Iscritto il 19 lug 2013
(Wikipedia member and author since 19 July 2013)
Art history mustn’t mean art administry, so let's help Wikipedia!
The three colour portraits of Isabella d'Este in the Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna - perhaps including mix-up?
Ambras Miniature — anonymous Mantuan artist (16th century)
Isabella in Rosso — Rubens (c. 1605) after Tiziano (c. 1524-36)
Isabella in Nero (assumed as youthful idealisation after Francesco Francia in 1511) — Tiziano (1530s)
Note: After Isabella's death portraits with capigliara were marketed as the famous 'prima donna del mondo'. Isabella in Black is identified by an inscription on a Dutch etching three generations later. There is neither idealisation nor similarity, so this identification is doubtful and the variance might block missing identifications.