Il titolo di questa pagina non è corretto per via delle caratteristiche del software MediaWiki. Il titolo corretto è Phpwikibot.
Phpwikibot è un framework scritto in php per sviluppare bot per i siti mediawiki.
Il software, sviluppato dall'utente Kaspo, è rilasciato sotto licenza GPL.
Per scaricarlo attraverso svn:
svn checkout http://phpwikibot.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ phpwikibot
Altrimenti: Phpwikibot project
Classe Phpwikibot.php (ver. 0.1)
class phpwikibot
{ public $wiki; //wiki where bot works
public $epm; //edit for minute
public $max_lag; //max lag to server
public function __construct($username, $password, $wiki='en', $epm=5, $lag=5) //log in the wiki
{ if (!isset($username)||!isset($password))
die("\r\nError: configuration variables not set\r\n");
if(strpos($wiki, "http")==FALSE)
$this->wiki = 'http://'.$wiki.'.wiki.x.io/w/'; //if is a mediawiki project the user write only code language
$this->wiki = $wiki; //if is a wiki project
$this->epm = 60/$epm; //set edit per minute
$this->max_lag = $lag; //set max lag to server
$url = $this->wiki.'api.php?action=login&lgname='.$username.'&lgpassword='.$password.'&format=php';
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, FALSE);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, "cookie.txt");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, "wpName=".$username."&wpPassword=".$password."&wpLoginattempt=true");
$input = curl_exec($ch);
$login = unserialize($input);
$result = $login['login']['result'];
if ($result != "Success")
die("Login failed: ".$result."\r\n");
echo "\r\nLogged in as $username \r\n";
public function get_page($page, $wiki="") //get page's content
{ $wiki=$this->wiki($wiki);
$name = urlencode($page);
$php = file_get_contents($wiki.'api.php?action=query&prop=revisions&titles='.$name.'&rvprop=content&format=php');
$array=$php = unserialize($php);
$array = array_shift($array);
$array = array_shift($array);
$array = array_shift($array);
$array = array_shift($array);
$content = $php['query']['pages'][$array]['revisions'][0]["*"];
echo "Reading ".$page."\n";
public function single_replace($page, $oldtext, $newtext, $summary, $except_tag=array(), $regex=0, $minor="", $all=0, $wiki="")
{ $wiki=$this->wiki($wiki);
if ($all==1) //replace all the pages from $page
{ $this->replace_all($page, $oldtext, $newtext, $summary, $except_tag, $regex, $minor, 0, $wiki);
return TRUE;
elseif ($all==2) //replace all page's content
$oldcontent=$this->get_page($page, $wiki); //replace only part of page's content
if (($newcontent=$this->replace($oldcontent, $oldtext, $newtext, $summary, $except_tag, $regex, $minor, $wiki))<>$oldcontent)
{ $answer=$this->confirm($oldcontent, $newcontent, $oldtext, $newtext);
if ($answer[0]=="y")
$this->put_page($page, $oldcontent, $newcontent, $summary, $minor, $wiki); //edit the changes
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
public function multi_replace($page, $array, $summary, $regex=0, $minor="", $all=0, $wiki="")
{ $wiki=$this->wiki($wiki);
$content=$this->get_page($page, $wiki);
if ($all==1) //replace all the pages from $page
{ $this->replace_all($page, $array, "" , $summary , $regex, $minor, $wiki);
return TRUE;
for ($i=1; $i<=$n; $i++)
if ($text=$this->replace($newcontent, $oldtext[$i], $newtext[$i], $summary, $regex, $minor, $wiki)<>FALSE)
$newcontent=$text; //if the replace is correct it replace the old content
$this->put_page($page, $summary, $text, $minor, $wiki); //edit the changes
return TRUE;
public function create_page($page, $text, $summary, $wiki) //create a new page
{ $wiki=$this->wiki($wiki);
$content=get_page($page, $wiki);
if ($content<>"")//it check if the content is void
put_page($page, $summary, $text, "", $wiki);
echo "Error: page exixt already";
}//end create_page
public function category($category, $ns="all", $wiki="", $start="") //get all the pages of a category
{ $wiki=$this->wiki($wiki);
$cat = urlencode($cat);//convert the spaces in pluses
//echo $start== urlencode($start); sleep(10);
$start=str_replace (" ", "_", $start);
$url = $wiki.'api.php?action=query&list=categorymembers&cmtitle='.$cat.'&format=xml&cmlimit=500';
if ($ns<>"all")
if ($start<>"")
$xml=file_get_contents ($url);
$next=strstr($xml, "cmcontinue=");
$next=substr($next, 12);
$pos=strpos($next, '" />');
$next=substr($next, 0, $pos);
while (strpos($xml, '" />')<>FALSE)
{ $xml=strstr($xml, "ns=");
$xml=substr($xml, 4);
$pos=strpos($xml, '"');
$namespace=substr($xml, 0, $pos);
$xml=strstr($xml, "title=");
$xml=substr($xml, 7);
$pos=strpos($xml, '" />');
$result=substr($xml, 0, $pos);
if ($namespace==14)
{ $pos=strpos($result, ":");
$result=substr($result, $pos+1);
foreach ($result as $page)
if (is_array($page))
// else
// $result=$page;
if (is_array($result)==FALSE)
{ echo "Finding ".$result."\n";
array_push($pages, $result);
if ($next<>"")
array_push($pages, $this->category($category, $ns, $wiki, $next));
return $pages;
public function backlinks($page, $wiki="") //get all backlinks of a page
{ $url=$this->wiki($wiki);
$xml=file_get_contents ($url);
while (strpos($xml, '" />')<>FALSE)
{ $xml=strstr($xml, "title=");
$xml=substr($xml, 7);
$pos=strpos($xml, '" />');
$result[$i]=substr($xml, 0, $pos);
return $result;
}//end backlinks
public function put_notice($page, $template, $summary="", $wiki="") //put a notice template
{ $wiki=$this->wiki($wiki);
$content=get_page($page, $wiki);
if (preg_match("/\{\{s\|(.*)\}\}", $content, $val)>0)//if there is already a template stub
return $this->single_replace($page, $content, $newtext, $summary, $wiki);
}//end put_notice
public function get_template($page, $par, $wiki="") //get the values of a template
{ $content=$this->get_page($page, $wiki="");
foreach ($par as $name)
{ $string="/".$name."[ ]{0,}=[ ]{0,}([^\n]{1,})/i";
preg_match($string, $content, $val);
$pos=strpos($template[$i], "}}");//check if the template ends
if ($pos>0)
$template[$i]=substr($template[$i], $pos-1);
return $template;
}//end get_template
public function put_template($page, $par, $val, $summary, $wiki="") //put the values of a template
{ $url=$this->wiki($wiki);
$newtext="{{".$par[0]."\n";//the first array value is the array name
foreach ($par as $name)
{ if (is_array($name)==TRUE)
$newtext.=put_template($page, $name, $val[$i], $summary, $wiki);
$newtext.="|".$name." = ".$val[$i]."\n";
return $newtext;
}//end put_template
public function delete_template($page, $template, $wiki="") //completely delete a template
{ $url=$this->wiki($wiki);
$content=$this->get_page($page, $wiki="");
$pos=strrpos($content, $needle);
if ($pos>0)
$newtext=substr($content, 0, $pos-1);
$content=stristr($content, $needle );
{ if ($content[$i]=="{")
if ($content[$i]=="}")
}while ($open<>$close);
$newtext.=substr($content, $i);
return $newtext;
} //end delete_template
public function correct_redirect($oldname, $newname, $summary, $wiki="") //correct the redirect's links
{ $url=$this->wiki($wiki);
$res=$this->backlinks($oldname, $wiki);
foreach ($res as $page)
{ $oldname2=str_replace(" ", "_", $oldname);
$this->replace($page, "[[".$oldname, $newname, $summary, 1);
$this->replace($page, "[[".$oldname2, $newname, $summary, 1);
} //end correct_redirect
private function wiki($wiki)//manager wiki different from default wiki
{ if ($wiki=="")
return $this->wiki;//if it dont declarated put default wiki
elseif (strpos($wiki, "://")==FALSE)
return "http://".$wiki.".wiki.x.io/w/";//if is a mediawiki project the user write only code language
return $wiki;//if it is a other wiki project
private function put_page($page, $oldtext, $newtext, $summary, $minor="", $wiki="") //edit a page
{ if ($newtext==$oldtext)
{ echo "Same content. ".$page." isn't edited\n"; //the new content is the same, nothing changes
return FALSE;
if ($newtext=="")
{ echo "Error: the content is void. ".$page." isn't edited\n"; //the new content is void, nothing changes
return FALSE;
$name = urlencode($page);
$postrequest = $url.'index.php?action=edit&title='.$name;
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, 'cookie.txt');
curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, 'cookie.txt');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $postrequest);
$response = curl_exec($ch);
preg_match('/\<input type\=\\\'hidden\\\' value\=\"(.*)\" name\=\"wpStarttime\" \/\>/i', $response, $starttime);
preg_match('/\<input type\=\\\'hidden\\\' value\=\"(.*)\" name\=\"wpEdittime\" \/\>/i', $response, $edittime);
preg_match('/\<input name\=\"wpAutoSummary\" type\=\"hidden\" value\=\"(.*)\" \/\>/i', $response, $autosum);
preg_match('/\<input type\=\'hidden\' value\=\"(.*)\" name\=\"wpEditToken\" \/\>/i', $response, $token);
$postrequest = $url.'api.php?title='.$name.'&action=edit&format=xml&bot&maxlag='.$this->max_lag;
$postData['text'] = $newtext;
$postData['token'] = $token[1];
$postData['summary'] = $summary;
if ($minor != null)
$postData['wpMinoredit'] = $minor;
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $postrequest);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, 'cookie.txt');
curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, 'cookie.txt');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $postData);
$response = curl_exec($ch);
if (preg_match('/^Waiting for (.*) seconds lagged/', $response))
{ echo "Error: max lag hit, not posted\r\n";
elseif (preg_match('/edit result\=\"Success\"/i', $response))
{ echo "Writing ".$page."\n";
{ echo "Error";
echo curl_error($ch);
return $return;
private function replace($oldcontent, $oldtext, $newtext, $summary, $except_tag, $regex=0, $minor="", $wiki="") //replace text
{ $wiki=$this->wiki($wiki);
//if (stripos($except_page, $oldtext)==TRUE)
// return FALSE;
foreach ($except_tag as $tag)
if (($except=str_replace($oldtext, $newtext, $tag))<>$tag)
{ $oldcontent=str_replace($tag, "phpwikibot".$i, $oldcontent); //method to no show the except text in old content
if ($regex==1)
$newcontent=ereg_replace($oldtext, $newtext, $oldcontent); //if is the replace is a regex
$newcontent=str_replace($oldtext, $newtext, $oldcontent);
foreach ($except_tag as $tag)
{ $newcontent=str_replace("phpwikibot".$i, $tag, $newcontent); //method to no show the except text in old content
return $newcontent;
} //end replace
private function confirm($text1, $text2, $oldtext, $newtext) //confirm changes by user
{ $stdin = fopen('php://stdin', 'r');
while (($pos1=stripos($text1, $oldtext))<>FALSE)
{ $pos2=stripos($text2, $newtext);
if ($pos1<=50)
if ($pos2<=50)
echo substr($text1, $start1, 100)."\n";
echo substr($text2, $start2, 100)."\n\n";
$text1=substr($text1, $pos1+1);
$text2=substr($text2, $pos2+1);
echo "Do you want to do these changes? ";
return fgets($stdin, 100);
} //end confirm
private function replace_all($start, $oldtext, $newtext="", $summary="", $except_tag, $regex=0, $minor="", $all=0, $wiki="") //replace content of the all pages
{ $url=$this->wiki($wiki);
$xml=file_get_contents ($url);
$xml=strstr($xml, "apfrom=");
$xml=substr($xml, 8);
$pos=strpos($xml, '" />');
$next=substr($xml, 0, $pos);
while (strpos($xml, '" />')<>FALSE)
{ $xml=strstr($xml, "title=");
$xml=substr($xml, 7);
$pos=strpos($xml, '" />');
$result[$i]=substr($xml, 0, $pos);
if ($all==1)
{ $array=$oldtext; //the content of second value is a array with old text, new text and summary
$this->multi_replace($page, $array, $summary, $regex, $minor, 0, $wiki);
elseif ($newcontent=$this->single_replace($result[$i], $oldtext, $newtext, $summary, $except_tag, $regex, $minor, $all, $wiki)<>FALSE)
$result=$this->replace_all($next, $oldtext, $newtext, $summary, $regex, $minor, $wiki);
array_push($pages, $result);
return $pages;
//return TRUE;
}//end replace_all
} //end class
$username=""; //your username
$password=""; //your password
$wiki=''; //prefix your wiki
$epm=5; //edit per minute
$lag=5; //max lag with server
$bot=new phpwikibot($username, $password, $wiki, $epm, $lag);