrogus clypeatus Blanchard, 1851]
    • Afrolepis Decelle, 1968 [LR Decelle 1968] [=Oligolepis Brenske, 1903a] [not Bleeker 1874; Decelle 1968; nomen nudum;= Stethaspis Arrow 1943]
      • Afrolepis pygidilalis (Brenske, 1903a) [by subsequent designation; Lepesme & Paulian 1944; ZMHB] [=Oligolepis pygidilalis Brenske, 1903a]
    • Allothnonius Britton, 1978
      • Allothnonius brooksi Britton, 1978 [by original designation; ANIC]
    • Amblonoxia Reitter, 1902
      • Amblonoxia quedenfeldti (Kraatz, 1894) [by monotypy; ZMHB] [=Oligophylla quedenfeldti Kraatz, 1894]
    • Amphimallina Reitter, 1905
      • Amphimallina jenrichi Reitter, 1905 [by monotypy; ??]
    • Amphimallon Le Peletier & Serville, 1825

SUBGENUS Amadotrogus Reitter, 1902

      • Amphimallon scutellaris (Lucas, 1849) [by monotypy; MNHN] [=Rhizotrogus scutellaris Lucas, 1849]

SUBGENUS Amphimallon Medvedev, 1951 [=Microdonta Hope, 1837] [Lacordaire 1856]

      • Amphimallon pini (Fabricius) [by original designation; OXUM?] [=Melolontha pini Fabricius]
      • Amphimallon solstitialis (Linnaeus, 1758) [by subsequent designation; Medvedev 1951; BMNH] [=Scarabaeus solstitialis Linnaeus, 1758]

SUBGENUS Dasytrogus Reitter, 1902 [as subgenus of Madatrogus Nikolaev 1976]

      • Amphimallon transcaspicus Brenske, 1886 [by monotypy; ??]

SUBGENUS Eriotrogus Reitter, 1902

      • Amphimallon erivanicus Reitter, 1902 [by monotypy; ??]

SUBGENUS Madotrogus Reitter, 1902 [*cited as genus Nikolaev 1976; ???]

      • Amphimallon glabricollis Reitter, 1888 [by original designation; ??]

SUBGENUS Micramphimallon Medvedev, 1951

      • Amphimallon mesopotamicus (Medvedev, 1951) [by monotypy; ??] [=Micramphimallon mesopotamicus Medvedev, 1951]
    • Anartioschiza Kolbe, 1894 [LR Decelle 1975]
      • Anartioschiza cameruna Kolbe, 1894 [by subsequent designation; Decelle 1975; ZMHB]
    • Anisopholis Moser, 1913b
      • Anisopholis squamulifera (Moser, 1913b) [by original designation; ZMHB] [=Schoenherria squamulifera Moser, 1913b]
    • Anomalochela Moser, 1913a [= Lachnosterna Arrow 1948b; status reviewed by Khan& Ghai 1983]
      • Anomalochela bicolor (Brenske, 1892) [by original designation; ZMHB] [=Brahmina bicolor Brenske, 1892]
    • Anoxia Laporte, 1832 [LR Dewailly 1944; key to subgenera Sabatinelli 1976; type sp.?]

SUBGENUS Anoxia Medvedev, 1951 SUBGENUS Archianoxia Miksic, 1959

      • Anoxia derelicta Desbrochers, 1873 [by original designation; ??]

SUBGENUS Mesanoxia Medvedev, 1951

      • Anoxia australis (Gyllenhal, 1817) [by original designation; ??] [=Melolontha australis Gyllenhal, 1817]

SUBGENUS Protanoxia Medvedev, 1951

      • Anoxia orientalis (Krynizky, 1832) [by original designation; ??] [=Melolontha orientalis Krynizky, 1832]
    • Anoxoides Petrovitz, 1971
      • Anoxoides bytinskisalzi Petrovits, 1971 [by monotypy; ??]
    • Antitrogus Burmeister, 1855 [LR Britton 1978; 1979]
      • Antitrogus tasmanicus Burmeister, 1855 [by monotypy; MLUH]
    • Aplidia Hope, 1837 [LR Baraud 1988/89?] [=Haplidia Gemminger & Harold, 1869] [unjustified emendation]
      • Aplidia transversa (Fabricius, 1801) [by monotypy; BMNH] [=Melolontha transversa Fabricius, 1801]
    • Apogonia Kirby, 1818

SUBGENUS Apogonia Kirby, 1818 [=Catagonia Kolbe, 1899] [Moser 1917a] [=Dichecephala Brenske, 1895] [Arrow 1940; =Catagonia Moser 1917a; note, Moser 1917 considered Catagonia a subgenus of Dichecephala]

      • Apogonia abysinnica (Brenske, 1895) [=Dichecephala abysinnica Brenske, 1895]
      • Apogonia gemellata Kirby, 1818 [by ??; a junior synonym of Melolontha rauca Fabricius 1781 now in Apogonia]
      • Apogonia nasalis Karsch, 1882 [by monotypy; ZMHB]

SUBGENUS Ceratogonia Kolbe, 1899 [type sp.?] SUBGENUS Metagonia Kolbe, 1899

      • Apogonia platypyge Kolbe, 1899 [present designation; ZMHB]

SUBGENUS Rhyncogonia Arrow, 1902

      • Apogonia acuminata Arrow, 1902 [by monotypy; BMNH; note, Arrow does not state "n. subg."]
    • Aposchiza Brenske, 1903c
      • Aposchiza schultzi Brenske, 1903c [by monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Articephala Moser, 1920
      • Articephala planifrons Moser, 1920 [by monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Asactopholis Brenske, 1894b
      • Asactopholis gracilipes (Sharp, 1876) [by original designation; ??] [=Lepidiota gracilipes Sharp, 1876]
    • Asaphomorpha Brancsik, 1893 [LR Dewailly 1950]
      • Asaphomorpha nigra (Nonfried, 1891) [by monotypy; MNHN] [=Encya nigra Nonfried, 1891]
    • Asophrops Petrovitz, 1961
      • Asophrops jettmari Petrovitz, 1961 [by monotypy; ??]
    • Asthenopholis Brenske, 1898 [LR Arrow 1917]
      • Asthenopholis transvaalensis (Brenske, 1898) [present designation; ZMHB] [=Astenopholis transvaalensis Brenske, 1898]
    • Aulacoschiza Decelle, 1973b
      • Aulacoschiza triphylla Decelle, 1973b [by original designation; MRAC]
    • Beriqua Peringuey, 1904
      • Beriqua modesta Peringuey, 1904 [by monotypy; SAMC]
    • Brachylepis Kolbe, 1894
      • Brachylepis elephas (Gerstaecker, 1867) [by monotypy; ZMHU] [=Coniopholis elephas Gerstaecker, 1867]
    • Brachyllus Brenske, 1896
      • Brachyllus ulcerosus Brenske, 1896 [present designation; ZMHU]
    • Brachypholis Brenske, 1898b [=Epipholis Moser, 1917b] [Arrow 1943]
      • Brachypholis assiniensis (Moser, 1917b) [by monotypy; ZMHU] [=Epipholis assiniensis Moser, 1917b]
      • Brachypholis rothschildi Brenske, 1898b [by monotypy; ZMHU]
    • Brahmina Blanchard, 1851

SUBGENUS Anoxiella Reitter, 1902 [=Schistocamenta Seidlitz, 1905] [err. pro Schistocometa]

      • Brahmina brenskei Reitter, 1900 [by monotypy; ZMHB]
      • Brahmina senescens Frivaldszky, 1889 [by subsequent designation; Medvedev 1951; ??]

SUBGENUS Brahmina Blanchard, 1851

      • Brahmina comata Blanchard, 1851 [by montypy; MNHN]

SUBGENUS Brahminella Medvedev, 1951

      • Brahmina agenlla Faldermann, 1835 [by original designation; ??]

SUBGENUS Brahminula Medvedev, 1951 [=Schistocometa Brenske, 1903] [Reitter 1904]

      • Brahmina alatavica Semenov-Tian-Shanskii, 1925 [by monotypy; ??]
    • Butozania Miksic, 1955 [subgenus of Rhizotrogus; Kantardschieva-Minkova 1958]
      • Butozania macedonicus (Miksic, 1955) [by monotypy; ??] [=Rhizotrogus macedonicus Miksic, 1955]
    • Byrsalepis Brenske, 1898
      • Byrsalepis mikindana Brenske, 1898 [present designation; ZMHB]
    • Cephaloschiza Moser, 1920 [LR Decelle 1979]
      • Cephaloschiza clypealis Moser, 1920 [by monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Chaetocosmetes Moser, 1917b
      • Chaetocosmetes javanus Moser, 1917 [present designation; ZMHB]
    • Chariochilus Brenske, 1898b
      • Chariochilus metallescens Brenske, 1898b [by monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Cheronia Croissandaeu, 1896
      • Cheronia bonnemaisoni Croissandaeu, 1896 [by monotypy; ??]
    • Chiloschiza Moser, 1924a
      • Chiloschiza clypealis Moser, 1924a [by monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Chilotrogus Reitter, 1905
      • Chilotrogus panotrogoides Reitter, 1905 [by monotypy; ??]
    • Chioneosoma Kraatz, 1881 [LR Medvedev 1966]

SUBGENUS Aleucolomus Reitter, 1902

      • Chioneosoma subporosa Reitter, 1902 [by monotypy; ??]

SUBGENUS Aleucoschema Semenov-Tian-Shanskii, 1935

      • Chioneosoma vulpina (Gyllenhal, 1817) [by subsequent designation; Medvedev 1951; ??] [=Melolontha vulpina Gyllenhal, 1817]

SUBGENUS Chioneosoma Kraatz, 1881 [Reitter 1902]

      • Chioneosoma pulvereum (Knoch, 1801) [by subsequent designation; Medvedev 1951; ??] [=Melolontha pulvereum Knoch, 1801]

SUBGENUS Chionotrogus Reitter, 1902

      • Chioneosoma pulverea (Knoch, 1801) [by subsequent designation; Medevedv 1951; ??] [=Melolontha pulverea Knoch, 1801]

SUBGENUS Leucolasium Semenov-Tian-Shanskii, 1935

      • Chioneosoma gorilla (Brenske, 1886) [by subsequent designation; Medvedev 1951; ZMHB] [=Rhizotrogus gorilla Brenske, 1886]

SUBGENUS Leucoschema Semenov-Tian-Shanskii, 1935

      • Chioneosoma baadeni (Brenske, 1886) [by subsequent designation; Medvedev 1951; ZMHB] [=Rhizotrogus baadeni Brenske, 1886]

SUBGENUS Leucoschesis Semenov-Tian-Shanskii, 1935

      • Chioneosoma turcomanum Brenske, 1888 [by subsequent designation; Medvedev 1951; ZMHB]
    • Clypeasta Fairmaire, 1904a [LR Dewailly 1950] [=Clypearia Fairmaire, 1903] [preoccupied; Fairmaire 1904a]
      • Clypeasta pruinosa (Fairmaire, 1903) [by monotypy; MNHN] [=Clypearia pruinosa Fairmaire, 1903]
    • Cnemoschiza Decelle, 1979
      • Cnemoschiza tibialis Decelle, 1979 [by monotypy; MZUF]
    • Cochliotis Kolbe, 1894
      • Cochliotis melolonthoides (Kolbe, 1894) [by monotypy; ZMHB]
                                       [=Coniopholis melolonthoides Kolbe, 1894]
    • Cochliotodes Burgeon, 1946b
      • Cochliotodes babaulti Burgeon, 1946b [by monotypy; ??]
    • Coelogenia Moser, 1913b
      • Coelogenia flavida Moser, 1913b [by monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Coniopholis Erichson, 1847
      • Coniopholis lepidiota Burmeister, 1855 [by subsequent monotypy; MLUH]
    • Coniotrogus Brenske, 1902b
      • Coniotrogus abdominalis Brenske, 1902b [by monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Crepischiza Brenske, 1903c
      • Crepischiza usambarae Bresnke, 1903 [by monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Cryphaeobius Kraatz, 1882
      • Cryphaeobius brunneus Kraatz, 1882 [by monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Cryptotrogus Kraatz, 1888
      • Cryptotrogus weisei Kraatz, 1888 [by monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Cyphochilus Waterhouse, 1867
      • Cyphochilus candida (Olivier, 1789) [by subsequent designation; Medvedev 1951; ??]
                                       [=Melolontha candida Olivier, 1789]
    • Cyphonotus Fischer, 1824 [LR Medvedev 1951]
      • Cyphonotus testaceus (Pallas, 1781) [by subsequent designation; Medevedev 1951; ??]
                                       [=Scarabaeus testaceus Pallas, 1781]
    • Cyphonoxia Reitter, 1889 [LR Medvedev 1951]
      • Cyphonoxia praestabilis Reitter, 1889 [by monotypy; ??]
    • Dasylepida Moser, 1913b
      • Dasylepida fissa Moser, 1913b [by present designation; ZMHB]
    • Dermolepida Arrow, 1941 [n.n.pro Lepidoderma; LR Britton1978]
                                  [=Lepidoderma Waterhouse, 1875b] [not Reuss 1855]
      • Dermolepida albohirtum (Waterhouse, 1875b) [by monotypy; BMNH]
                                       [=Lepidoderma albohirtum Waterhouse, 1875b]
    • Diacucephalus Dewailly, 1950
      • Diacucephalus vadoni Dewailly, 1950 [by original designation; MNHN]
    • Dicheloscema Moser, 1924
      • Dicheloscema corporaali (Moser, 1924) [by monotypy; ZMHB]
                                       [=Dicheloschema corporaali Moser, 1924]
    • Dinacoma Casey, 1889 [LR Hardy 1974]
      • Dinacoma marginata Casey, 1889 [by monotypy; USNM]
    • Diplotaxis Kirby, 1837 [LR Vaurie 1958;1960]
                                  [=Alobus LeConte, 1856] [Vaurie 1958]
                                  [=Diazus Leconte, 1860] [Vaurie 1958]
                                  [=Orsonyx LeConte, 1856] [Fall 1909]
      • Diplotaxis anxius (LeConte, 1856) [by monotypy; MCZC]
                                       [=Orsonyx anxius LeConte, 1856]
      • Diplotaxis fulvus (LeConte, 1856) [by monotypy; MCZC]
                                       [=Alobus fulvus LeConte, 1856]
      • Diplotaxis rudisLeConte, 1860) [by monotypy; MCZC]
                                       [=Diazus rudisLeConte, 1860]
      • Diplotaxis tristis Kirby, 1837 [by monotypy; BMNH]
    • Empecta Erichson, 1847 [LR Dewailly 1950]
      • Empecta obsoleta Blanchard, 1851 [by subsequent designation; Dewailly 1950; MNHN]
    • Empectida Moser, 1914b
      • Empectida vethi Moser, 1914 [by monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Empectoides Dewailly, 1950
      • Empectoides gentilis (Blanchard, 1851) [by original designation; MNHN]
                                       [=Empecta gentilis Blanchard, 1851]
    • Empycastes Gerstaecker, 1871
      • Empycastes coronatus Gerstaecker, 1871 [by monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Enaria Erichson, 1847
      • Enaria melanictera (Klug, 1833) [by subsequent monotypy; Blanchard 1851; ZMHB]
                                       [=Melolontha melanictera Klug, 1833]
    • Encya Blanchard, 1845 [LR Dewailly 1950; note, Burm. 1855 cites Dejean 1833]
      • Encya apicalis Blanchard, 1851 [by subsequent designation; Dewailly 1950; MNHN]
    • Energetia Dalle Torre, 1912
                                  [=Phila Brenske, 1897b] [not Motschulsky 1864; Dalle Torre 1912]
      • Energetia amboinae (Brenske, 1897b) [by monotypy; ZMHB]
                                       [=Phila amboinae Brenske, 1897b]
    • Enthora Erichson, 1847 [LR Dewailly 1950]
      • Enthora chlorodera Blanchard, 1851 [by subsequent monotypy; MNHN]
    • Entyopsis Kolbe, 1894
      • Entyopsis impressa Kolbe, 1894 [by original desgnation; ZMHB]
    • Entypophana Moser, 1913
      • Entypophana biapicata Moser, 1913 [present designation; ZMHB]
    • Eremotrogus Kolbe, 1914
      • Eremotrogus pruinosus Kolbe, 1914 [by monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Eulepidopsis Burgeon, 1946a
      • Eulepidopsis wilsoni Burgeon, 1946a [by monotypy; ??]
    • Eupegylis Duvivier, 1892
      • Eupegylis confusa Duvivier, 1892 [by monotypy; ??]
    • Euranoxia Semenov-Tian-Shanskii, 1890
      • Euranoxia valida (Semenov, 1890) [by monotypy; ??]
                                       [=Euronoxia valida Semenov, 1890]
    • Eutrichesis Waterhouse, 1882 [LR Dewailly 1950]
      • Eutrichesis punctatus Waterhouse, 1882 [present designation; BMNH]
    • Exolontha Reitter, 1902
      • Exolontha umbraculata (Burmeister, 1855) [by monotypy; MLUH]
                                       [=Melolontha umbraculata Burmeister, 1855]
    • Exopholis Motschulsky, 1859
      • Exopholis birmanica Motschulsky, 1959 [by monotypy; ??]
    • Genyoschiza Moser, 1917b
                                  [=Atys Reiche, 1850] [not de Montfort 1810; =Genyoschiza Arrow 1944; preocc.Strand 1942]
                                  [=Atysilla Strand, 1942]
      • Genyoschiza samenensis (Reiche, 1850) [by monotypy; BMNH]
                                       [=Atys samenensis Reiche, 1850]
      • Genyoschiza tarsalis Moser, 1917b [by monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Geotrogus Guerin-Meneville, 1842
      • Geotrogus magagnosci Guerin-Meneville, 1842 [by monotypy; ??]
    • Globulischiza Frey, 1974b
      • Globulischiza squamosa Frey, 1974b [by monotypy; ZSMC]
    • Glyptoglossa Brenske, 1895
      • Glyptoglossa lurida (Brumeister, 1855) [by monotypy; MLUH]
                                       [=Schizonycha lurida Brumeister, 1855]
    • Gnaphalostetha Reiche, 1856
      • Gnaphalostetha bonvoisini (Reiche, 1856) [by monotypy; ??]
                                       [=Gnaphalostoma bonvoisini Reiche, 1856]
    • Grananoxia Brenske, 1890
      • Grananoxia annamensis (Fleutiaux, 1887) [by monotypy; ??]
                                       [=Granida annamensis Fleutiaux, 1887]
    • Gymnogaster Blanchard, 1851 [preocc. Gronorius 1763; Brunnich 1788]
      • Gymnogaster buphthalmus Blanchard, 1851 [by monotypy; MNHN]
    • Gymnoschiza Moser, 1914a [LR Decelle 1973a]
      • Gymnoschiza gracilipes (Brenske, 1898) [by original designation; ZMHB]
                                       [=Anartioschiza gracilipes Brenske, 1898]
    • Hecistopsilus Kolbe, 1894
      • Hecistopsilus molitor (Kolbe, 1894) [present designation; ??]
                                       [=Hecistospilus molitor Kolbe, 1894]
    • Heptelia Brenske, 1898b [LR Arrow 1944b]
      • Heptelia stripidea Brenske, 1898b [by monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Heptophyllla Motschulsky, 1857
      • Heptophyllla picea (Motschulsky, 1857) [by monotypy; ??]
                                       [=Heptophylla picea Motschulsky, 1857]
    • Heteroschiza Moser, 1917b
      • Heteroschiza plumata Moser, 1917b [by monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Hexataenius Fairmaire, 1891
      • Hexataenius protensus Fairmaire, 1891 [by monotypy; MNHN]
    • Hilyotrogus Fairmaire, 1886
                                  [=Melichrus Brenske, 1892a] [Arrow 1944; Frey 1975b]
      • Hilyotrogus kolbei (Brenske, 1892a) [by monotypy; ZMHB]
                                       [=Melichrus kolbei Brenske, 1892a]
      • Hilyotrogus unguicularis Fairmaire, 1886 [present designation; MNHN]
    • Holisonycha Peringuey, 1904
      • Holisonycha mellila Peringeuy, 1904 [by monotypy; SAMC]
    • Holochelus Reitter, 1889

SUBGENUS Holochelus Reitter, 1889 [Semenov 1905]

      • Holochelus subseriatus Reitter, 1889 [by monotypy; ??]

SUBGENUS Odontochelus Semenov, 1905

      • Holochelus lineolatus Reitter, 1902 [by monotypy; ??]
    • Holocnemus Brenske, 1894a
      • Holocnemus tomentosus Brenske, 1894a [by monotypy; ??]
    • Holomelia Brenske, 1891 [LR Arrow 1944b]
      • Holomelia mirabilisBrenske, 1891 [by monotypy; NZSC]
    • Holopycnia Brenske, 1896b
      • Holopycnia celebesiaca Brenske, 1896b [by monotypy; ??]
    • Holorhopaea Britton, 1978
      • Holorhopaea sagata Britton, 1978 [by monotypy; SAMA]
    • Holotrichia Hope, 1837 [dups?; status Khan & Ghai 1982a; LR Russian spp. Kalinina 1978; see Lachnosterna Phyllophaga]

SUBGENUS Amphitrichia Brenske, 1894a [as genus Arrow 1944b]

      • Holotrichia amboinae Brenske, 1894a [by monotypy; ??]

SUBGENUS Eotrichia Medvedev, 1951 [as genus; Chang 1964; *valid Kalinina 1978; ???]

      • Holotrichia titanis Reitter, 1902

SUBGENUS Eretusa Reitter, 1902

      • Holotrichia nigra (Redtenbacher, 1868) [by monotypy; ??]
                                       [=Ancylonycha nigra Redtenbacher, 1868]

SUBGENUS Holotrichia Hope, 1837

                                    [=Ancyclonycha Dejean, 1833] [Arrow 1944b]
                                    [=Neolepidiota Blackburn, 1890a] [Arrow 1917]
                                    [=Phyllophaga Harris, 1827] [Arrow 1944b]
      • Holotrichia hirticula (Knoch, 1801) [by subseqeunt designation; Glasgow 1916; ZMHB]
                                       [=Melolontha hirticula Knoch, 1801]
      • Holotrichia obscura (Blackburn, 1890) [=Holotrichia serrata Farbricius; by monotypy; SAMA]
                                       [=Neolepidiota obscura Blackburn, 1890]
      • Holotrichia serrata (Fabricius, 1787) [by original designation; BMNH]
                                       [=Melolontha serrata Fabricius, 1787]
      • Holotrichia serrata (Fabricius, 1775) [by subsequent designation; Duponchel 1849; BMNH]
                                       [=Melolontha serrata Fabricius, 1775]

SUBGENUS Noanda Reitter, 1902

      • Holotrichia standfussi Brenske, 1892 [by monotypy; ZMHB]

SUBGENUS Pledina Reitter, 1902 [type sp.?]

                                    [=Hippotrichia Arrow, 1948b] [of Pledina; Chang 1964]
                                    [=Miridiba Reitter, 1902] [of Pledina; Chang 1964]
                                    [=Neodontocnema Arrow, 1948b] [of Pledina; Chang 1964; LR Frey 1970]
      • Holotrichia coromandeliana (Blanchard, 1851) [by original designation; MNHN]
                                       [=Ancylonycha coromandeliana Blanchard, 1851]
      • Holotrichia hainana (Arrow, 1948b) [by original designation; BMNH]
                                       [=Hippotrichia hainana Arrow, 1948b]
      • Holotrichia trichophorus (Fairmaire, 1891) [by monotypy; MNHN]
                                       [=Rhizotrogus trichophorus Fairmaire, 1891]
    • Homoeoschiza Kolbe, 1894
                                  [=Euryschiza Brenske, 1898] [Moser 1914a]
      • Homoeoschiza aberrans (Gerstaecker, 1873) [by monotypy; ZMHB]
                                       [=Schizonycha aberrans Gerstaecker, 1873]
      • Homoeoschiza salaama (Brenske, 1898) [by monotypy; ZMHB]
                                       [=Euryschiza salaama Brenske, 1898]
    • Hoplochelus Blanchard, 1851 [LR Dewailly 1950]
                                  [=Enariodea Fairmaire, 1903] [Dewailly 1950; syn. of Hoplocnemus?]
      • Hoplochelus rhizotrogoides Blanchard, 1851 [by monotypy; MNHN]
      • Hoplochelus villigera (Fairmaire, 1903) [by monotypy; MNHN]
                                       [=Enarioidea villigera Fairmaire, 1903]
    • Hoplocnemus Blanchard, 1851
    • Hoplolontha Fairmaire, 1904b
      • Hoplolontha paviei Fairmaire, 1904b [by monotypy; MNHN]
    • Hoplosternodes Burgeon, 1946a
      • Hoplosternodes splendens Burgeon, 1946a [by monotypy; ??]
    • Hoplosternus Guerin-Meneville, 1838 [Oplosternus]
      • Hoplosternus chinensis (Guerin-Meneville, 1838) [by monotypy; ??]
                                       [=Oplosternus chinensis Guerin-Meneville, 1838]
    • Hypochrus Fairmaire, 1891
      • Hypochrus brevicollis Fairmaire, 1891 [by monotypy; MNHN]
    • Hypolepida Britton, 1978
      • Hypolepida wilsoni Britton, 1978 [by monotypy; ANIC]
    • Hypopholis Erichson, 1847 [LR Machatschke 1955]
      • Hypopholis sommeri Burmeister, 1855 [by subsequent monotypy; MLUH]
    • Hypothyce Howden, 1968
      • Hypothyce mixta Howden, 1968 [by monotypy; CNCI]
    • Hypotrichia LeConte, 1862
      • Hypotrichia spissipes LeConte, 1862 [by monotypy; MCZC]
    • Idiapogonia Arrow, 1916b
      • Idiapogonia laratina Arrow, 1916b [by monotypy; BMNH]
    • Idionycha Arrow, 1932
      • Idionycha excisa Arrow, 1932 [by monotypy; BMNH]
    • Jalalabadia Balthasar, 1967
      • Jalalabadia povolnyi Balthasar, 1967 [by monotypy; ??]
    • Lachnodera Erichson, 1847
      • Lachnodera rufojubata Fairmaire, 1884 [by subsequent monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Lachnosterna Hope, 1837 [see Holotrichia Phyllophaga]

SUBGENUS Lachnosterna Hope, 1837

                                    [=Anomalochela Moser] [Arrow 1948]
                                    [=Brahmnina Blanchard, 1851] [Arrow 1948]
                                    [=Holochelus Blanchard, 1851] [Arrow 1948]
                                    [=Holotrichia Hope, 1837] [Arrow 1948; Cartwright & Gordon 1971]
      • Lachnosterna bicolor (Brenske, 1892) [by original designation; ZMHB]
                                       [=Brahmina bicolor Brenske, 1892]
      • Lachnosterna calva (Blanchard, 1851) [by subsequent designation; Arrow 1948; ??]
                                       [=Brahmina calva Blanchard, 1851]
      • Lachnosterna fervida (Fabricius, 1775) [by original designation; OXUM]
                                       [=Melolontha fervida Fabricius, 1775]
      • Lachnosterna serrata (Fabricius, 1787) [by original designation; BMNH]
                                       [=Melolontha serrata Fabricius, 1787]
      • Lachnosterna subseriatus (Reitter, 1889) [by monotypy; ??]
                                       [=Holochelus subseriatus Reitter, 1889]

SUBGENUS Trichestes Erichson, 1848 [Dalla Torre 1912]

      • Lachnosterna pilosicollis (Knoch, 1801) [by subsequent designation; Blanchard 1851; ??]
                                       [=Melolontha pilosicollis Knoch, 1801]
    • Lachnota Reitter, 1889
      • Lachnota henningi (Fischer, 1823) [by monotypy; ??]
                                       [=Rhizotrogus henningi Fischer, 1823]
    • Lasiexis Semenov-Tian-Shanskii & Medvedev, 1936
      • Lasiexis dilaticollis (Ballion, 1870) [by original designation; ??]
                                       [=Lachnosterna dilaticollis Ballion, 1870]
    • Lasiopsis Erichson, 1848

SUBGENUS Brahmina Blanchard, 1851 [*cited Nikolaev 1976; ???] SUBGENUS Lasiobrahmina Medvedev, 1951

      • Lasiopsis duchoni Reitter, 1902 [by original designation; ??]

SUBGENUS Lasiopsis Erichson, 1848 [Medvedev 1951]

      • Lasiopsis henningii (Fischer, 1824) [by subsequent monotypy; Blanchard 1851; ??]
                                       [=Melolontha henningii Fischer, 1824]
    • Lasiotropus Reitter, 1913
      • Lasiotropus poonensis Reitter, 1913 [by monotypy; ??]
    • Latipalpus Moser, 1921a
      • Latipalpus maxillata (Brenske, 1892) [by original designation; ??]
                                       [=Holotrichia maxillata Brenske, 1892]
    • Lecantotrogus Kolbe, 1894
      • Lecantotrogus runsoricus Kolbe, 1894 [by monotypy; ??]
    • Lepidiota Kirby, 1828 [LR Australia-Britton 1978]
                                  [=Eulepida Kolbe, 1894] [Arrow 1943]
      • Lepidiota baumanni (Kolbe, 1894) [subsequent designation; Dewailly 1950; ZMHB]
                                       [=Eulepida baumanni Kolbe, 1894]
      • Lepidiota stigma (Fabricius, 1798) [by subsequent designation; Hope 1837; ?BMNH]
                                       [=Melolontha stigma Fabricius, 1798]
    • Lepidomela Kolbe, 1894
      • Lepidomela cervina Kolbe, 1894 [by monotypy; ??]
    • Lepidotrogus Kolbe, 1894
      • Lepidotrogus conradti Kolbe, 1894 [present designation; ??]
    • Lepischiza Moser, 1914a
      • Lepischiza fulvipes (Moser, 1914a) [by original designation; ??]
                                       [=Coniopholis fulvipes Moser, 1914a]
    • Leptolepis Ley, 1917 [LR Dewailly 1950]
      • Leptolepis major (Fairmaire, 1903) [by monotypy; ??]
                                       [=Empecta major Fairmaire, 1903]
    • Leucopholis Blanchard, 1845 [Dejean 1833?]
      • Leucopholis rorida (Weber, 1801) [present designation; ??]
                                       [=Melolontha rorida Weber, 1801]
    • Leucophorus Brenske, 1894a
      • Leucophorus flabellatus Brenske, 1894a [by monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Magniscarabaeus Hong, 1988 [date?; et al.]
      • Magniscarabaeus furvus (Hong, 1988) [date?; et al.; by monotypy; fossil-Miocene; ??]
                                       [=Megascarabaeus furvus Hong, 1988]
    • Malaisius Arrow, 1941b
      • Malaisius mollis Arrow, 1941b [by monotypy; ??]
    • Mascarena Arrow, 1919
      • Mascarena rodriguezi (Waterhouse, 1876) [by monotypy; BMNH]
                                       [=Lachnosterna rodriguezi Waterhouse, 1876]
    • Megacoryne Britton, 1987
      • Megacoryne carnabyorum Britton, 1987 [by monotypy; ANIC]
    • Meganoxia Reitter, 1902
      • Meganoxia orita Reitter, 1902 [by monotypy; ??]
    • Megarhopaea Britton, 1978
      • Megarhopaea gigas (Lea, 1916) [by monotypy; SAMA]
                                       [=Pararhopaea gigas Lea, 1916]
    • Megistophylla Burmeister, 1855
                                  [=Hecatomnus Fairmaire, 1891] [Arrow 1944b]
      • Megistophylla grandicornis (Fairmaire, 1891) [by monotypy; MNHN]
                                       [=Hecatomnus grandicornis Fairmaire, 1891]
      • Megistophylla jughuhni Burmeister, 1855 [by monotypy; MLUH]
    • Melolontha Fabricius, 1775

SUBGENUS Apropyga Medvedev, 1951

SUBGENUS Melolontha Fabricius, 1775 [Medvedev 1951]

                                       [=Scarabaeus melolontha Linne, 1758]

SUBGENUS Tocama Reitter, 1902

    • Melolonthoides Dewailly, 1950
      • Melolonthoides rothschildi Dewailly, 1950 [by monotypy; MNHN]
    • Metatrogus Britton, 1978
      • Metatrogus septuosus Britton, 1978 [by original designation; ANIC]
    • Microlontha Petrovitz, 1967
      • Microlontha aphodioides Petrovitz, 1967 [by monotypy; ??]
    • Microphylla Kraatz, 1890
      • Microphylla paupera (Hampe, 1852) [by monotypy; ??]
                                       [=Anoxia paupera Hampe, 1852]
    • Microrhopaea Lea, 1920
      • Microrhopaea flavipennis Lea, 1920 [by monotypy; SAMA]
    • Microtrichia Brenske, 1900 [LR Arrow 1927;type sp.?]
    • Miltotrogus Reitter, 1902 [as subgenus of Rhizotrogus; Baraud 1977; LR Nonvellier 1965]
      • Miltotrogus aequinoctialis (Herbst, 1790) [by subsequent designation; Medvedev 1951; ??]
                                       [=Melolontha aequinoctialis Herbst, 1790]
    • Miolachnosterna Wickham, 1914
      • Miolachnosterna tristoides Wickham, 1914 [by monotypy; MCZC]
    • Monotropus Erichson, 1847
      • Monotropus nordmanni Blanchard, 1851 [by subsequent monotypy; MNHN]
    • Nanorhopaea Britton, 1978
      • Nanorhopaea testacea (Britton, 1978) [by monotypy; SAMA]
                                       [=Nanorrhopaea testacea Britton, 1978]
    • Nematophylla Arrow, 1906
      • Nematophylla rugosa Arrow, 1906 [by monotypy; BMNH]
    • Ochranoxia Kraatz, 1888 [LR Mevedev 1951]
      • Ochranoxia semiflava (Kraatz, 1883) [by monotypy; ZMHB]
                                       [=Anoxia semiflava Kraatz, 1883]
    • Octoplasia Brenske, 1892
      • Octoplasia lineata (Sharp, 1876) [present designation; ??]
                                       [=Lachnosterna lineata Sharp, 1876]
    • Oligophylla Kraatz, 1894a
      • Oligophylla detrita (Fairmaire, 1875) [present designation; MNHN]
                                       [=Anoxia detrita Fairmaire, 1875]
    • Oreotrogus Kolbe, 1897 [LR Decelle 1973]
      • Oreotrogus volkensi Kolbe, 1897 [by monotypy; BMNH;MNHN;ZMHB]
    • Othnonius Olliff, 1890
      • Othnonius batesii Olliff, 1890 [by monotypy; AMSA]
    • Pachrodema Blanchard, 1851
      • Pachrodema castanea Blanchard, 1851 [present designation; MNHN]
    • Pahangia Arrow, 1948b
      • Pahangia costata Arrow, 1948b [by monotypy; BMNH]
    • Panotrogus Reitter, 1902
      • Panotrogus myschenkovi (Ballion, 1871) [by monotypy; ??]
                                       [=Rhizotrogus myschenkovi Ballion, 1871]
    • Pararhopaea Blackburn, 1911
      • Pararhopaea callabonnensis (Blackburn, 1894) [by monotypy; SAMA]
                                       [=Rhopaea callabonnensis Blackburn, 1894]
    • Pectinichelus Ballion, 1871
      • Pectinichelus rhizotrogoides Ballion, 1871 [by monotypy; ??]
    • Pegylis Erichson, 1847
                                  [=Pegylidius Peringuey, 1904] [Arrow 1943]
      • Pegylis mashunus (Peringuey, 1904) [by monotypy; SAMC]
                                       [=Pegylidius mashunus Peringuey, 1904]
      • Pegylis morio (Blanchard, 1851) [by subsequent monotypy; MNHN]
                                       [=Pegylius morio Blanchard, 1851]
    • Pentaphylla Dewailly, 1950
      • Pentaphylla gieseckiei Dewailly, 1950 [by monotypy; MNHN]
    • Pentelia Brenske, 1891 [LR Arrow 1944b]
      • Pentelia discedens (Sharp, 1881) [by monotypy; ??]
                                       [=Lachnosterna discedens Sharp, 1881]
    • Phiara Brenske, 1897
      • Phiara flava Brenske, 1897 [by monotypy; ??]
    • Philacelota Heller, 1900
      • Philacelota submaculata Heller, 1900 [present designation; ??]
    • Pholidochris Kolbe, 1894
      • Pholidochris dorhni (Quedenfeldt, 1884)
                                       [=Ancylonycha dorhni Quedenfeldt, 1884]
    • Phyllophaga Harris, 1827 [see Holotrichia Lachnosterna; dup??]

SUBGENUS Chirodines Bates, 1888

      • Phyllophaga zunilensis (Bates, 1888) [by monotypy; BMNH]
                                       [=Chirodines zunilensis Bates, 1888]

SUBGENUS Chlaenobia Blanchard, 1850 [LR Chapin 1935]

      • Phyllophaga ciliatipes (Blanchard, 1851) [by monotypy; MNHN]
                                       [=Chlaenobia ciliatipes Blanchard, 1851]

SUBGENUS Cnemarachis Saylor, 1942

      • Phyllophaga vandinei (Smyth, 1917) [by original designation; ??; note, jr. synonym of Ancylonycha Arrow 1948]
                                       [=Lachnosterna vandinei Smyth, 1917]

SUBGENUS Eugastra LeConte, 1856

      • Phyllophaga cribrosa (LeConte, 1853) [by subsequent designation; Saylor 1942; MCZC]
                                       [=Tostegoptera cribrosa LeConte, 1853]

SUBGENUS Listrochelus Blanchard, 1851

      • Phyllophaga laportei (Blanchard, 1851) [by monotypy; MNHN]
                                       [=Listrochelus laportei Blanchard, 1851]

SUBGENUS Phyllophaga Harris, 1827

                                    [=Abcrana Saylor, 1942] [as subgenus of Cnemarachis; Sanderson 1951]
                                    [=Ancyclonycha Dejean, 1833] [see Holotrichia]
                                    [=Clemora Saylor, 1942] [Sanderson 1951]
                                    [=Endrosa LeConte, 1856] [??]
                                    [=Gynnis LeConte, 1856] [??]
                                    [=Holotrichia Hope, 1837] [as synonym of Ancyclonycha Saylor 1942]
                                    [=Lachnosterna Hope, 1837] [??]
                                    [=Trichestes Blanchard, 1851] [??]
      • Phyllophaga debilis (LeConte, 1856) [by monotypy; MCZC]
                                       [=Gynnis debilis LeConte, 1856]
      • Phyllophaga fervida (Fabricius, 1775) [by original designation; OXUM]
                                       [=Melolontha fervida Fabricius, 1775]
      • Phyllophaga hirticula (Knoch, 1801) [by subseqeunt designation; Glasgow 1916; ZMHB]
                                       [=Melolontha hirticula Knoch, 1801]
      • Phyllophaga pilosicollis (Knoch, 1801) [by monotypy; ZMHB]
                                       [=Melolontha pilosicollis Knoch, 1801]
      • Phyllophaga quercus (Knoch, 1801) [by monotypy; ZMHB]
                                       [=Melolontha quercus Knoch, 1801]

TYPE SPECIES Phyllophaga serrata (Fabricius, 1775) [DUP; by subsequent designation; Duponchel 1849; BMNH; note see Holotrichia Hope; Arrow 1948 designates Ancylonycha hogardi Blanchard 1851 apecies]

                                       [=Melolontha serrata Fabricius, 1775]
      • Phyllophaga serrata (Fabricius, 1787) [by original designation; BMNH]
                                       [=Melolontha serrata Fabricius, 1787]
      • Phyllophaga smith (Arrow, 1912) [by original designation; BMNH]
                                       [=Phytalus smith Arrow, 1912]

SUBGENUS Phytalus Erichson, 1847 [LR Saylor 1939; Frey 1975a]

      • Phyllophaga pubereus (Mannerheim, 1829) [by subsequent designation; Saylor 1942; ??]
                                       [=Melolontha pubereus Mannerheim, 1829]

SUBGENUS Tostegoptera Blanchard, 1851

      • Phyllophaga lanceolata (Say, 1824?) [by monotypy; ANSP]
                                       [=Melolontha lanceolata Say, 1824?]

SUBGENUS Triodonyx Saylor, 1942

      • Phyllophaga gigantissima (Saylor, 1942) [by original designation; ??]
                                       [=Triodonyx gigantissima Saylor, 1942]
    • Plectrodes Horn, 1867
                                  [=Parathyce Hardy, 1974] [new]
      • Plectrodes carpenteri LeConte, 1876 [by origina ldesignation; MCZC]
      • Plectrodes pubescens Horn, 1867 [by monotypy; MCZC]
    • Pollaplonyx Waterhouse, 1875a [LR Nomura 1970]

SUBGENUS Bunbunius Nomura, 1970

      • Pollaplonyx reticulata (Murayama, 1941) [by original designation; ??]
                                       [=Holotrichia reticulata Murayama, 1941]

SUBGENUS Polloplonyx Waterhouse, 1875a [Nomura 1970]

      • Pollaplonyx flavidus Waterhouse, 1875a [by monotypy; BMNH]
    • Polyenaria Dewailly, 1950
      • Polyenaria ciliata Dewailly, 1950 [by monotypy; MNHN]
    • Polylamina Hardy, 1974
      • Polylamina pubescens (Cartwright, 1939) [by monotypy; USNM]
                                       [=Polyphylla pubescens Cartwright, 1939]
    • Polyphylla Harris, 1841 [LR Young 1988; Dewailly 1992]

SUBGENUS Centralasiobia Semenov-Tian-Shanskii, 1902 [1901 fide Medvedev 1951]

      • Polyphylla shestakowi Semenov-Tian Shanskii, 1900 [by monotypy; ZMAS]

SUBGENUS Grananoxia Brenske, 1890

      • Polyphylla annamensis (Fleutiaux, 1887) [by monotypy; MNHN]
                                       [=Granida annamensis Fleutiaux, 1887]

SUBGENUS Granida Motschulsky, 186 [as genus; ??]

      • Polyphylla albolineata (Motschulsky, 1861) [by monotypy; ??]
                                       [=Granida albolineata Motschulsky, 1861]

SUBGENUS Gynexophylla Medvedev, 1951

      • Polyphylla laticollis Lewis, 1887 [by original designation; ??]

SUBGENUS Mesopolyphylla Medvedev, 1951

      • Polyphylla irrorata (Gebler, 1841) [by original designation; ZMAS]
                                       [=Melolontha irrorata Gebler, 1841]

SUBGENUS Polyphylla Harris, 1841

      • Polyphylla variolosa (Hentz, 1830) [by subsequent designation; Young 1988; ??]
                                       [=Melolontha variolosa Hentz, 1830]

SUBGENUS Xerasiobia Medvedev, 1951

                                    [=Macronoxia Crotch, 1873] [type sp.?]
      • Polyphylla albus (Pallas, 1773) [by original designation; ??]
                                       [=Scarabaeus albus Pallas, 1773]
    • Polyphyllum Blanchard, 1851
      • Polyphyllum rubrescens Blanchard, 1851 [by monotypy; MNHN]
    • Proagosternus Blanchard, 1851 [LR Dewailly 1950]
      • Proagosternus niveus Blanchard, 1851 [by subsequent designation; Dewailly 1950; MNHN]
    • Proseconius Kolbe, 1894
      • Proseconius capito (Gerstaecker, 1873) [by monotypy; ??]
                                       [=Schizonycha capito Gerstaecker, 1873]
    • Proteroschiza Brenske, 1897
      • Proteroschiza wituensis Brenske, 1897 [by monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Pseudenaria Fairmaire, 1901 [LR Dewailly 1950]
      • Pseudenaria hexaphylla Fairmaire, 1901 [by monotypy; MNHN]
    • Pseudoapterogyna Escalera, 1914 [see de Peyerimhoff 1945-1949; ??; type sp.?]
                                  [=Apterogyna Reiche, 1882] [subgenus of Rhizotrogus Dalle Torre 1912]
    • Pseudodiplotaxis Nonfried, 1894
      • Pseudodiplotaxis albosetosa Nonfried, 1894 [by monotypy; ??]
    • Pseudoholophylla Blackburn, 1911 [LR Britton 1978]
                                  [=Holophylla Burmeister, 1855] [not Erichson 1847; Blackburn 1911]
                                  [=Paralepidiota Blackburn, 1911] [Britton 1978]
      • Pseudoholophylla furfuracea (Burmeister, 1855) [by monotypy; MLUH]
                                       [=Holophylla furfuracea Burmeister, 1855]
      • Pseudoholophylla lepidoptera (Blackburn, 1912) [by subsequent monotypy; SAMA]
                                       [=Paralepidiota lepidoptera Blackburn, 1912]
    • Pseudolontha Fairmaire, 1897b
      • Pseudolontha canaliculata Fairmaire, 1897b [present designation; ??]
    • Pseudopantrogus Petrovitz, 1969 [type sp.?]
    • Pseudopholis Duvivier, 1892
      • Pseudopholis squamulosa Duvivier, 1892 [by monotypy; ??]
    • Pseudosymmachia Dalle Torre, 1912
                                  [=Metabolus Fairmaire, 1887] [Arrow 1944b]
                                  [=Symmachia Brenske, 1892] [not Hubner 1816]
      • Pseudosymmachia chinensis (Brenske, 1892) [by monotypt; MNHN]
                                       [=Symmachia chinensis Brenske, 1892]
      • Pseudosymmachia tumidifrons (Fairmaire, 1887) [by monotypy; MNHN]
                                       [=Metabolus tumidifrons Fairmaire, 1887]
    • Pseudotrematodes du Val, 1860
      • Pseudotrematodes frivaldszkyi (Menetries, 1836) [by monotypy; ZMAS]
                                       [=Rhizotrogus frivaldszkyi Menetries, 1836]
    • Psilonychus Burmeister, 1855
      • Psilonychus eckloni Burmeister, 1855 [present designation; MLUH]
    • Psilopholis Brenske, 1892
      • Psilopholis grandis (Laporte, 1840) [present designation; ??]
                                       [=Tricholepis grandis Laporte, 1840]
    • Ramilia Kolbe, 1894a
                                  [=Syntaxopholis Brenske, 1903a] [Burgeon 1946a]
      • Ramilia kuiluensis (Brenske, 1898) [by monotypy; NHRS]
                                       [=Pseudopholis kuiluensis Brenske, 1898]
      • Ramilia pruinosa (Harold, 1878) [by monotypy; ??]
                                       [=Rhopaea pruinosa Harold, 1878]
    • Redotus Fairmaire, 1860b
      • Redotus rufulus Fairmaire, 1860b [by monotypy; MNHN]
    • Rhabdopholis Burmeister, 1855
                                  [=Hoplobrachium Boheman, 1857] [Dohrn 1863]
      • Rhabdopholis albostriata Burmeister, 1855 [by monotypy; MLUH]
      • Rhabdopholis costipennis (Boheman, 1857) [present designation; NHRS]
                                       [=Hoplobrachium costipennis Boheman, 1857]
    • Rhadinolontha Arrow, 1930
      • Rhadinolontha mimetica Arrow, 1930 [by monotypy; BMNH]
    • Rhizoproctus Kolbe, 1894a
      • Rhizoproctus aurescens Kolbe, 1894a [by monotypy; ??]
    • Rhizotrogus Berthold, 1827 [type sp.?]

SUBGENUS Apterogyna Reiche, 1882 SUBGENUS Rhizocolax Motschulsky, 1860 [as subg. of Brahmina Dalle Torre 1912] SUBGENUS Xanthotrogus Reitter, 1902

      • Rhizotrogus sieversi Reitter, 1896 [by subsequent designation; Medvedev 1951; ??]

SUBGENUS Xesotrogus Reitter, 1902

      • Rhizotrogus validus Kraatz, 1884 [by monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Rhopaea Erichson, 1847 [LR Britton 1978]
      • Rhopaea verreauxi Blanchard, 1851 [by subsequent monotypy; Blanchard 1851; MNHN]
    • Rhyxicephalus Moser, 1921a
      • Rhyxicephalus rugifrons Moser, 1921a [by monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Rhyxiderma Moser, 1924a
      • Rhyxiderma celebensis Moser, 1924a [by monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Rubilepis Dewially, 1950
      • Rubilepis camuseti Dewailly, 1950 [by original designation; MNHN]
    • Schismatocera des Cottes, 1872
      • Schismatocera nitidula (des Cottes) [by monotypy; ??]
                                       [=Adoretus nitidula des Cottes]
    • Schistocometa Brenske, 1902b [see Brahmina]
      • Schistocometa brenskei (Reitter, 1900) [by monotypy; ??]
                                       [=Brahmina brenskei Reitter, 1900]
    • Schizonycha Dejean, 1833 [LR Pope1960; Arrow 1944a]

SUBGENUS Etischiza Brenske, 1898 [as genus; Burgeon 1946]

      • Schizonycha heudelotti Blanchard, 1851 [by monotypy; MNHM]

SUBGENUS Schizonycha Dejean, 1833

                                    [=Atys Reiche, 1850] [not de Montfort 1810; Strand 1942]
                                    [=Atysilla Strand, 1942]
      • Schizonycha globator (Fabricius, 1781) [by subsequent designation; Pope 1960; BMNH]
                                       [=Scarabaeus globator Fabricius, 1781]
      • Schizonycha samenensis (Reiche, 1850) [by montypy; BMNH]
                                       [=Atys samenensis Reiche, 1850]
    • Schoenherria Burmeister, 1855
      • Schoenherria serrulata) [MLUH; ??]
                                       [=SMelolontha serrulata]
    • Sebakue Peringuey, 1904 [LR Decelle 1960]
                                  [=Sebakwe Decelle, 1960] [misspelling ?]
      • Sebakue coriacea Peringuey, 1904 [by monotypy; SAMC]
    • Semienaria Dewailly, 1950
      • Semienaria descarpentriesi Dewailly, 1950 [by original designation; MNHN]
    • Shangaia Lucas, 1920
                                  [=Holotrochus Brenske, 1894a] [not Erichson]
      • Shangaia vestitus (Brenske, 1894a) [by monotypy; ZMHB]
                                       [=Holotrochus vestitus Brenske, 1894a]
    • Sophrops Fairmaire, 1887

SUBGENUS Onychosophrops Frey, 1972

      • Sophrops brevisetosa Frey, 1972 [by monotypy; ??]

SUBGENUS Sophrops Fairmaire, 1887

                                    [=Microtrichia Brenske, 1900b] [Arrow 1946]
      • Sophrops parviceps Fairmaire, 1887 [by monotypy; MNHN]
      • Sophrops puttalama (Brenske, 1900b) [present designation; ZMHB]
                                       [=Microtrichia puttalama Brenske, 1900b]
    • Spaniolepis Kolbe, 1894a
      • Spaniolepis excavata Kolbe, 1894a [by monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Spathoschiza Arrow, 1902
      • Spathoschiza debilis Arrow, 1902 [by monotypy; BMNH]
    • Stenopegylis Arrow, 1943
      • Stenopegylis cylindrica Arrow, 1943 [by monotypy; BMNH]
    • Stephanopholis Brenske, 1896c [SEE DECELLE 1968]
      • Stephanopholis philippinensis Brenske, 1896c [present designation; ??]
    • Suntemnonycha Peringuey, 1904
      • Suntemnonycha collusor Peringuey, 1904 [by monotypy; SAMC]
    • Syngeneschiza Brenske, 1898
      • Syngeneschiza tarsata Brenske, 1898 [by monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Terebrogaster Lacroix, 1988/89?
      • Terebrogaster pygidialis (Waterhouse, 1882) [BMNH; ??]
                                       [=Lepidiota pygidialis Waterhouse, 1882]
    • Thyce LeConte, 1856 [LR Hardy 1974]
      • Thyce squamicollis LeConte, 1856 [by monotypy; MCZC]
    • Toxospathius Deyrolle & Fairmaire, 1878
      • Toxospathius inconstans Fairmaire, 1878 [by montypy; ??]
    • Trematodes Falderman, 1835
      • Trematodes tenebrioides (Pallas, 1871) [??]
                                       [=Scarabaeus tenebrioides Pallas, 1871]
    • Tricholepis Blanchard, 1851 [LR Dewailly 1950]
      • Tricholepis niveopilosa Blanchard, 1851 [by monotypy; MNHN]
    • Trichoschiza Moser, 1917b [type sp.?; ??]
    • Trigonocnemus Kraatz, 1894
      • Trigonocnemus hauseri (Kraatz, 1894) [by monotypy; ??]
                                       [=Trigonocnemis hauseri Kraatz, 1894]
    • Trinoxia Brenske, 1894a
      • Trinoxia cyphonotoides Brenske, 1894 [by monotypy; ??]
    • Unguiculenaris Dewailly, 1950
      • Unguiculenaris unguicularis (Moser, 1919) [by original designation; ZMHB]
                                       [=Encya unguicularis Moser, 1919]
    • Vadonaria Dewailly, 1950
      • Vadonaria scultipennis (Fairmaire, 1898) [by original designation; MNHN]
                                       [=Enaria scultipennis Fairmaire, 1898]
    • Xenotrogus Britton, 1978
      • Xenotrogus vitiensis (Fairmaire, 1879) [by original designation; MNHM]
                                       [=Rhopaea vitiensis Fairmaire, 1879]
    • Zietzia Blackburn, 1894
      • Zietzia geologa Blackburn, 1894 [by monotypy; SAMA]
  • Tribù Pachydemini Reitter, 1902 [LR neotropical genera Martinez 1975]
    • Achloa Erichson, 1840
                                  [=Nanarcta Blanchard, 1851] [Burmeister 1855]
      • Achloa helvola Erichson, 1840 [present designation; ZMHB]
      • Achloa vulpecula (Blanchard, 1851) [by monotypy; MNHN; note, N. vulpecula Blanchard is a jr. synonym of A. helvola Erichson (Burmeister 1855)]
                                       [=Nanarcta vulpecula Blanchard, 1851]
    • Acylochilus Ohaus, 1909
                                  [=Acyclochilus Ohaus, 1909] [spelling?]

SUBGENUS Acylochilus Martinez, 1975

      • Acylochilus strumosus Ohaus, 1909 [by subsequent designation; Martinez 1975; ZMHB]

SUBGENUS Acylochoides Martinez, 1975

      • Acylochilus persimilis Martinez, 1959 [by original designation; ??]
    • Aglaphyra Brenske, 1896a
      • Aglaphyra setosa Brenske, 1896a [by monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Alaia Petrovitz, 1979
      • Alaia sexdentata Petrovitz, 1979 [by monotypy; ??]
    • Anahi Martinez, 1958
      • Anahi guaraniticus Martinez, 1958 [by monotypy; ??]
    • Anomolyna Fairmaire, 1897
      • Anomolyna picticollis Fairmaire, 1897 [by monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Anomonyx Saylor, 1940
                                  [=Anomalonyx Moser, 1921b] [not Weise; Saylor 1940]
      • Anomonyx uruguayensis (Moser, 1921b) [by monotypy; ZMHB]
                                       [=Anomalonyx uruguayensis Moser, 1921b]
    • Atanyproctus Petrovitz, 1954
      • Atanyproctus simplicitarsis Petrovitz, 1954 [by monotypy; ??]
    • Benedictia Sanderson, 1939 [Pleocomidae?]
      • Benedictia pilosa Sanderson, 1939 [by monotypy; SEMC]
    • Brenskiella Berg, 1898
                                  [=Burmeisteria Schickendantz, 1868] [not Gray 1865]
                                  [=Pachychaeta Brenske, 1896a] [not Big.]
    • Burmeisteriellus Berg, 1898
      • Burmeisteriellus flavomicans (Brenske, 1896a) [by monotypy; ZMHB]
                                       [=Pachychaeta flavomicans Brenske, 1896a]
      • Burmeisteriellus mirablilis (Schickendantz, 1868) [by monotypy; ??]
                                       [=Burmisteria mirablilis Schickendantz, 1868]
    • Campylophyllus Decelle, 1979
      • Campylophyllus somalicus Decelle, 1979 [by monotypy; MZUF]
    • Castanochilus Ohaus, 1909
      • Castanochilus bruchianus Ohaus, 1909 [by monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Cephaloncheres Brenske, 1898
      • Cephaloncheres ugogoensis Brenske, 1898 [by monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Clitopa Erichson, 1847
      • Clitopa bohemani Blanchard, 1851 [by subsequent monotypy; MNHN]
    • Cyclomera Klug, 1855
                                  [=Diaclaspus Brenske, 1896a] [new]
                                  [=Paraclitopa Waterhouse, 1875c] [new]
                                  [=Periclitopa Brenske, 1896a] [new]
      • Cyclomera delagoensis (Brenske, 1896a) [by monotypy; ZMHB]
                                       [=Diaclaspus delagoensis Brenske, 1896a]
      • Cyclomera dispar Klug, 1855 [present designation; ZMHB]
      • Cyclomera fischeri (Brenske, 1896a) [ZMHB]
                                       [=Periclitopa fischeri Brenske, 1896a]
      • Cyclomera lanuginosa (Waterhouse, 1875a) [by monotypy; BMNH]
                                       [=Paraclitopa lanuginosa Waterhouse, 1875a]
    • Elaphocera Gene, 1836

SUBGENUS Elaphocera Gene, 1836 [Reitter 1902]

      • Elaphocera longitarsis (Illiger, 1803) [by subsequent designation; Medevedev 1952; ??]
                                       [=Melolontha longitarsis Illiger, 1803]

SUBGENUS Elaphocerida Reitter, 1902 [LR Baraud 1979]

      • Elaphocera emarginata (Gyllenhal, 1817) [by subsequent designation; Medvedv 1952; ??]
                                       [=Melolontha emarginata Gyllenhal, 1817]
    • Elaphocerella Moser, 1919b
      • Elaphocerella variabilis Moser, 1919b [by monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Europtron Marseul, 1867 [Baraud 1977]
      • Europtron gracile Marseul, 1867 [by monotypy; ??]
    • Faargia Martinez, 1982
      • Faargia gentilii (Martinez, 1975) [by monotypy; ??]
                                       [=Myloxena gentilii Martinez, 1975]
    • Fossocarus Howden, 1961
      • Fossocarus creoleorum Howden, 1961 [by monotypy; FMNH]
    • Goniorrhina Quedenfeldt, 1888
      • Goniorrhina flaviceps Quedenfeldt, 1888 [by monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Gronocarus Schaeffer, 1927
      • Gronocarus autumnalis Schaeffer, 1927 [by monotypy; ??]
    • Hemictenius Reitter, 1897
      • Hemictenius magnitarsus Reitter, 1897 [present designation; ??; not Tanyproctus opacus Ballion 1870 as stated by Medvedev 1952]
    • Howdenocarus Hardy, 1978
      • Howdenocarus mexicanus Hardy, 1978 [by monotypy; HAHC]
    • Idiochelyna Arrow, 1916a
      • Idiochelyna pectoralis (Walker) [by original designation; BMNH; ??]
                                       [=Isonychus pectoralis Walker]
    • Kraseophylla Peringuey, 1904
      • Kraseophylla distincta Peringuey, 1904 [by monotypy; SAMC]
    • Kryzhanovskia Nikolaev & Kabakov, 1977
      • Kryzhanovskia olegi Nikolaev & Kabakov, 1977 [by monotypy; ??]
    • Leuretra Erichson, 1846 [Blanchard cites 1847]
      • Leuretra ectoralis Erichson, 1846 [by monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Lichniops Gutierrez Alonso, 1946
      • Lichniops barberoi Gutierrex Alonso, 1946 [by monotypy; ??]
    • Lichniopsoides Martinez, 1953
      • Lichniopsoides breyeri Martinez, 1953 [by monotypy; ??]
    • Longicrura Frey, 1974a
      • Longicrura fusca (Frey, 1974a) [by monotypy; ZSMC]
                                       [=Longicrurua fusca Frey, 1974a]
    • Luispenaia Martinez, 1972
      • Luispenaia paradoxa Martinez, 1972 [by monotypy; ??]
    • Macrophylla Hope, 1837 [see Evans 1988]
                                  [=Eucyclophylla Waterhouse, 1875c] [new]
                                  [=Pleiophylla Peringuey, 1904] [new]
      • Macrophylla lata (Waterhouse, 1875c)
                                       [=Eucyclophylla lata Waterhouse, 1875c]
      • Macrophylla longicornis (Fabricius, 1787) [by original designation; BMNH]
                                       [=Melolontha longicornis Fabricius, 1787]
      • Macrophylla vestita (Peringuey, 1904) [by monotypy; SAMC]
                                       [=Pleiophylla vestita Peringuey, 1904]
    • Madiniella Chalumeau & Gruner, 1976
      • Madiniella christinae Chalumeau & Gruner, 1976 [by monotypy; ZSMC]
    • Myloxena Ohaus, 1909
      • Myloxena vestita Ohaus, 1909 [by monotypy; ??]
    • Myloxenoides Martinez, 1975
      • Myloxenoides tandilensis Martinez, 1975 [by monotypy; AMIC]
    • Neogutierrezia Martinez, 1953 [LR Martinez 1974]
      • Neogutierrezia mirablis Martinez, 1953 [by monotypy; ??]
    • Oedanomerus Waterhouse, 1875c
      • Oedanomerus hirsutus Waterhouse, 1875c [by monotypy; BMNH]
    • Onochaeta Erichson, 1847
      • Onochaeta porcata (Swartz, 1817) [by monotypy; NHRS]
                                       [=Melolontha porcata Swartz, 1817]
    • Onochirus Kolbe, 1891
      • Onochirus fulvescens Kolbe, 1891 [by monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Ootoma Blanchard, 1850 [syn. of Pachydema?; see Baraud 1985]
      • Ootoma bipartita (Brulle, 1838) [present designation; ??]
                                       [=Pachydema bipartita Brulle, 1838]
    • Otoclinus Brenske, 1896a
      • Otoclinus gracilipes Brenske, 1896a [by monotypy; ??]
    • Pachnessa Brenske, 1894b
      • Pachnessa nicobarica (Redtenbacher, 1868) [by monotypy; ??]
                                       [=Pachydema nicobarica Redtenbacher, 1868]
    • Pachycolus Erichson, 1847
      • Pachycolus madagascarensis Blanchard, 1851 [by subsequent monotypy; MNHN]
    • Pachydema Laporte, 1832b [LR Baraud 1985]

SUBGENUS Pachydema Laporte, 1832b [Reitter 1902]

      • Pachydema nigricans Laporte, 1832 [junior synonym of Melolontha hirticollis Fabricus 1787; by monotypy; ??]

SUBGENUS Phygotoxeuma Brenske, 1897

      • Pachydema theriyi Brenske, 1897

SUBGENUS Sparophysa Brumeister, 1855 [type sp.?]

    • Pachydemocera Reitter, 1902
      • Pachydemocera lucidicollis (Kraatz, 1882) [by present designation; ZMHB]
                                       [=Elaphocera lucidicollis Kraatz, 1882]
    • Parapetiia Martinez, 1961
      • Parapetiia camba Martinez, 1961 [by monotypy; ??]
    • Pasaphylla Peringuey, 1904
      • Pasaphylla libens Peringuey, 1904 [by monotypy; SAMS]
    • Paulosawaya Martinez & D'Andretta, 1955
      • Paulosawaya ornatissima Martinez & D'Andretta, 1955 [by monotypy; ??]
    • Pentacoryna Moser, 1926
      • Pentacoryna bruchi Moser, 1926 [by monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Periproctus Kolbe, 1910
      • Periproctus orestius Kolbe, 1910 [by monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Perissosoma Waterhouse, 1875c
      • Perissosoma aenescens Waterhouse, 1875c [by monotypy; BMNH]
    • Peritryssus Reitter, 1918
      • Peritryssus excisus Reitter, 1918 [by monotypy; ??]
    • Phalangonyx Reitter, 1889 [see Decelle 1982]
      • Phalangonyx coniceps Reitter, 1889 [by ??; ??]
    • Phalangosoma Quedenfeldt, 1884
      • Phalangosoma mechowi Quedenfeldt, 1884 [by monotypy; ??]
    • Phobetus Leconte, 1856 [LR Hardy 1978]
      • Phobetus comatus LeConte, 1856 [by monotypy; MCZC]
    • Pimelomera Moser, 1924b
      • Pimelomera schwetzi Moser, 1924b [by monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Pleistophylla Peringuey, 1904
      • Pleistophylla singularis Peringuey, 1904 [by monotypy; SAMC]
    • Protoclitopa Decelle, 1979
      • Protoclitopa tetraphylla Decelle, 1979 [by monotypy; BMNH]
    • Protoctenius Medvedev, 1952
      • Protoctenius bogatshevii Medevedev, 1952 [by monotypy; ??]
    • Pseudachloa Peringuey, 1904
      • Pseudachloa leonina Peringuey, 1904 [by monotypy; SAMC]
    • Pseudoleuretra Martinez & D'Andretta, 1956
      • Pseudoleuretra bokermanni Martinez & D'Andretta, 1956 [by monotypy; ??]
    • Pseudoliogenys Moser, 1919b
      • Pseudoliogenys flavidus Moser, 1919 [by monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Pseudopachydema Balthasar, 1930
      • Pseudopachydema caucasica Balthasar, 1930 [by monotypy; ??]
    • Pseustophylla Peringuey, 1904
                                  [=Ramoutsa Peringuey, 1908] [new]
      • Pseustophylla fervida (Boheman, 1857) [by monotypy; NHRS]
                                       [=Clitopa fervida Boheman, 1857]
      • Pseustophylla pretoriana Peringuey, 1904 [by monotypy; SAMC]
    • Ptyophis Redtenbacher, 1868
      • Ptyophis paulseni (Philippi, 1864) [by monotypy; ??]
                                       [=Tetraphyllus paulseni Philippi, 1864]
    • Scapanoclypeus Evans, 1987b
      • Scapanoclypeus aberrans (Frey, 1974) [by original designation; ZSMC]
                                       [=Trichinopus aberrans Frey, 1974]
    • Scaphorhina Quedenfeldt, 1884
                                  [=Aipeiopsis Peringuey, 1904] [new]
      • Scaphorhina crinipes Quedenfeldt, 1884 [by monotypy; MNHN]
      • Scaphorhina hirsuta (Peringuey, 1904) [subsequent designation; Evans 1987c; SAMC]
                                       [=Aipeiopsis hirsuta Peringuey, 1904]
    • Sebaris Laporte, 1840
      • Sebaris palpalis Laporte, 1840 [by monotypy; ??]
    • Selomothus Fairmaire, 1891
      • Selomothus diversiceps Fairmaire, 1891 [by monotypy; MNHM not located]
    • Sparrmannia Laporte, 1840 [LR Evans 1989]
                                  [=Cephalotrichia Hope, 1837] [new]
                                  [=Leocaeta Dejean, 1833] [new]
                                  [=Leontochaeta Erichson, 1847] [new]
      • Sparrmannia alopex (Fabricius, 1787) [by original designation; ??]
                                       [=Melontha alopex Fabricius, 1787]
      • Sparrmannia alopex (Fabricius, 1787) [present designation; ??]
                                       [=Melolontha alopex Fabricius, 1787]
      • Sparrmannia alopex (Fabricius, 1787) [by subsequent designation; Evans 1989; ??]
                                       [=Melolontha alopex Fabricius, 1787]
      • Sparrmannia alopex (Fabricius, 1787) [by monotypy; ??]
                                       [=Melolontha alopex Fabricius, 1787]
    • Synclitopa Kolbe, 1898
      • Synclitopa simulatrix Kolbe, 1898 [by monotypy; ZMUH]
    • Tanyproctoides Petrovitz, 1971
      • Tanyproctoides arabicus Petrovitz, 1971 [by monotypy; ??]
    • Tanyproctus Faldermann, 1835 [LR Baraud 1979]

SUBGENUS Brachydema [see Petrovitz 1963; ??] SUBGENUS Tanyproctocera Reitter, 1902

      • Tanyproctus festivus Burmeister, 1855 [by subsequent designation; Medvedev 1952; MLUH]

SUBGENUS Tanyproctus Faldermann, 1835 [Reitter 1902]

      • Tanyproctus persicus Menetries, 1832 [by subsequent designation; Medevedev 1952; ??]

SUBGENUS Tetraproctus Khnzoryan, 1953

      • Tanyproctus antennatus Khnzoryan, 1953 [by monotypy; ??]
    • Taphrocephala Quedenfeldt, 1888
      • Taphrocephala polita Quedenfeldt, 1888 [by monotypy; MHNP]
    • Thoracotrichia Decelle, 1968a
      • Thoracotrichia somalica Decelle, 1968a [by monotypy; MRAC]
    • Tlaocera Peringuey, 1904
      • Tlaocera saga Peringeuy, 1904 [by monotypy; SAMC]
    • Tosevskiana Pavicevic, 1985
      • Tosevskiana inexpectata (Pavicevic, 1985) [by monotypy; ??]
                                       [=Tosevkiana inexpectata Pavicevic, 1985]
    • Trichinopus Waterhouse, 1874c
                                  [=Damara Peringuey, 1904] [new]
                                  [=Deuterohapalopus Dalle Torre, 1912] [pro Hapalopus; new]
                                  [=Hapalopus Brenske, 1903] [not Ausserer]
      • Trichinopus chuni (Brenske, 1903) [by monotypy; ZMHB]
                                       [=Hapalopus chuni Brenske, 1903]
      • Trichinopus flavipennis Waterhouse, 1874c [BMNH]
      • Trichinopus villosula (Peringuey, 1908) [by monotypy; SAMC]
                                       [=Damara villosula Peringuey, 1908]
    • Trichiodera Burmeister, 1855
      • Trichiodera bicarinata (Gyllenhal, 1817) [by monotypy; ??]
                                       [=Melolontha bicarinata Gyllenhal, 1817]
    • Triodontonyx Moser, 1921a
      • Triodontonyx ukerewensis Moser, 1921a [by monotypy; ??]
  • Tribù Pachytrichini Burmeister, 1855
    • Pachytricha Hope, 1841 [LR Allsopp 1990]
                                  [=Pachytrichia Burmeister, 1855] [incorrect subsequent spelling]
      • Pachytricha castanea Hope, 1841 [by monotypy; BMNH]
  • Tribù Phyllotocidiini Britton, 1957
    • Phyllotocidium Blackburn, 1898 [LR Britton 1957]
      • Phyllotocidium macleayi (Blackburn, 1891) [by monotypy; BMNH]
                                       [=Cheiragra macleayi Blackburn, 1891]
  • Tribù Scitalini Britton, 1957 [key to genera Britton 1987]
    • Byrromorpha Blackburn, 1892 [LR Britton 1987]
      • Byrromorpha verres Blackburn, 1892 [present designation; SAMA]
    • Colpochelyne Britton, 1987
      • Colpochelyne dux Britton, 1987 [by monotypy; ANIC]
    • Colpochilodes Blackburn, 1898 [LR Britton 1987]
      • Colpochilodes raucipennis Blackburn, 1898 [by monotypy; SAMA]
    • Gnaphalopoda Reiche, 1860 [LR Britton 1987]
                                  [=Xylostygnus Broun, 1886] [Given 1960; LR Given 1952]
      • Gnaphalopoda piceus (Broun, 1881) [by monotypy; BMNH]
                                       [=Xylostygnus piceus Broun, 1881]
      • Gnaphalopoda varians Reiche, 1860 [by monotypy; ??; cited as Rhisotrogus leptopoda Montrouzier 1860 fide Britton 1992]
    • Hadrops Britton, 1987
      • Hadrops halei Britton, 1987 [by original designation; SAMA]
    • Homolotropus Macleay, 1871 [LR Britton 1970]
                                  [=Homalotropus Dalla Torre, 1912] [subsequent incorrect spelling]
      • Homolotropus luridipennis Macleay, 1871 [by monotypy; AMSA]
    • Idanastes Britton, 1987
      • Idanastes abditus Britton, 1987 [by original designation; QMBA]
    • Ophropyx Britton, 1987
      • Ophropyx hispida (Blackburn, 1898) [by original designation; BMNH]
                                       [=Frenchella hispida Blackburn, 1898]
    • Phorine Britton, 1987
      • Phorine anomala (Blackburn, 1907) [by original designation; BMNH]
                                       [=Byrromorpha anomala Blackburn, 1907]
    • Protoleura Britton, 1987
      • Protoleura nana Britton, 1987 [by original designation; ANIC]
    • Scitala Erichson, 1842 [LR Britton 1987]
      • Scitala sericans Erichson, 1842 [by monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Sericesthis Boisduval, 1835 [LR Britton 1987]
                                  [=Anodontonyx Sharp, 1890] [Britton 1987]
      • Sericesthis geminata Boisduval, 1835 [by subsequent designation; Blackburn 1907; unk.]
      • Sericesthis vigilans (Sharp, 1890) [by subsequent designation; Britton 1987]
                                       [=Anodontonyx vigilans Sharp, 1890]
    • Synchilus Britton, 1955a
      • Synchilus gisleni Britton, 1955a [by monotypy; MZLU]
    • Telura Erichson, 1842 [LR Britton 1987]
      • Telura vitticollis Erichson, 1842 [by monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Xyrine Britton, 1987
      • Xyrine carnei Britton, 1987 [by original designation; ANIC]
    • Xyroa Britton, 1987
      • Xyroa polita Britton, 1987 [by original designation; ANIC]
    • Xyrodes Britton, 1987
      • Xyrodes calorata (Blackburn, 1907) [by original designation; BMNH]
                                       [=Frenchella calorata Blackburn, 1907]
  • Tribù Sericini Dalla Torre, 1912 [subfamily?]

SUBTRIBE Phyllotocina Machatschke, 1959 [LR Britton 1957]

                                  [=Macrothops MacLeay, 1864] [preoccupied; Blackburn 1898]
    • Ancylonyx Britton, 1957
      • Ancylonyx vittatus (MacLeay, 1887) [by original designation; MAMU]
                                       [=Phyllotocus vittatus MacLeay, 1887]
    • Anthotocus Britton, 1957
      • Anthotocus lurida (MacLeay, 1864) [by original designation; MAMU]
                                       [=Cheiraga lurida MacLeay, 1864]
    • Cheiragra Macleay, 1864 [LR Britton 1957]
      • Cheiragra pusillus (Blanchard, 1851) [by subsequent designation; Britton 1957; MNHN?]
                                       [=Phyllotocus pusillus Blanchard, 1851]
    • Cheirodontus Britton, 1957
      • Cheirodontus basicollis (Lea, 1919) [by original designation; QMBA]
                                       [=Phyllotocus basicollis Lea, 1919]
    • Cheirora Britton, 1957
      • Cheirora interstitialis (Blackburn, 1898) [by subsequent monotypy; BMNH]
                                       [=Cheirramphica interstitialis Blackburn, 1898]
    • Neophyllotocus Blackburn, 1898 [LR Britton 1957]
    • Opistocus Britton, 1957
      • Opistocus obscurus (Lea, 1920) [by monotypy; SAMA]
                                       [=Phyllotocus obscurus Lea, 1920]
    • Phyllotocus Fischer, 1823 [LR Britton 1957]
                                  [=Macrothops Boisduval, 1835] [Britton 1957]
                                  [=Macrotops Castlenau, 1840] [subsequent misspelling]
      • Phyllotocus macleayi Fischer, 1823 [by monotypy; UMBB]
      • Phyllotocus praeusta (Boisduval, 1835) [present designation; unknown fide Britton 1992]
                                       [=Macrothops praeusta Boisduval, 1835]
      • Phyllotocus rostrata (Macleay, 1864) [by original designation; MAMU]
                                       [=Macrothops rostrata Macleay, 1864]
    • Sphaeroscelis Burmeister, 1855 [LR Britton 1957]
                                  [=Cheirramphica Blackburn, 1898] [Britton 1957]
      • Sphaeroscelis pectoralis Burmeister, 1855 [by monotypy; MLUH]
      • Sphaeroscelis pubescens (Blackburn, 1898) [present designation; BMNH]
                                       [=Cheirramphica pubescens Blackburn, 1898]

SUBTRIBE Sericina Brenske, 1897 [LR genera of western Palearctic Baraud 1965; genera of South America Frey 1973]

    • Anomalophylla Reitter, 1887 [Reitter 1902 for subgenus]
                                  [=Melaserica Brenske, 1898] [Reitter 1902]
                                  [=Xorema Reitter, 1902] [as subgenus of Anomalophylla; Nikolajev ??]
      • Anomalophylla moupinea (Fairmaire, 1891) [by present designation; MNHN]
                                       [=Serica moupinea Fairmaire, 1891]
      • Anomalophylla thibetana (Brenske, 1898) [by monotypy; ZMHB]
                                       [=Melaserica thibetana Brenske, 1898]
      • Anomalophylla tristicula Reitter, 1887 [by monotypy; ??]
    • Anomioserica Arrow, 1947 [publ. date 1946 appeared Jan. 1947]
      • Anomioserica flavipes Arrow, 1946 [by monotypy; BMNH]
    • Aphaenoserica Brenske, 1901 [emendation by Dalle Torre in Schenkling 1912 p.45, 46]
                                  [=Aphenoserica Brenske, 1900:77]
      • Aphaenoserica fallax (Brenske, 1901) [by monotypy; ZMHB]
                                       [=Aphenoserica fallax Brenske, 1901]
    • Apotriodonta Baraud, 1964
      • Apotriodonta hispanica (Baraud, 1962) [by monotypy; MNMS]
                                       [=Triodonta hispanica Baraud, 1962]
    • Archoserica Brenske, 1901
      • Archoserica bogosana Brenske, 1901 [by monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Astaena Erichson, 1847b [LR Frey 1972]
      • Astaena tridentata Erichson, 1847b [by??; ZHMB]
    • Athlia Erichson, 1835 [LR Martinez 1974]

SUBGENUS Athlia Erichson, 1835

                                    [=Rivera Germain, 1903] [Saylor 1946]
      • Athlia plebeja (Burmeister, 1855) [by monotypy; MLUH]
                                       [=Rivera plebeja Burmeister, 1855]
      • Athlia rustica Erichson, 1835 [by monotypy; ZMHB]

SUBGENUS Dihymenonyx Gutierrez, 1949 [Martinez 1974]

      • Athlia herrerai (Gutierrez Alonso, 1949) [by monotypy; ??]
                                       [=Dihymenonyx herrerai Gutierrez Alonso, 1949]

SUBGENUS Sayloria Frey, 1973

      • Athlia bicoloripes (Saylor)
                                       [=Astanea bicoloripes Saylor]
    • Aulacoserica Brenske, 1900a [LR west African spp. Frey 1968]
      • Aulacoserica flava Brenske, 1902 [present designation; ZMHB]
    • Balbera Fairmaire, 1898
      • Balbera reflexa (Fairmaire, 1897) [by monotypy; MNHN]
                                       [=Blabera reflexa Fairmaire, 1897]
    • Bielliana Baraud, 1980
      • Bielliana abysinnica (Brenske, 1902) [by original designation; ZMHB]
                                       [=Holoschiza abysinnica Brenske, 1902]
    • Blepharotoma Blanchard, 1850 [LR Frey 1973]
      • Blepharotoma tarsalis (Blanchard, 1850) [by monotypy; MNHN]
                                       [=Blepharatoma tarsalis Blanchard, 1850]
    • Calloserica Brenske, 1894a
      • Calloserica tigrina Brenske, 1894a [by monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Camentoserica Brenske, 1901
      • Camentoserica livida (Boheman, 1860) [by monotypy; NHRS]
                                       [=Serica livida Boheman, 1860]
    • Chaetoserica Brenske, 1897a
      • Chaetoserica cymosa Brenske, 1897a [by monotypy; ZMHU]
    • Charioserica Brenske, 1900a
      • Charioserica striata Brenske, 1900a [by monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Chrysoserica Brenske, 1897a
      • Chrysoserica auricoma Brenske, 1897a [by present designation; ZMHB]
    • Clypeoserica Frey, 1971
      • Clypeoserica producta Frey, 1971 [by monotypy; MZHF]
    • Comaserica Brenske, 1897a
      • Comaserica dapsilis Brenske, 1897a [present designation; ZMHB]
    • Conioserica Brenske, 1901
      • Conioserica eisermanni Brenske, 1901 [by monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Coronoserica Brenske, 1902
      • Coronoserica beata Brenske, 1902 [by monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Corynoserica Moser, 1918
      • Corynoserica tetraphylla Moser, 1918 [by monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Cyphoserica Brenske, 1900a
      • Cyphoserica mukengeana Brenske, 1900a [by monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Deroserica Moser, 1915
      • Deroserica pulchra Moser, 1915 [present designation; ZMHB]
    • Diaphoroserica Peringuey, 1904

SUBGENUS Diaphoroserica Peringuey, 1904

      • Diaphoroserica mashona (Peringuey, 1904) [by monotypy; SAMC]
                                       [=Diaphoserica mashona Peringuey, 1904]

SUBGENUS Dissotoxus Fairmaire, 1899

      • Diaphoroserica insignicornis (Fairmaire, 1899) [by monotypy; MNHM]
                                       [=Dissotoxus insignicornis Fairmaire, 1899]
    • Doleroserica Peringuey, 1904
      • Doleroserica gentilis Peringeuy, 1904 [present designation; SAMC]
    • Doxocalia Brenske, 1901
      • Doxocalia superba Brenske, 1901 [by monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Emphania Erichson, 1847
                                  [=Heptomera Blanchard, 1850] [Burmeister 1855]
      • Emphania metallica (Blanchard, 1850) [by monotypy; MNHN]
                                       [=Heptomera metallica Blanchard, 1850]
      • Emphania metallica (Blanchard, 1850) [by subsequent monotypy; Burmeister 1855; MNHN]
                                       [=Heptomera metallica Blanchard, 1850]
    • Eriphoserica Brenske, 1900a
      • Eriphoserica camentoides Brenske, 1900a [by monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Etiserica Peringuey, 1904
      • Etiserica simplex Peringuey, 1904 [by monotypy; SAMC]
    • Euphoresia Brenske, 1900a
      • Euphoresia butneri Brenske, 1900a [present designation; ZMHB]
    • Euserica Reitter, 1896 [LR Baruad 1965a]

SUBGENUS Euserica Reitter, 1902

      • Euserica mutata (Gyllenhal, 1817) [by ?]
                                       [=Melolontha mutata Gyllenhal, 1817]

SUBGENUS Eusericula Reitter, 1902

      • Euserica modesta (Fairmaire, 1881) [by monotypy; MNHN]
                                       [=Serica modesta Fairmaire, 1881]
    • Gastroserica Brenske, 1898
      • Gastroserica sulcata Brenske, 1898 [present designation; ZMHB]
    • Glaphyserica Brenske, 1900a
      • Glaphyserica humeralis Brenske, 1900a [present designation; ZMHB]
    • Glycyserica Brenske, 1900a
      • Glycyserica depravata Brenske, 1900a [by monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Gynaecoserica Brenske, 1898
      • Gynaecoserica pellecta (Brenske, 1896) [by monotypy; ZMHB]
                                       [=Serica pellecta Brenske, 1896]
    • Hellaserica Baraud & Nicolas, 1966
      • Hellaserica elongata (Reitter, 1887) [by original designation; ??]
                                       [=Homaloplia elongata Reitter, 1887]
    • Hemiserica Brenske, 1894a
      • Hemiserica nasuta Brenske, 1894a [by monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Heteroserica Brenske, 1900a
      • Heteroserica paradoxa Brenske, 1900a [by monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Homaloplia Stephens, 1830 [emendation Erichson 1847]
                                  [=Omaloplia Stephens]

SUBGENUS Acarina Baraud, 1965b

      • Homaloplia spiraeae (Pallas, 1776) [by original designation; MNHN]
                                       [=Scarabaeus spiraeae Pallas, 1776]

SUBGENUS Homaloplia Baraud, 1965b

      • Homaloplia ruricola (Fabricius, 1775) [by ?]
                                       [=Melolontha ruricola Fabricius, 1775]
    • Homaloserica Brenske, 1901
      • Homaloserica fessa Brenske, 1901 [by monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Hyboserica Peringuey, 1904
      • Hyboserica globuliformis (Brenske, 1892) [present designation; ZMHB]
                                       [=Serica globuliformis Brenske, 1892]
    • Hymenochelus Reitter, 1890
      • Hymenochelus distincta (Uhagon, 1876) [by monotyopy; ??]
                                       [=Serica distincta Uhagon, 1876]
    • Hymenoplia Eschscholtz, 1830
    • Hyposerica Brenske, 1897a
      • Hyposerica definitiva Brenske, 1897a [present designation; ZMHB]
    • Lamproserica Brenske, 1901
      • Lamproserica mombasana Brenske, 1901 [present designation; ZMHB]
    • Lepidoserica Nikolaev, 1979
      • Lepidoserica polyphylla (Moser) [by original designation; ZMHB; ??]
                                       [=Pachyserica polyphylla Moser]
    • Leucoserica Reitter, 1896
                                  [=Brachyserica Brenske, 1897] [?Dalle Torre 1912]
      • Leucoserica arenicola (Solsky, 1876) [??]
                                       [=Serica arenicola Solsky, 1876]
      • Leucoserica arenicola (Solsky, 1876) [by original designation; ??]
                                       [=Serica arenicola Solsky, 1876]
    • Leuroserica Arrow, 1947 [publ. date 1946 appeared Jan. 1947]
      • Leuroserica fulgida Arrow, 1946 [by original designation; BMNH]
    • Loricatarsa Frey, 1969 [type sp. ?]
    • Maladera Mulsant & Rey, 1871 [LR Baraud 1965b; type sp.?]

SUBGENUS Eumaladera Nomura, 1967

      • Maladera nitididorsis Nomura, 1967 [by original designation; ??]

SUBGENUS Maladera Lewis, 1895 [type sp.?]

                                    [=Amaladera Reitter, 1896] [with Maladera Aserica Nikolaev 1977]
                                    [=Aserica Lewis, 1895] [Arrow 1927; with Autoserica Chapin 1932; with Maladera Pope 1961]
                                    [=Autoserica Brenske, 1898a] [Arrow 1927; Pope 1961]
                                    [=Cycloserica Reitter, 1896] [with Maladera Nikolaev 1977 in subgenus Aserica]
                                    [=Lepiserica Brenske, 1901] [Burgeon 1942]
                                    [=Macroserica Medvedev, 1952] [subg.; with Maladera Nikolaev 1977 in subgenus Aserica]
                                    [=Neoserica Brenske, 1894a] [as subgenus of Serica; genus Brenske 1898; Arrow 1946; Pope 1961]
                                    [=Omalodera Reitter, 1896] [as subgenus of Amaladera; ??]
      • Maladera cavifrons (Reitter, 1896) [by original designation; ??]
                                       [=Amaladera cavifrons Reitter, 1896]
      • Maladera euphorbiae (Burmeister, 1855) [by original designation; MLUH]
                                       [=Serica euphorbiae Burmeister, 1855]
      • Maladera excisiceps (Reitter, 1896) [by monotypy; ??]
                                       [=Cycloserica excisiceps Reitter, 1896]
      • Maladera japonica (Motschulsky, 1857) [by original designation; ZMUM; ZMHB; Arrow (1927) designated Serica secreta Brenske 1897 based on Lewis' misidentification of S. japonica. This case must be decided by the Zoological Commission; see Art. 67i; 70b.]
                                       [=Serica japonica Motschulsky, 1857]
      • Maladera moreli (Coquerel, 1866) [present designation; ??]
                                       [=Serica moreli Coquerel, 1866]
      • Maladera piceorufa (Fairmaire, 1888) [by subsequent designation; Arrow 1927; MNHN; ??]
                                       [=Serica piceorufa Fairmaire, 1888]
      • Maladera punctatissima (Falderman, 1835) [by original designation; ??]
                                       [=Serica punctatissima Falderman, 1835]
      • Maladera suturata (Brenske, 1894a) [by monotypy; ??]
                                       [=Serica suturata Brenske, 1894a]
      • Maladera ukamina (Brenske, 1901) [present designation; ZMHB]
                                       [=Lepiserica ukamina Brenske, 1901]

SUBGENUS Paramaladera Nikolaev, 1979

      • Maladera alternata (LeConte, 1856) [by original designation; MCZC]
                                       [=Serica alternata LeConte, 1856]
    • Manoserica Moser, 1924
      • Manoserica disparicornis (Quedenfeldt, 1888) [by original designation; ZMHB]
                                       [=Serica disparicornis Quedenfeldt, 1888]
    • Mericserica Brenske, 1897a
      • Mericserica oberthuri (Brenske, 1898) [by subsequent monotypy; ZMHB]
                                       [=Meriserica oberthuri Brenske, 1898]
    • Mesoserica Brenske, 1901

SUBGENUS Mesoserica Brenske, 1901 [Matsumura 1914]

      • Mesoserica sachalinensis (Matsumura, 1914)
                                       [=Sericania sachalinensis Matsumura, 1914]
      • Mesoserica transvaalensis Brenske, 1901 [by monotypy; ZMHB]

SUBGENUS Sericania Motschulsky, 1860 [Matsumura 1911; type sp.?]

    • Nedymoserica Brenske, 1901
      • Nedymoserica flavida Brenske, 1901 [by monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Nematoserica Arrow, 1917
      • Nematoserica coerulea Arrow, 1917 [by monotypy; BMNH]
    • Neomaladera Baraud, 1965a
      • Neomaladera barbara (Lucas, 1846) [by original designation; MNHN]
                                       [=Homaloplia barbara Lucas, 1846]
    • Nepaloserica Frey, 1965a
      • Nepaloserica procera Frey, 1965a [by monotypy; ZSMC]
    • Neuroserica Brenske, 1901
      • Neuroserica fulvescens (Blanchard, 1851) [by monotypy; MNHN]
                                       [=Emphania fulvescens Blanchard, 1851]
    • Octotemna Blanchard, 1850
      • Octotemna singularis Blanchard, 1850 [by monotypy; MNHN]
    • Onychoserica Moser, 1916
      • Onychoserica flabellata Moser, 1916 [by present designation; ??]
    • Orthoserica Brenske, 1901 [preoccupied not Warren 1896 in Lep. Geom.]
      • Orthoserica fulvastra Brenske, 1902 [by subsequent monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Ovoserica Frey, 1968
      • Ovoserica testaceipennis Frey, 1968 [by monotypy; ??]
    • Oxyserica Brenske, 1900a
      • Oxyserica pygidialis Brenske, 1900a
    • Pachyderoserica Moser, 1920
      • Pachyderoserica crassicollis Moser, 1920 [by monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Pachypoides Fairmaire, 1884
      • Pachypoides limbipennis Fairmaire, 1884 [by monotypy; MNHN]
    • Pachyserica Brenske, 1897a [?1898]
      • Pachyserica rubrobasalis Brenske, 1897a [by monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Paragynaecoserica Khan & Ghai, 1982b
      • Paragynaecoserica pubescens Khan & Ghai, 1982b [by monotypy; ??]
    • Paraserica Reitter, 1896
      • Paraserica griesea (Motschulsky, 1866) [by original designation; ??]
                                       [=Serica griesea Motschulsky, 1866]
    • Paratriodonta Baraud, 1964
      • Paratriodonta morio (Fabricius, 1792) [by original designation; BMNH]
                                       [=Melolontha morio Fabricius, 1792]
    • Parthenoserica Brenske, 1900a
      • Parthenoserica sulcata Brenske, 1900a
    • Philoserica Brenske, 1901
      • Philoserica vittata (Blanchard, 1851) [present designation; MNHN]
                                       [=Brachyphylla vittata Blanchard, 1851]
    • Phylloserica Brenske, 1900a
      • Phylloserica unicolor (Vollenhoven, 1869) [present designation; ZMHB]
                                       [=Pleophylla unicolor Vollenhoven, 1869]
    • Pleophylla Erichson, 1847
      • Pleophylla fasciatipennis Blanchard, 1851 [present designation; MLUH]
    • Plesioserica Brenske, 1900a [emendation Dalle Torre 1912]
                                  [=Plaesioserica Brenske]
      • Plesioserica viridula (Brenske, 1900a) [by monotypy; ZMHB]
                                       [=Plaesioserica viridula Brenske, 1900a]
    • Plotopuserica Brenske, 1900a
      • Plotopuserica darwiniania Brenske, 1900a [by monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Plusioserica Brenske, 1900a
      • Plusioserica virescens (Kunckel, 1887) [by monotypy; ZMHB]
                                       [=Omaloplia virescens Kunckel, 1887]
    • Podoserica Breit, 1912
      • Podoserica reitteri Breit, 1912 [by monotypy; ??]
    • Psednoserica Brenske, 1900a
      • Psednoserica amoena Brenske, 1900a [by monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Pseudomaladera Nikolaev, 1982
      • Pseudomaladera koltzei (Reitter, 1897) [by original designation; ??]
                                       [=Serica koltzei Reitter, 1897]
    • Pseudosericania Kobayashi, 1980
      • Pseudosericania gibiventris Kobayashi, 1980 [by monotypy; ??]
    • Raysymmela Saylor, 1947 [LR Frey 1973]
      • Raysymmela bruchi (Moser, 1924) [by original designation; ZMHB]
                                       [=Symmela bruchi Moser, 1924]
    • Rhyncoserica Burgeon, 1942
      • Rhyncoserica rostrata Burgeon, 1942 [by monotypy; MRAC?]
    • Rhyncosymmela Frey, 1974
      • Rhyncosymmela pallida Frey, 1974 [by monotypy; ??]
    • Selaserica Brenske, 1897a
      • Selaserica nitida (Candeze, 1861) [by monotypy; ISNB]
                                       [=Serica nitida Candeze, 1861]
    • Serica Macleay, 1819
                                  [=Lasioserica Brenske, 1897a] [Arrow 1946a]
                                  [=Ophthalamoserica Brenske, 1897a] [subg.; Arrow 1946a; see Trichoserica]
      • Serica brunnea (Linnaeus, 1758) [by ??; BMNH; see Arrow 1946a]
                                       [=Scarabaeus brunnea Linnaeus, 1758]
      • Serica calva (Brenske, 1898a) [present designation; ZMHB]
                                       [=Lasioserica calva Brenske, 1898a]
    • Somatoserica Brenske, 1899b
      • Somatoserica sikorae Brenske, 1899b [by monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Sphecoserica Brenske, 1899b
      • Sphecoserica gracilipennis Brenske, 1899b [by monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Stenoserica Brenske, 1901
      • Stenoserica kolbei Brenske, 1901 [present designation; ZMHB]
    • Straliga Fairmaire, 1901
      • Straliga croceicollis (Fairmaire, 1901) [by monotypy; MNHN]
                                       [=Straglia croceicollis Fairmaire, 1901]
    • Symmela Erichson, 1835
      • Symmela instabilis Erichson, 1835 [present designation; ZMHB]
    • Taiwanoserica [?; type sp.?]
    • Tamnoserica Brenske, 1900a
      • Tamnoserica mutans (Brenske, 1900a) [present designation; ZMHB]
                                       [=Emphania mutans Brenske, 1900a]
    • Tephraeoserica Brenske, 1901
      • Tephraeoserica hauseri Brenske, 1901 [by monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Teraserica Brenske, 1897a
      • Teraserica timorana Brenske, 1897a [by monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Thrymoserica Brenske, 1901
      • Thrymoserica fabulosa Brenske, 1901 [by monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Trachyserica Brenske, 1900a
      • Trachyserica longitarsa Bresnke, 1900a [by monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Trichoserica Reitter, 1896
                                  [=Opthalmoserica Brenske, 1897a] [Nomura 1972; see Serica]
      • Trichoserica fulvopubens Reitter, 1896 [by monotypy; ???]
    • Triodontella Reitter, 1919 [LR Baraud 1964]
                                  [=Euronycha Peringuey, 1904] [Arrow1917]
                                  [=Hetamius Fairmaire, 1893] [de Peyrerimhoff 1945]
                                  [=Triodonta Mulsant, 1842] [preocc.]
      • Triodontella aquila (Laporte, 1840) [by ??; MNHN]
                                       [=Serica aquila Laporte, 1840]
      • Triodontella demaisoni (Fairmaire, 1893) [by monotypy; MNHN]
                                       [=Hetamius demaisoni Fairmaire, 1893]
      • Triodontella sericans (Fahraeus, 1857) [present designation; NHRS]
                                       [=Triodonta sericans Fahraeus, 1857]
    • Trioserica Moser, 1922
      • Trioserica sparsequamosa Moser, 1922 [present designation; ZMHB]
    • Trochaloschema Reitter, 1896
      • Trochaloschema iris (Semenow, 1893) [by ??; ??]
                                       [=Serica iris Semenow, 1893]

SUBTRIBE Trochalina Brenske, 1897a

    • Ablaberoides Blanchard, 1850
      • Ablaberoides aeneus Blanchard, 1850 [by monotypy; MNHN]
    • Antitrochalus Brenske, 1900a
      • Antitrochalus abyssinicus Brenske, 1902 [by subsequent monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Bilga Fairmaire, 1893
      • Bilga pictipennis Fairmaire, 1893 [by monotypy; ??]
    • Campytrochalus Brenske, 1900
      • Campytrochalus glabriclypealis (Brenske, 1902) [by subsequent monotypy; ZMHB]
                                       [=Campylotrochalus glabriclypealis Brenske, 1902]
    • Cephaloserica Brenske, 1900
      • Cephaloserica phthisica Brenske, 1902 [by subsequent monotypy; ZMHB; C. phthisica is a jr. syn. of Autoserica thompsoni (Brenske) 1894 fide Arrow 1946]
    • Cyrtotrochalus Brenske, 1900
      • Cyrtotrochalus opacus (Brenske, 1902) [by subsequent monotypy; ZMHB]
                                       [=Cytotrochalus opacus Brenske, 1902]
    • Dolerotarsa Peringuey, 1904
      • Dolerotarsa emendatrix Peringuey, 1904 [by monotypy; SAMC]
    • Eotrochalus Burgeon, 1943
      • Eotrochalus puncticeps Burgeon, 1943 [present designation; MRAC?]
    • Heterotrochalus Moser, 1918
      • Heterotrochalus macrophyllus Moser, 1918 [by monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Holoschiza Lansberge, 1886
      • Holoschiza dentilabris Lansberge [by monotypy; ??]
    • Loboserica Kolbe, 1914
      • Loboserica gracilis Kolbe, 1914 [by subsequent designation; Zool. Rec. 1968; ZMHB]
    • Mesotrochalus Kolbe, 1914
      • Mesotrochalus docilis Kolbe, 1914 [by subsequent designation; Zool. Rec. 1968; ZMHB]
    • Microserica Brenske, 1894b [as subgenus of Serica; Brenske 1898]
      • Microserica striola (Brenske, 1894b) [ZMHB; ??]
                                       [=Serica striola Brenske, 1894b]
    • Microsericaria Nikolaev, 1980

TYPE SPECIES Microsericaria quadrimaculata (Brenske, 1896) [by monotypy; ??; note Serica quadrimaculata is thpecies of Microserica; by subsequent designation Arrow 1946]

                                       [=Serica quadrimaculata Brenske, 1896]
    • Microtrochalus Brenske, 1900
      • Microtrochalus bipunctatus Brenske, 1902 [by subsequent monotypy - ZMHB & is junior synonym of Trochalus plagiger Peringuey 1892; SAMC; Peringuey1904]
    • Periserica Brenske, 1898 [LR Arrow 1927]
      • Periserica picta Brenske, 1898 [by monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Phyllotrochalus Brenske, 1900
      • Phyllotrochalus montanus Brenske, 1902 [by subsequent monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Pseudotrochalus Quedenfeldt, 1884 [type sp. ?]
    • Sphaerotrochalus Brenske, 1900
      • Sphaerotrochalus bohmi (Quedenfeldt, 1888) [by subsequent monotypy; Brenske 1902; ??]
                                       [=Pseudotrochalus bohmi Quedenfeldt, 1888]
    • Stilbotrochalus Kolbe, 1914
      • Stilbotrochalus nitens Kolbe, 1914 [by monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Triacmoserica Kolbe, 1914
      • Triacmoserica stegmanni Kolbe, 1914 [by monotypy; ZMHB]
    • Trochaloserica Brenske, 1900a
      • Trochaloserica festiva (Brenske, 1902) [by subsequent monotypy; ZMHB]
                                       [=Trochaloschema festiva Brenske, 1902]
    • Trochalus Laporte, 1832

SUBGENUS Epitrochalus Frey, 1960 [as genus; LR Frey 1968]

      • Trochalus zumpti Frey, 1960 [by original designation; ??]

SUBGENUS Trochalus Laporte, 1832 [Frey 1968]

      • Trochalus rotundatus Laporte, 1832 [by ?monotypy; ??; see Laporte 1840]
    • Xenotrochalus Moser, 1917a
      • Xenotrochalus mirabilis Moser, 1917a [by monotypy; ZMHB]
  • Tribù Sericoidini Burmeister, 1855
    • Aplodema Blanchard, 1850
                                  [=Haplodema Gemminger & Harold, 1869] [unjustified emendation]
      • Aplodema magellanica (Hombres-Firmas & Jacquelin du Val, 1842) [present designation; MNHN]
                                       [=Brachyphylla magellanica Hombres-Firmas & Jacquelin du Val, 1842]
    • Sericoides Guerin-Meneville, 1839

SUBGENUS Accia Curtis, 1845

      • Sericoides lucida (Curtis, 1845) [by monotypy; ??]
                                       [=Accia lucida Curtis, 1845]

SUBGENUS Listronyx Guerin-Meneville, 1839

      • Sericoides nigriceps (Guerin-Meneville, 1839) [by monotypy; ??; a junior synonym of Melolontha testacea Fabricius 1775 in the Sericoides Brenske 1906]
                                       [=Listronyx nigriceps Guerin-Meneville, 1839]

SUBGENUS Paralistronyx Brenske, 1906 [as genus; Martinez 1959]

                                    [=Apterodema Fairmaire, 1884a] [Martinez 1972]
                                    [=Paramaypa Brenske, 1906] [of Paralistronyx Martinez 1959]
      • Sericoides acuticollis (Fairmaire, 1884a) [by monotypy; MNHN]
                                       [=Apterodema acuticollis Fairmaire, 1884a]
      • Sericoides livida (Germain, 1862) [by monotypy; ??]
                                       [=Listronyx livida Germain, 1862]
      • Sericoides orsornoana (Brenske, 1906) [by monotypy; ZMHB]
                                       [=Maypa orsornoana Brenske, 1906]

SUBGENUS Sericoides Guerin-Meneville, 1839

                                    [=Apterodema Fairmaire, 1883] [Martinez 1972]
                                    [=Macrosoma Hope, 1837] [preoccupied]
                                    [=Maypa Blanchard, 1850]
      • Sericoides acuticollis (Fairmaire) [by monotypy; MNHN]
                                       [=Apterodema acuticollis Fairmaire]
      • Sericoides castanea Guerin-Meneville, 1839 [by monotypy; ??]
      • Sericoides chlorosticta (Blanchard, 1850) [by monotypy; MNHN]
                                       [=Maypa chlorosticta Blanchard, 1850]
      • Sericoides glacialis (Fabricius, 1775) [by monotypy; BMNH]
                                       [=Melolontha glacialis Fabricius, 1775]
    • Ulata Saylor, 1945b
      • Ulata argentina Saylor, 1945b [CASC]
    • Zaburina Saylor, 1945a
      • Zaburina colombiana Saylor, 1945a [by monotypy; CASC]
  • Tribù Systellopini Sharp, 1877 [LR Allsopp 1989]
    • Chilodiplus Sharp, 1877
      • Chilodiplus albertisi Sharp, 1877 [by monotypy; MNHN]
    • Enamillus Sharp, 1877
      • Enamillus striatus Sharp, 1877 [by monotypy; MNHN]
    • Prochelyna Erichson, 1847
                                  [=Atholerus Sharp, 1877] [Allsopp 1989]
                                  [=Tosotarsus Sharp, 1877] [Allsopp 1989]
                                  [=Toxotarsus Nonfried, 1892] [misspelling of Tosotarsus]
      • Prochelyna heterodoxa Burmeister, 1855 [by subsequent monotypy; Burmeister 1855; SMTD]
      • Prochelyna obscurus (Sharp, 1877) [by monotypy; MNHN]
                                       [=Atholerus obscurus Sharp, 1877]
      • Prochelyna velutinus (Sharp, 1877) [by monotypy; MNHN]
                                       [=Tosotarsus velutinus Sharp, 1877]
    • Sarothermus Blackburn, 1907
      • Sarothermus sharpi (Blackburn, 1905) [by original designation; BMNH]
                                       [=Enamillus sharpi Blackburn, 1905]
    • Sphyrocallus Sharp, 1877
      • Sphyrocallus brunneus Sharp, 1877 [by monotypy; MNHN]
    • Systellopus Sharp, 1877
      • Systellopus obtusus Sharp, 1877 [by subsequent designation; Allsopp 1989; MNHN]
    • Trichelasmus Sharp, 1877 [Allsopp 1989]
      • Trichelasmus pilicollis Sharp, 1877 [by monotypy; MNHN]
  • Tribù Xylonychini Britton, 1957 [key to genera Britton 1979]
    • Chariochilus Brenske, 1898
                                  [=Lepidostethaspis Arrow, 1924] [Britton 1979]
      • Chariochilus metallescens Brenske, 1898 [by monotypy; ZMHU]
      • Chariochilus squamosus (Lea, 1919) [by monotypy; SAMA]
                                       [=Stethaspis squamosus Lea, 1919]
    • Colymbomorpha Blanchard, 1850 [LR Britton 1957]
      • Colymbomorpha lineata Blanchard, 1850 [by monotypy; MNHN]
    • Exostethus Britton, 1979
      • Exostethus brunneus (Britton, 1979) [by monotypy; ANIC]
                                       [=Exostehtus brunneus Britton, 1979]
    • Modialis Fairmaire & Germain, 1860
      • Modialis prasinella Fairmaire & Germain, 1860 [by monotypy; ??]
    • Mycernus Broun, 1904 [LR Given 1952]
      • Mycernus elegans Broun, 1904 [by monotypy; BMNH]
    • Nitorellus Britton, 1957
      • Nitorellus splendida (Lea, 1919) [by monotypy; SAMA]
                                       [=Colymbomorpha splendida Lea, 1919]
    • Phyllococerus Waterhouse, 1876
      • Phyllococerus purpurascens Waterhouse, 1876 [by monotypy; BMNH]
    • Phytholaema Blanchard, 1850 [LR Saylor 1937]
      • Phytholaema mutabilis Blanchard, 1850 [by monotypy; ??]
    • Psilodontria Broun, 1895 [LR Given 1952]
      • Psilodontria viridescens Broun, 1895 [by monotypy; BMNH]
    • Pyronota Boisduval, 1835 [LR Given 1952]
                                  [=Calonota Hope, 1837] [Given 1952]
      • Pyronota festiva (Fabricius, 1792) [by original designation; BMNH; see Given 1952]
                                       [=Melolontha festiva Fabricius, 1792]
      • Pyronota festiva (Fabricius, 1792) [by subsequent designation; Given 1952; ??]
                                       [=Melolontha festiva Fabricius, 1792]
    • Stethaspis Hope, 1837 [Pope 1982; Watt 1982; LR Given 1952] [=Chlorochiton Arrow, 1903] [??] [=Neosthaspsis Dalle Torre, 1912] [for Stethaspis in error] [=Stethaspis Broun, 1893] [not Hope 1837; not Burmeister 1855; Arrow 1903; Dalle Torre 1912]
      • Stethaspis suturalis (Boisduval, 1835) [by subsequent designation; Arrow 1903; BMNH] [=Melolontha suturalis Boisduval, 1835]
      • Stethaspis suturalis (Boisduval, 1835) [Opinion ???; BMNH] [=Melolontha suturalis Boisduval, 1835]
    • Xylonichus Boisduval, 1835 [LR Britton 1957] [=Xylonychus Blanchard, 1851] [incorrect subsequent spelling]
      • Xylonichus eucalypti Boisduval, 1835 [by monotypy; unknown]
  1. ^ Family Scarabaeidae (TXT), in Synopsis of the described Coleoptera of the World, Texas A&M University - Department of Entomology. URL consultato il 3 giugno 2014.