Utente:G.dallorto/Sandbox/Film da fare
Link rossi nella pagina Omosessualità nel cinema: (fatto culturagay A-K - e T-Z)
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modificaAmerican Beauty (1999) (DA ESPLICITARE); Ben-Hur (film 1959), US (1959) (DA ESPLICITARE) c'è, ma sembra un santino parrocchiale; Fuga di mezzanotte; Troy,
modifica- A proposito di donne, (1994).
- A tutta velocità, (1996).
- A Wong Foo, grazie di tutto! Julie Newmar, USA, (1995).
- Adam and Steve
- Addio mia concubina (Farewell My Concubine), Cina, (1993).
- Ai cessi in tassì (Taxi zum Klo).
- Aimée & Jaguar (film)
- L'altra faccia dell'amore (The music lovers, di Ken Russel, 1970).
- All Over the Guy, USA (2001).
- Amanti criminali
- Amic/Amat (1999).
- Amici e vicini, (Your Friends & Neighbors, USA, 1998).
- Amici per gioco, amici per sesso, (1994).
- Le amicizie particolari (Les amitiés particulières, France (1964).
- Amor nello specchio (1999).
- Amore a prima vista
- Amore e morte a Long Island
- Amori e disastri
- L'amore fatale, (2004).
- Un anno con 13 lune, (1978).
- Another Country - La scelta di Marek Kanievska – (Rupert Everett)
- L'apparenza inganna di Francis Veber – (Gerard Depardieu), 2001).
- L'assassinio di Sister George, UK, 1964
modifica- Il bacio della donna ragno di Hector Babenco USA (1985).
- Beautiful Thing, UK (1995)
- Beefcake (film), US (1999)
- Belli e dannati My Own Private Idaho, USA (1991)
- Bent (film), o Bent USA (1997).
- Benzina (film)
- Boogie Nights - L'altra Hollywood (Boogie Nights, USA, 1997).
- I bostoniani, (1985).
- But I'm a Cheerleader, USA (1999)
- Butterfly Kiss
modifica- Camere e corridoi
- Camminando sull'acqua
- Caricies, (1998).
- Carrington
- La casa sulla collina di paglia, (Exposé, UK, 1976).
- Una casa alla fine del mondo (film), (A Home at the End of the World US (2004)
- Città nuda (From the Edge of the City, Grecia, 1989).
- Un chant d'amour di Jean Genet (Francia, 1950).
- Che mi dici di Willy? (Longtime Companion, USA, 1989).
- Chasing Amy. Vedi: In cerca di Amy.
- Chuck and Buck, USA (2000)
- Chutney Popcorn.
- Claire of the Moon, Udsa, (1993).
- Il club delle promesse, (Au secours, j'ai trente ans!, 2004).
- Colegas, di Eloy de la Iglesia.
- Il colore del silenzio, di Raffaele Piscitelli, Italia, (2005).
- Come mi vuoi
- Coming Out (film), (2006).
- Come Back to the Five and Dime, Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean USA (1982)
- La confusion des genres, di Ilan Duran Cohen, Francia, (2000).
- Cortesie per gli ospiti (Comfort of Strangers, UK/Italia, 1990).
- Cowboy di mezzanotte
- Crimes of the Future, di David Cronenberg, Canada, (1970).
- Cruising, di William Friedkin con (Al Pacino), USA, (1980).
- Cuori nel deserto, di Donna Deitch (Desert Hearts, USA, 1985).
modifica- Demoni e dei
- Dimenticare Venezia
- El diputado, di Eloy de la Iglesia, Spagna, (1978).
- Domenica, maledetta domenica di John Schlesinger (Sunday Bloody Sunday, Premio Oscar 1972)
- Donna Herlinda e suo figlio -- Doña Herlinda y su hijo , Messico (1985).
- Drôle de Félix, Francia (2000)
- Du er ikke alene (You Are Not Alone), Danimarca, (1978).
- Edge of Seventeen, US (1998)
- Der Einstein Des Sex, di Rosa von Praunheim, Germany (1999)
- L'età acerba (Les roseaux sauvages), di André Techiné, Francia, (1994).
- Ernesto (film) di Salvatore Samperi, (1978)
- Female Trouble, US (1974)
- Festa per il compleanno del caro amico Harold (USA, 1970).
- Il fico del regime, di Ottavio Mai e Giovanni Minerba
- Fireworks, di Kenneth Anger, USA (1947).
- Flawless, US (1999).
- Flesh And Blood - The Story Of The Krays/ Flesh and Blood / Flesh And Blood, di Chris Short, USA (1962).
- A Florida Enchantment, di Sidney Drew, USA, (1914).
- The Fluffer, USA (2001)
- Food of Love, Germany/Spain (2002)
- Fragola e cioccolato (Fresa y chocolate, Cuba/Messico/Spagna 1994)
- Il funzionario nudo The Naked Civil Servant, di Jack Gold, UK, (1975).
modifica- The Garden, di Derek Jarman, Gran Bretagna (1990).
- Germania in autunno, (Deutschland im Herbst, di Vari, e Rainer Werner Fassbinder, Germania, 1987).
- Geschlecht in Fesseln - Die Sexualnot der Gefangenen/Geschlecht in Fesseln, di William Dieterle, Germania (1928).
- Get Real Vite nascoste/ Get Real Vite nascoste
- Una giornata particolare, di Ettore Scola, Italia/Canada, (1977).
- Giorni
- Giovani, carini e disoccupati, (Reality Bites, di Ben Stiller, USA, 1994).
- Glen or Glenda, di Edward Wood, USA, (1953). vedi qui
- Go Fish - Segui il pesce
- Gocce d'acqua su pietre roventi
- Grasso è bello di John Waters, USA 1988, con Divine.
- Grief, di Richard Glatzer, USA (1993).
- Il gusto dell'anguria, (Tian bian yi duo yun), di Tsai Ming-liang, Taiwan/Francia (2005).
- Happy Together, Hong Kong (1997)
- Happy Texas, USA (1999)
- Head On (1998 film) -- Head on, Australia (1998)
- Hedwig - La diva con qualcosa in più, USA (2001)
- The Hi-Lo Country
- High Art, Canada/USA, (1998).
- Ho sentito le sirene cantare
- L'Homme blessé, Francia, (1983).
- The Hotel New Hampshire, di Tony Richardson, USA, 1984.
- Hustler White, Canada (1996).
modifica- L'imbalsamatore, di Matteo Garrone, Italia (2002).
- Immacolata e Concetta - L'altra gelosia, di Salvatore Piscitelli, Italia, (1979).
- L'importanza di chiamarsi Joe (Prick Up Your Ears, UK, 1986).
- In & out di Frank Oz - (Kevin Cline), USA, (1997).
- Insieme per caso, (Unconditional Love, di P.J. Hogan, USA, 2002). Con Rupert Everett.
- The Iron Ladies, di Yongyooth Thongkonthun, Thailandia, 2004.
- Isle of Lesbos, di Jeff Harmon, USA (1996).
- Jaded - Scoppiati (Jaded, di Oja Kodar, USA 1989).
- Jeffrey, di Christopher Ashley, USA, (1995).
- Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean (Come Back to the Five and Dime, Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean, Robert Altman, USA, 1982).
- Johns, USA, (1996).
- Kika - Un corpo in prestito (Kika) di Pedro Almodóvar (1993)
- Kinsey (film), di Bill Condon, USA (2004).
- Killer condom, di Martin Walz, Germania/Portogallo (1996).
- Kiss Me Guido, USA, (1997).
- Die Konsequenz, Garmania Ovest, (1977).
- Le lacrime amare di Petra von Kant, di Rainer Werner Fassbinder.
- La legge del desiderio (La ley del deseo) di Pedro Almodóvar(1986) - (Antonio Banderas)
- La legge del più forte, di Rainer Werner Fassbinder.
- Le lingua perduta delle gru (film)
- Lianna: un amore diverso, di John Sayles, USA, (1983).
- L.I.E., USA (2001)
- Like It Is, UK (1998)
- Lilies, Canada (1995)
- Lola e Bilidikid
- Lonesome Cowboys, US (1968)
- Looking For Langston, UK (1989)
- Love! Valour! Compassion!, US (1997)
- Love Is the Devil, UK/France/Japan (1998) quello sullo scultore
- A Low Down Dirty Shame, US (1994)
- Luster, USA (2002).
modifica- Ma Vie en Rose, Francia/Belgio/UK, (1997).
- Ma vraie vie à Rouen, Francia (2002)
- Making Love, USA, (1982).
- La mala educación - La mala educacion di Pedro Almodóvar, Spagna, (2004).
- Marciando nel buio
- Il mare
- Mater Natura
- Maurice (film) di James Ivory – (Hugh Grant), UK (1987).
- Mauvaise conduite, Francia (1984).
- La Meilleure façon de marcher (The Best Way to Walk), France (1976)
- Merci Dr Rey
- Mery per sempre di Marco Risi
- Mezzanotte nel giardino del bene e del male, USA, (1997).
- La moglie del soldato (The Crying Game, UK, 1992).
- Monster (film), USA, (2003).
- La morte di Mikel ('La muerte de Mikel)
- My Beautiful Laundrette - My beautiful laundrette, di Stephen Frears – (Daniel Day-lewis) - UK (1985).
- My Generation
- My Summer of Love, My summer of love, UK (2004)
- Nessuna festa per il cane di Satana
- Nessuno uguale
- Niente baci sulla bocca (Je n'embraqsse pas)
- Nijinksky
- Normal Ohio
- No Skin off My Ass, Canada (1991)
- Los novios bulgaros, di Eloy de la Iglesia.
modifica- Paris is Burning, US (1990)
- Parting Glances, USA, (1986).
- Party Monster, US (1998)
- Il pasto nudo, Canada/UK/Japan (1991)
- Personal Best, US (1982)
- Pink flamingos di John Waters
- Pink Narcissus, di James Bidgood, USA, (1971).
- Pixote - La legge del più debole, di Héctor Babenco (Pixote, a Lei do Mais Fraco), Brasile, (1981).
- Plata quemada, Francia/Spagna/Argentina/Uruguay, (2000).
- Il Prete
- Prima che sia notte (film)
- Presque rien / Quasi niente, Francia/Belgio, (2000).
- P.S. Your Cat Is Dead, USA, (2002).
modifica- Quattro matrimoni e un funerale (Four Weddings and a Funeral, UK, 1994).
- Quelle due di William Wyler, (1962)
- Queercore: A Punk-u-mentary, Canada (1996)
- Reinas
- Rent (film), USA (2005)
- Riflessi in un occhio d'oro -- Reflections in a Golden Eye, USA, (1967).
- Une robe d'été, France (1996)
- Il sapore del grano
- Saranno famosi (Fame), di Alan Parker, (1980).
- Scorpio Rising di Kenneth Anger
- Segunda piel (Second Skin), Spain (1999)
- Son frère/Son Frere
- La strada di Felix
- Streamers di Robert Altman
- Sum of us The Sum of Us -- di Geoff Burton - (Russell Crowe)
- Swoon, US (1992)
modifica- Tabù - Gohatto, di Nagisa Oshima, Francia/Giappone, 1999)
- Tacchi a spillo (Tacones lejanos) di Pedro Almodóvar (1991)
- Tempesta su Washington di Otto Preminger, USA, 1962).
- I tempi che cambiano (Les temps qui changent, di André Téchiné, Francia, 2004).
- The Times of Harvey Milk, di Rob Epstein, USA, (1984).
- Todo modo (film), di Elio Petri, Italia, (1976).
- Tongues Untied: Black Men Loving Black Men, US (1990)
- Totally F***ed Up, di Gregg Araki, USA, (1993).
- Transamerica, USA, (2005).
- Trick/ Trick (film), USA (1999)
- Trois huit/Trois Huit
- Tropical Malady, (di Apichatpong Weerasethakul, Thailandia/Italia/Francia/Germania, 2004).
- I turbamenti del giovane Törless (film) (Der Junge Törless, Francia/Germania, 1966).
- Tutti lo vogliono (Der bewegte Mann, Germania, 1999).
- The Two of Us, (di Tonge Rogers, UK, 1987).
- Un uomo da marciapiede Cowboy di mezzanotte Midnight cowbody - di John Schlesinger, USA, (1969).
- L'uomo di cenere, (Rih Essed, di Nouri Bouzid, Tunisia 1986).
- Velvet Goldmine, USA, (1998).
- Il vento, di sera, di Andrea Adriatico, Italia, (2004).
- A Very Natural Thing, US (1973)
- La vespa e la regina, di Antonello De Leo, Italia, (1999).
- Victim, UK (1961)
- Victor/Victoria, di Blake Edwards USA/UK, (1982).
- La vita privata di Sherlock Holmes, (The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes, di Billy Wilder, UK/USA, 1980).
- Vittorio e Vittoria, (Viktor und Viktoria, di Reinhold Schünzel, Germania, 1933).
- Il vizietto - (Ugo Tognazzi), (La cage aux folles, Francia, 1978).
- La volpe di Mark Ryddell
- Il voltapagine (film) The Page Turner
- Voor een verloren soldaat (For a Lost Soldier), Netherlands (1992)
- Wild Side (film 2004)
- Wilde (film), UK (1997)
- The Wolves of Kromer, UK (1998)
- Young Soul Rebels (film) - Young Soul Rebels, UK, (1991).
- Zero patience - Canada (1993)
- Zorro, the Gay Blade, USA, (1981)
Serie televisive
modificaElenco da en.wikipedia
0 - 9
modifica- $30, (short-Boys Life 3), US (1999)
- 24 Nights, US (1999)
- 54 (Studio 54 (US)), US (1998)
- '68 (film), US (1988)
modifica- Achilles, (short-The Best of Boys in Love), UK (1996)
- Adam and Steve US, (2005)
- Agnes and His Brothers, Germany (2004)
- Aimée and Jaguar, Germany (1999)
- AKA, UK (2002)
- Alexander: The Other Side of Dawn, US (1977)
- All About Eve, US (1950)
- All Over Me, US (1997)
- All That Jazz, US (1979) (c'è solo stub)
- Almost Normal, US (2005)
- Anata-ga suki desu, dai suki desu (I Like You, I Like You Very Much), Japan (1994)
- And Then Came Summer, US (2000)
- Andrew and Jeremy Get Married, UK (2004)
- Another Way, Hungary (1982)
- Anthem, US (1991)
- Arisan! (The Gathering), Indonesia (2003)
- As Good As It Gets, US (1997)
- The Attack of the Giant Mousaka, Greece (2000)
modifica- Beautiful Boxer, Thailand (2003)
- Beau Travail (Good Work), France (1999)
- Bedrooms and Hallways, UK (1998)
- Before Night Falls Prima che cada la notte, US (2000)
- Being John Malkovich, US (1999)
- Better than Chocolate, Canada (1999)
- Der bewegte Mann (Maybe, Maybe Not (US)), Germany (1994)
- Billy's Hollywood Screen Kiss, US (1998)
- Bishōnen (film), Hong Kong (1998)
- Bombay Boys (film), India (1998)
- Boondock Saints, US (1999)
- Born in Flames, US (1983)
- Borstal Boy, UK/Ireland (2000)
- Bound (film), US (1996)
- The Boys of San Francisco, US (1980)
- Boys On The Side, US (1995)
- Breakfast on Pluto, UK (2005)
- Bride of Frankenstein La sposa di Frankestein, US (1935?)
- Il vaso di Pandora, Germany (1929)
- Buffering, Hong Kong (2003)
- Bully (film), US (2001)
modifica- Caligula, US (1979)
- Camp (film), US (2003)
- Carandiru, Brazil/Argentina (2003)
- Carmelita Tropicana, US (1993)
- Chelsea Girls, US (1967)
- Chicken, Ireland (2001)
- Chicken Tikka Masala, UK (2005)
- The Children's Hour, Quelle due US (1961)
- Chinese Characters, US (1986)
- The Closet, France (2001)
- Coming Out (film), East Germany (1989)
- Cowboys & Angels, Ireland/UK (2003)
- The Cradle Will Rock, US (1999)
modifica- Dakan, Guinea/France (1997)
- Dangerous Living: Coming Out in the Developing World, US (2005)
- David Searching, US (1997)
- D.E.B.S., US (2004)
- Deathrap (1982 movie), US (1982)
- The Deep End, US (2001)
- Defying Gravity, US (1997)
- Desperate Remedies (film), New Zealand (1993)
- The Detective, US (1968)
- Die Mommie Die!, US (2003)
- Different For Girls, UK (1996)
- Dorian Blues, US (2004)
- The Dresser, Il servo di scena, UK (1983)
- The Dying Gaul, US (2005)
E - F - G
modifica- East Palace West Palace, China (1996)
- Eating Out (film), US (2004)
- Eban and Charley, US (2000)
- Elle ou lui (Sexy Dancing), France (1999)
- En malas compañías(Doors Cut Down), (short-Boys Briefs 2) Spain (2000)
- Enter the Phoenix, HK (2004)
- Entre Nous, France (1983)
- The Everlasting Secret Family, Australia (1988)
- Everyone, Canada (2004)
- Far from Heaven, US (2003) (è già stata creata come Lontano dal paradiso)
- Fast Trip, Long Drop, US (1993)
- Finding North, US (1998)
- Fingersmith, UK (2005)
- Flaming Ears, Austria (1992)
- A Florida Enchantment, US (1914)
- A Friend of Dorothy, US (1994)
- The Fruit Machine (Wonderland), UK (1988)
- Friends & Family, US (2001)
- Garçon stupide, France/Switzerland (2004)
- Gates to Paradise, UK/Yugoslavia (1968)
- Gayniggers from Outer Space, Denmark (1992)
- Gazon Maudit (French Twist (US)), France (1995)
- Geschlecht in Fesseln - Die Sexualnot der Gefangenen (Sex in Chains), Germany (1928)
- Get Real, UK (1998)
- Get Your Stuff, US (2000)
- Gods and Monsters, US (1998)
- Go Fish, US (1994)
- Goldfish Memory, Ireland (2003)
- Gone, But Not Forgotten, US (2003)
- Gosford Park, UK/USA/Germany/Italy (2001)
- Gouttes d'eau sur pierres brûlantes Gocce d'acqua su pietre roventi, France (2000)
- The Graffiti Artist, US (2004)
H - I
modifica- The Hanging Garden, UK/Canada (1997)
- Hard (film 1999), USA (1999)
- Hatachi no binetsu (A Touch of Fever), Japan (1993)
- The Haunting, UK (1963)
- Hit and Runway, US (1999)
- Ho sentito le sirene cantare, (I've Heard The Mermaids Singing, Canada, 1987).
- The Hours and Times, US (1992)
- The Hunger, UK (1983)
- Hush (2001 movie), Japan (2001)
- I Am Not What You Want, Hong Kong (2001)
- I Think I Do, US (1997)
- I'm the One That I Want, US (2000)
- Imaginary Heroes, US (2004)
- Imagine Me and You, UK (2005)
- The Incredibly True Adventure of 2 Girls In Love, US (1995)
- It's in the Water, US (1997)
- It's My Party, US (1996)
J - K - L
modifica- Je, Tu, Il, Elle (I, You, She, He), France/Belgium (1974)
- JFK (film), US (1991)
- Jin nian xia tian (Fish and Elephant), China (2001)
- Der junge Törless (Il giovane Törless), West Germany/France (1966)
- Keep Not Silent, Israel (2004)
- Kissing Jessica Stein, US (2001)
- Kleine Freiheit (A Little Bit of Freedom), Germany (2003)
- Lan Yu, Hong Kong/China (2001)
- Lapsia ja aikuisia - Kuinka niitä tehdään? (Producing Adults), Finland/Sweden (2004)
- Last Exit to Brooklyn Ultima fermata a Brooklyn, US/UK/West Germany (1989)
- Latter Days, US (2003)
- Lawrence d'Arabia (film), UK (1962)
- The Leather Boys, UK (1964)
- Lie Down With Dogs, US (1995)
- The Lion in Winter, UK (1968) Leoni d'inverno
- Lisístrata, Spain (2002)
- The Living End (film)/The Living End, US (1992)
- Loggerheads, US (2005)
- Love and Other Catastrophes Amore ed altre catastrofi, Australia (1996)
M - N
modifica- Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior, Australia (1982)
- The Maltese Falcon, Il falcone maltese US (1941)
- Mandragora (film), Czech Republic (1997)
- Mannequin (film), US (1987)
- Mannequin 2, US (1991)
- Männer wie wir (Guys and Balls (US))-short, Germany (2004)
- Merci Docteur Rey, France/US (2002)
- Mercy (film), US (1999)
- Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous, US (2005)
- The Mudge Boy, US (2003)
- My Night with Reg, UK (1996)
- My Brother Nikhil, India (2005)
- När alla vet (Sebastian), Norway/Sweden (1995)
- The Night of the Iguana / La notte dell'iguana, US/Mexico (1964)
- No se lo digas a nadie (Don't Tell Anyone (US)), Peru/Spain (1998)
- Normal (movie), US (2003)
- Norman, Is That You?, US (1976)
- Notorious C.H.O., US (2002)
- Novembermond (November Moon (US)), West Germany/France (1985)
- Nowhere, US (1997)
O - P - Q- R
modifica- Okoge (Fag Hag), Japan (1992)
- Oi! Warning, Germany (1999)
- Other Voices, Other Rooms Altre voci, altre stanze, US/UK (1995)
- Oxygono (Blackmail Boy), Greece (2003)
- La Pirate (The Pirate), France (1984)
- Poison (film), US (1991)
- Poison Ivy (film), US (1993)
- Portrait of Jason, US (1967)
- Poster Boy, US (2004)
- Il prete, UK (1994)
- Proteus (film), Canada/South Africa (2003)
- Rebel Without a Cause Gioventù bruciata, US (1955)
- Rise Above: A Tribe 8 Documentary, US (2003)
- Rites of Passage, US (1999)
- The Ritz, US (1986)
- Ronda Nocturna (Night Watch), Argentina/France (2005)
modifica- Saturday Night at the Baths, US (1975)
- Saved!, US (2004)
- Saving Face, US (2005)
- Scènes de lit, France (1998)
- Secret Places, UK (1984)
- Set It Off, US (1996)
- She's Real, Worse Than Queer UK/US (1997) ???
- Shi qi sui de tian kong (Formula 17), Taiwan (2004)
- Showgirls, US (1995)
- Silkwood, US (1983)
- Sitcom (movie), France (1998)
- Slutty Summer, US (2004)
- Something for Everyone, UK (1970)
- Sordid Lives, US (2000)
- The Spanish Gardener, Il giardiniere spagnolo UK (1957)
- Speedway Junky, US (1999)
- Spetters, Netherlands (1980)
- Staircase, UK (1969)
- Stiff Upper Lips, UK (1998)
- Straight-Jacket, US (2004)
- Summer Vacation 1999, Japan (1988)
- Sunday Bloody Sunday [Domenica maledetta domenica]], UK (1971)
modifica- The Talented Mr. Ripley, US (1999)
- A Taste of Honey, UK (1961)
- Testosterone (film), US (2004)
- Tea and Sympathy, US (1956)
- The Pink Mirror, India (2002) ???
- Things You Can Tell Just by Looking at Her, USA (2000)
- Thirteen (film), US/UK (2003)
- Three of Hearts US (1993)
- Threesome, US (1994)
- Thundercrack, US (1972)
- Times Square (film), USA (1980)
- Tipping the Velvet, UK (2002)
- To Die For (1994 film), UK (1994)
- To Be or Not To Be, US (1983)
- The Trip (film), US (2002)
U - V - W - Y
modifica- Unconditional Love, US (2002)
- Under one Roof, US (2002)
- La casa sulla scogliera, US (1944)
- Urbania (film), US (2000)
- La Virgen de Los Sicarios (Our Lady of the Assassins), Spain/France/Colombia (2000)
- The Virgin Machine, US (1988)
- What's Cooking?, US (2000)
- When Love Comes (When Love Comes Along), New Zealand (1998)
- When Night is Falling, Canada (1995)
- Whole New Thing, Canada (2005)
- Wild Flowers, UK (1989)
- Withnail & I, UK (1987)
- The Women I Love, US (1974)
- Women of Brewster Place, US (1989) TV
- Wonder Boys, US (2000)
- Woubi Chebi, France/Ivory Coast (1998)
- Young Soul Rebels, UK (1991)
- The Yo-Yo Gang, Canada (1992)