Progetto:Matematica/Testi di storia della matematica
Questa pagina presenta in ordine cronologico testi di storia della matematica.
- 1758 Jean Etienne Montucla: Histoire des mathematiques (I parte), Jombert
- 1799-1802 Jean Etienne Montucla: Histoire des mathematiques (4 volumi completati da Joseph Jérôme Lefrançais de Lalande), Paris
- 1810 Charles Bossut: Histoire générale des mathématiques, depuis leur origine jusqu'à l'année 1808 (v. 1 e v. 2)
- 1824 Pietro Franchini: Supplementi al Saggio sulla storia delle matematiche ed alla parte algebrica, Lucca
- 1838 Guillaume Libri: Histoire des sciences mathématiques en Italie : depuis la renaissance des lettres jusqu'à la fin du XVIIe siècle, Paris
- 1840 Giovanni Andrés: Storia d'ogni matematica, Palermo
- 1843 Michel Chasles: Histoire de l'arithmétique : développement et détails historiques sur divers points du système de l'abacus, Paris
- 1848 Charles Gouraud : Histoire du calcul des probabilités depuis ses origines jusqu'à nos jours, Paris
- 1859 Bartolomeo Veratti: Del vaglio d'Eratostene e dell'illustrazione fattane da Samuele Horsley negli Atti della R. Società di Londra, Tipografia Eredi Soliani, Modena
- 1860 Bartolomeo Veratti: De' matematici italiani anteriori all'invenzione della stampa, Commentario storico del Cav. B. Veratti all'Eccellenza di D. Baldassarre Boncompagni principe romano, Tipografia Eredi Soliani, Modena
- 1861 Isaac Todhunter: A History of the Progress of the Calculus of Variations During the Nineteenth Century, London
- 1865 Isaac Todhunter: A history of the mathematical theory of probability : from the time of Pascal to that of Laplace, London
- 1873 Isaac Todhunter: A history of the mathematical theories of attraction and the figure of the earth : from the time of Newton to that of Laplace (2 volumi), London
- 1873 Heinrich Suter Geschichte der mathematischen Wissenschaften, Berlin
- 1874 Ferdinand Hoefer Histoire des mathématiques, depuis leurs origines jusqu'au commencement du XIXe siècle, Paris
- 1878-1893 Pietro Riccardi: Biblioteca Matematica Italiana dalla Origine della Stampa ai Primi Anni del Secolo XIX, Società tipografica modenese
- 1883-1888 Maximilien Marie Histoire des sciences mathématiques et physiques (12 volumi), Paris
- 1894 Moritz Cantor: Vorlesungen über Geschichte der Mathematik, Teubner
- 1900 Jacques Boyer: Histoire des mathématiques, Paris
- 1900 A. von Braunmuhl Vorlesungen über Geschichte der Trigonometrie, Leizeig
- 1902 H. G. Zeuthen Histoire des mathématiques dans l'Antiquité et le Moyen âge, Paris
- 1906 Federigo Enriques: Problemi della scienza
- 1906 Roberto Bonola: La geometria non-euclidea - Esposizione storico-critica del suo sviluppo, Zanichelli
- 1906 David Eugene Smith: History of Modern Mathematics, Boston
- 1910 Thomas Heath: Diophantus of Alexandria: a study in the history of Greek algebra, Cambridge
- 1913 E. W. Hobson "Squaring the circle"; a history of the problem, Cambridge
- 1914 Gino Loria: Le scienze esatte nell'antica Grecia (Libro I)
- 1914 David Eugene Smith e Yoshio Mikami: A history of Japanese mathematics, Chicago
- 1916 George Abram Miller: Historical introduction to mathematical literature, New York
- 1917 Florian Cajori: A history of elementary mathematics, with hints on methods of teaching, New York
- 1919 W. W. Rouse Ball: A short account of the history of mathematics
- 1919 Florian Cajori: A history of the conceptions of limits and fluxions in Great Britain from Newton to Woodhouse, New York
- 1919 Florian Cajori: A history of mathematics, New York
- 1921 Thomas Heath: A history of Greek mathematics: Vol.1: From Thales to Euclid, Oxford
- 1921 Thomas Heath: A history of Greek mathematics: Vol.2: From Aristarchus to Diophantus, Oxford
- 1922 J. L. Heiberg: Mathematics and physical science in classical antiquity, London
- 1923 J. Gow A short history of Greek mathematics, New York
- 1928 Florian Cajori: A history of mathematical notations (v.1 e v. 2)
- 1929-1935 Gino Loria: Storia delle matematiche, Torino
- 1931 Gino Loria: Il passato e il presente delle principali teorie geometriche, Padova
- 1934 David Eugene Smith e Jekuthiel Ginsburg: A History Of Mathematics In America Before 1900, Chicago
- 1949 R. C. Archibald: Outline of the history of mathematics, Buffalo
- 1950 Gino Loria: Storia delle matematiche, Hoepli
- 1953 J. L. E. Dreyer: A history of astronomy from Thales to Kepler
- 1955 A.A.V.V.: Cinquant'anni di relatività
- 1962 François Le Lionnais: Les grands courants de la pensée mathématique, Paris (vers. inglese 1971)
- 1964 Uta Cecilia Merzbach: Quantity to Structure: Development of modern algebraic concepts from Leibniz to Dedekind, Cambridge, Mass.
- 1967 Imre Toth: Das Parallelenproblem im Corpus Aristotelicum, Archive for History of Exact Science», 3 pp. 249-422
- 1968 Carl Benjamin Boyer: A history of mathematics (Trad. it.: Storia della matematica - Oscar Mondadori 1990)
- Clifford Truesdell: Essays in the history of mechanics, Springer
- M. G. Kuzawa: Modern mathematics: the genesis of a school in Poland, New Haven
- 1970 Ivor Grattan-Guinness: The development of the foundations of mathematical analysis from Euler to Riemann, Cambridge, Mass.
- 1972 Morris Kline: Mathematical thought from ancient to modern times, New York
- 1974 Jaakko Hintikka: The method of analysis: its geometrical origin and its general significance, Dordrecht
- 1975 Otto Neugebauer: A history of ancient mathematical astronomy
- 1977 Herman H. Goldstine: A history of numerical analysis from the 16th through the 19th century, New York
- Herman H. Goldstine: A history of the calculus of variations from the 17th through the 19th century, New York
- Maurice Kendall, R. L. Plackett (eds.): Studies in the history of statistics and probability, London
- 1978 Jean Dieudonné: Abrégé d'histoire des mathématiques 1700-1900
- 1980 Herman H. Goldstine: The Computer from Pascal to von Neumann, Princeton University Press
- 1981 Jean Dieudonné: History of functional analysis, North-Holland
- 1981 Morris Kline: Mathematics, the loss of certainty, Oxford University Press
- 1981 Luigi Pepe: Il calcolo infinitesimale Italia all'inizio del XVIII secolo, Boll. Storia Sci. Mat. 1 (2) pp. 43-101.
- 1982 Morris Kline: Mathematical Thought from ancient to modern times, Oxford University Press
- 1984 Nicolas Bourbaki: Elemens d'histoire des mathématiques, Masson
- 1982 Morris Kline: Mathematics and the search for knowledge, Oxford
- 1986 Angelo Guerraggio: Economics and mathematics in Italy between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, Scientia, 121 pp. 13-63
- 1987 Ivor Grattan-Guinness (ed.): History in mathematics education: proceedings of a workshop held at the University of Toronto, Canada, July-August 1983, Paris, Belin
- B. A. Rosenfeld: A history of non-euclidean geometry: evolution of the concept of a geometric space
- Y. Li: Chinese mathematics: a concise history, Oxford
- 1988 Enrico Giusti: Confronto del calcolo infinitesimale in Leibniz e Newton, Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Politec. Torino 46 (1) pp. 1-29
- J. V. Grabiner: The centrality of mathematics in the history of Western thought, Mathematics magazine, 61 pp. 220-230
- C. Avelsgaard: Women in mathematics: the silent minority, The Mathematical intelligencer, 10 (4) pp. 32-34
- 1989 J. Stillwell: Mathematics and history, Springer
- 1990 Umberto Bottazzini: Il flauto di Hilbert, UTET
- 1991 Jan Karel Lenstra, Alexander H. G. Rinnooy Kan, Alexander Schrijver (eds): History of mathematical Programming, North Holland
- G. Howson: Mathematics education: a historical view, Impact of science on society, 160 pp. 303-313
- 1992 D. Gillies: Revolutions in mathematics, Oxford
- Lucio Lombardo Radice: La matematica da Pitagora a Newton, Roma
- 1993 Viktor J. Katz: A history of mathematics. An introduction, HarperCollins
- 1994 S. Grover: History of development of mathematics in India, Delhi
- A. Horiuchi: Les mathématiques japonaises à l'èpoque d'Edo (1600-1868): une Etude des travaux di Seki Takakazu (?-1708) et de Takebe Katahiro (1664-1739), Paris
- Hugh Thurston: Early astronomy, Springer
- Lucio Russo: The astronomy of Hipparchus and his time: a study based on pre-Ptolemaic sources, Vistas Astronom. 38 (2) pp. 207-248
- Ivor Grattan-Guiness ed.: Companion Encyclopedia of the History and Philosophy of the Mathematical Sciences
- 1995 Jaakko Hintikka (ed.): From Dedekind to Gödel: essays on the development of the foundations of mathematics, Dordrecht
- 1996 Andrei Kolmogorov, Adolph Yushkevich: Mathematics of 19th century - Geometry, analytic function theory, Birkhäuser
- 1996 Lucio Russo: La rivoluzione dimenticata - Il pensiero scientifico greco e la scienza moderna, Feltrinelli
- 1998 Andrei Kolmogorov, Adolph Yushkevich: Mathematics of 19th century - Constructive function theory, ordinary differential equations, calculus of varitions, theory of finite differences, Birkhäuser
- 2000 Ivor Grattan-Guiness: The search for Mathematical Roots, 1870-1940, Princeton University Press
- 2001 Andrei Kolmogorov, Adolph Yushkevich: Mathematics of 19th century - Mathematical logic, algebra, number theory, Probability theory, Birkhäuser
- 2003 Lucio Russo: Flussi e riflussi - Indagine sull'origine di una teoria scientifica, Feltrinelli
- 2003 Pietro Nastasi e Rossana Tazzioli (a cura di): Per l’archivio della corrispondenza dei matematici italiani: Aspetti di Meccanica e Meccanica Applicata nella corrispondenza di Tullio Levi-Civita, Quaderni Pristem, Centro Eleusi, Università Bocconi, Milano, n. 14
- 2005 Umberto Lucia: L’insegnamento della matematica nella Riforma scolastica di Paolo Boselli del 1909, L’insegnamento della Matematica e delle Scienze integrate, 28 B, 4, pp. 307-332
- 2005 Angelo Guerraggio e Pietro Nastasi: Matematica in camicia nera. Il regime e gli scienziati, Bruno Mondadori
Collegamenti esterni
modifica- Pagine web con bibliografie sulla storia della matematica
- Bibliography index in MacTutor costituito da circa 700 titoli.
- History Topics Index di MacTutor - Ogni articolo è accompagnato da una bibliografia
- A Century of Mathematics in America AMS copyright 1989 Edited by Peter Duren
- BSHM Links to Web Sites on the History of Mathematics
- Earliest uses of various mathematical symbols by Jeff Miller
- Earliest known uses of some of the words of mathematics by Jeff Miller
- History of Indian mathematics by Ian Pearce
- History of Mathematics, public domain article
- History of calculus by Fred Rickey