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2 settembre

Call for help : translate small Wikimedia extension into Italiano (15 phrases)

Lingua Libre SignIt for Firefox (:meta:SignIt. Works on Chrome/Chomium/Edge if installed manually). I has 660 French signed words as of now.
Fish in French Sign language

Hello Italiano Wikipedians, after coding a small Wikimedia extension Lingua Libre SignIt for Firefox, I could use your help to translate it into Italiano. This extension is still experimental, it aims to promote sign languages learning among the general public by leveraging Wikimedia Commons's sign languages videos. We would like to add "Italiano to Lingua dei segni italiana" in the future. To do so, one required step is to translate those 15 short phrases, could you help to translate those here. Italiano is one of the last major languages missing, your help would be appreciated to tackle that.

On the long run we also look for wikimedians interested by sign languages and for volunteers fluent in Lingua dei segni italiana to record videos. Please ping me if interested..
On the coding side, his web extension code is small so it's a good project for intermediate JS developers to join in.

Thank you for considering this request. Wish you the best. Yug (msg) 20:59, 2 set 2022 (CEST)[rispondi]