Discussione:Levriero irlandese

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Per favore...smettiamo di raccontare storielle su razze "antichissime" di cani da guerra e palle del genere!

Lo Irish Wolfhound e' una "ricreazione" di una razza antica fatta dal capitano scozzese George Augustus Graham. Costui allevo cani perlopiu' di razza Scottish Deerhound, con infusioni di sangue di Alano Tedesco e di Borzoi Russo. Il risultato e' un cane un po piu' massiccio del Deerhound....ed afflitto dalla stessa cardiomiopatia dell'Alano Tedesco.....

ecco cosa scrisse il Capitano Graham:

The following week, Captain Graham replied to this letter thus: "The Modern Irish Wolfhound - July 4th, 1885 "Sir, - With reference to your obliging notice of my brochure on the Irish wolfhound in your issue of the 27th ult., permit me to point out that your deduction that it is not claimed that there is any pretension to a true strain still being in existence, will, I hardly think, be found to be the case on reperusal. If so, I have failed to express my meaning. Though I by no means assert that we still have a pure strain, yet I distinctly contend and affirm that more or less true and authentic blood does exist - quite sufficient, indeed, whereon to rebuild the old breed, with the aid of analogous crosses, in its correct form. Whilst I freely allow that the Great Dane is an extremely fine and imposing animal, I fail to perceive his claims to elegance of form or beauty, and though the deerhound has in most cases both elegance and beauty (closely resembling the Irish wolfhound in all but stature and massive build), yet he has not the great size, power, and majestic look of the old Irish dog. The members of the Irish Wolfhound Club hope to produce a dog that shall have the stature and power of the Great Dane combined with the looks and beauty of the deerhound. Excuse my so saying, but I hardly think the breed will be any more manufactured than has been the case with many that are now looked on as 'pure'. Recovered would strike me as a more appropriate term, and had it not been for this 'recovery', many of our best national breeds would have disappeared altogether, and, believe, me, Sir, it has not been accomplished without reverting freely to outside crosses. On this head my evidence is positive. "G.A. Graham, Hon. Sec., Irish Wolfhound Club." To which the Editor replied "(The question in dispute is whether the 'recovered' breed of Irish Wolfhound can be traced in any line to the original breed. We do not dispute that many other breeds have been crossed to arrive at their present form, but, as far as we know, there has been a foundation of some kind to commence with, reputed to be of the particular breed. Can this be fairly said of the modern Irish Wolfhound? - Ed.)"

Whether or not Captain Graham did resuscitate or merely manufacture the Irish Wolfhound hardly seems to matter to us in the twenty-first century; we can just be grateful to him for having given us such a magnificent and delightful breed.

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